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I’ve come to complain about Drytron.

    Based on the original “Eggman announcement” copypasta from Sonic the Hedgehog. It started as a parody video on YT and became an iconic meme ever since.

    I've come to complain about Drytron.
    Drytron is the most overpowered deck ever made. They negated my Fluffal Cat. That's right, they summoned their Herald of Ultimateness out and negated my Fluffal Cat. And they said that their Herald's defense was 3000. And I said, "Why isn't this card a HOPT!?" So I'm making a callout post on my Drytron players you've got an overpowered boss monster, it's gotten Benten and Eva limited/banned. And guess what? Here's what I've got in my deck! Pulls out playset of Forbidden Droplets That's right baby, no responses, no interruptions. Look at that, I can send two Toy Vendors and a Lichie Rich. They negated my Fluffal Cat, so guess what? I'm going to negate their Herald of Ultimateness! That's right this is what you get, MY SECRET RARE FORBIDDEN DROPLETS!! Except I'm not going to just negate Herald of Ultimateness... I'm going to negate more... I'm negating their Drytron Fafnir! How do you like that Drytron players!? I negated your omni-negate you idiot! You have 23 hours before the Forbidden Droplets negate your Herald in our duel, now get out of my site before I OTK you turn two.