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A block of text that has been “emojified” meaning that it now contains an absurd number of emojis in them. An attempt to ridicule the use of emojis in text.


    ACHOO‼️What was that⁉️⁉️😏😏 Uh-oh😯 looks like you just got 👀👀 coronavirus 😤😜😜
    Don't  you know that the coronavirus 🤒 is CUMMING💦 to America 🇺🇲⁉️🤢🤕🤒🤤  The world 🌏 HOE Organisation 🙈👅 is calling HOE-VID19📅 a POSSIBLE  PANTIE-DEMIC👄👌👈
    No more  touching daddy 😫😫🧓 until you wash🚿🚿 your dirty 🤢🤮nasty little 🤞  fingers🖐️🖖✋  for 6️⃣9️⃣ secounds with sHOEp 💧 and water💦💧👅  otherwise it doesn't count 🤡🤡🤡
    Time  to stop 🛑 spredding your germs🤢🤒🤕 and start spredding 😯 your  legs👣👄👀 because everyone 👩👨‍🏫👷‍♂️🧜‍♂️is TWERKING😈😈 from  home🏠🏡
    SEND THIS TO 1️⃣0️⃣ coronavirus cunts 👉👌 otherwise the coronavirus 🙀🙀 is cumming 🍆🍑🍆 for you too 2️⃣



      how 2 wash ur hands: a comprehensive guide

        How to 2️⃣ wash ur hands 😳👐
        Step 1 - find 🔍 sink 💦💦
        Step 2 - turn 🔁 tap on ✅
        Step 3 - Put hands 👐 under ⬇️ Water 👐💦💦
        Step 4 - Put soap 🧽🧼 on wet 😳💦 hands 👐
        Step 5 - Rub 👌 hands together 👐
        Step 6 - Make sure 👌 to scrub 🧽 all over hands 👐
        Step 7 - Wash soap 🧼💦🧽 off hands 👐
        Step 8️⃣ - Turn tap 💦🚿 off 😔
        Step 9 - Dry 🚬🏝 hands 👐 with paper 📝 towels ( don’t use 😳😳 hand dryers 🤢🤢🤢)
        Step 10 - be 🐝👐 disease free 👨‍⚕️👩‍🍳🧈

        🤠 🙂 🤜🎩 *tips fedora

          🤠 🙂 🤜🎩 *tips fedora
          🤠 🙃 *flips upside down and fedora falls off
          🙃 🙁 😶 *tries to flip back up but the smile won't flip so dissolves face
          😶😷 *puts on facemask to fit in with no mouth
          😷 😶 😆😂 *gets ridiculed for having no mouth
          😶🔪😐🤐 *Cuts a hole in face with knife and puts zipper over it to heal
          😐👦👨👴 *face heals with growth
          👴💀 *dies
          Like if you cried 😂😂😂😂💯💯💯💯

          Jack and Jill

            Jack and Jill went up the hill🗻🏞
            So Jack could lick her candy 🍭🍬
            🅱️ut Jack got a shock😳🙌💯
            And a mouthful of cock👄💦🍆
            Cause Jill’s real name is R🅰️ndy 😈

            general grievous doe

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