Copypasta and circle jerk response to reddit culture or hivemind mentality. Primarily done to ridicule AITA sub or r/relationship_advice absurd nature.
I lose my lane in the first 5 minutes. I go 0-10 through the game. I have the least souls in the game. My build is shit. My aim is shit. My game-sense is shit. I am waiting to respawn for 50% of the game. I die first in team fights. All of this, but I still keep winning. My teammates carry me through every game. I have resigned myself to be the team backpack. I’m am doing nothing more than watching my wraith or haze assemble the stones to the infinity gauntlet and snap the entire enemy team out of existence. I am nothing more than morale support. I’m the water boy. I am the dancing monkey that entertains my team as they carry me to victory. The more I win, the harder the games get and the harder I throw. At this point I have Netflix open on the other screen to watch while respawning. I want to loose but my luck is too much. Some consider luck to be a part of skill. If that is true, how can someone have absolutely zero skill have so much luck? The other day I left my computer open and my cat walk over the keyboard. To my surprise, Bebop (my 10 y.o. Hairless cat) opened deadlock, queued Paradox, and demolished the enemy team 20-0. My cat is better than I am. I am lower than an animal. I want to uninstall the game, but my aim is so bad I cannot even hit the uninstall button. I try to play a different game but I accidentally open up deadlock and queue vindicta in a matter of milliseconds. I am sincerely sorry if I am on your team, you don’t want me to be there, I don’t want to be there. If you want to avoid me, I queue from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm central time, on the east coast servers. This is a warning for all who queue during these times. I apologize in advance. Goodbye to all, I am off to queue vindicta.
Started as a post on the University of Nevada subreddit, it became a meme due to the typo in the title that makes the whole thing so much funnier. Its part of a series of copypasta that started from university rant or post.
This is driving me insane and I’m losing sleep. At least twice a week my roommate will randomly sit up at like 3 am in his sleep and scream his lungs out. I mean full on screaming as if his life is in danger. It lasts like 12 seconds and then he’s right back to sleeping. It wakes me up every single time and scares the shit out of me. I asked him this morning if he has night terrors and he acts like he has no idea what I’m talking about. This has been going on for a month and a half and if it goes on any longer I’m going to lose my mind.
Part of a series of university/college copypasta that came from their respective subreddit and spread from there.
so i was sitting in the back row of my lecture and i realized my fly was unzipped. I was trying to fix it up before anyone saw me. however, my zipper was caught in the boxers, and it wouldn't move no matter how hard i tugged. this was creating a commotion, and these 3 girls were starting to stare.
so, i started making grunting noises to indicate i was trying to fix my pants. however, it seemed like it made it worse because they started whispering and more people started to stare. so eventually i just gave up and walked out the room.
when i came back, everyone kept giving me weird looks. i am really sorry for today and i just wanted to clear the air.
As a born and raised New Yorker, I don’t understand how anyone in NYC, the coffee capital of the world, still chooses Starbucks when we’re literally surrounded by the best independent coffee shops in the universe. Are you fucking kidding me bro?! There’s literally hand-poured, single-origin beans roasted by someone’s uncle in the back of a Brooklyn warehouse, and you’re gonna opt for a soulless corporate chain? How basic can you get?
Do you even care about supporting small businesses? Or do you just enjoy being a cog in the capitalist machine, getting your watered-down PSL with three pumps of sugar while pretending to live a “New York life”? And don’t get me started on the lack of creativity. “Oh, look at me, I’m holding a Starbucks cup, I’m soooo New York.” No, you’re not. You’re just lazy.
If you’re paying $6 for a cup of coffee, at least give it to the places where the baristas know your order AND your name. Seriously, go to any corner in Bushwick, the coffee shops have actual culture. Meanwhile, Starbucks’ “baristas” are misspelling your name on purpose.
EDIT: First time posting on circle jerk ny & I’m so proud of myself cause I really got a bunch of you thinking I’m dead serious. Using this as evidence for my claim that media literacy should be a required course before students graduate cause some of yall are dumb as hell lmaooo.
This subreddit doesn’t allow users to upload images as comments, so please imagine a two-panel comic starring the Heavy from the 2007 first-person shooter game Team Fortress 2. In the first panel, which has a blank white background, he is giving the camera a thumbs-up, smiling amicably. Behind him is a desk with a powered-off laptop resting on its surface. The caption above him reads, “1) Open Reddit”, implying that he is about to log on to social media. In the second panel, captioned “2)”, the background is now black, the sheer intensity of its darkness somehow casting shadows onto Heavy’s back. The Russian man is now staring into a monitor, the contents of his social media jaunt unseen to the viewer, for better or for worse. It is likely that this is for the better, however, as Heavy’s blank eyes and relaxed jaw imply that his consciousness is no longer present even though his body persists. This image may be seen as a commentary on the objectively reprehensible opinions certain social media users may express under the perceived veil of anonymity, shared either to disconcert other users as a joke, or due to a serious character flaw, the likes of which may require the help of a therapist to rectify.
Being downvoted on reddit sucks man.
There’s something uniquely frustrating about being downvoted on Reddit. You put time and effort into crafting a thoughtful comment, sharing your perspective, or even just making a light-hearted joke, only to see those downvotes start piling up. It feels like a personal rejection, even though logically, I know it’s not. It's not just that someone disagrees with me—they’re actively saying my contribution doesn’t matter, that it’s not worth anyone else seeing. It stings.
What really gets to me is how impersonal and anonymous it is. There’s no feedback, no dialogue—just a faceless number that slowly erases your words from the conversation. It’s like being shouted down in a crowd, but you can’t even see who’s doing the shouting. Was my point misunderstood? Did I offend someone without realizing it? Or maybe people just don’t care? That lack of closure gnaws at me, making me second-guess everything I write.
Worse, Reddit’s algorithms treat downvotes like poison. If you get too many, your comment becomes invisible, buried at the bottom of the thread. It’s like you never even spoke, like your voice was silenced. And let’s be real—sometimes it feels like people downvote for the most trivial reasons. You used the wrong wording, or your humor didn’t quite land, and suddenly your comment is spiraling into the negatives.
It’s hard not to take it personally, even when I know I shouldn’t. I can tell myself it’s just the internet, that downvotes don’t define my worth, but the sting of being dismissed, of not being heard? That’s hard to shake off.