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Hollow knight is amazing game, yet people ruins it, because you can’t talk about it anywhere

    You are lecturing me of how I act and mention that you agree with my point, but then somehow mod team does nothing about that community at all. Of course I'm infuriated with that kind of people. And calling them idiots is the biggest euphemism I ever use, because these people have mental issues and they should be called more than just that. They are toxic and ruins everything for everyone. Hollow Knight is amazing game, yet people ruins it, because you can't talk about it anywhere, because people will always go for stupid shit like "Team Cherry bad" or how they will boycott it, bla bla bla. Mod team does nothing to prevent that at all and you are surprised I am mad? And that whole drama with that shitposter shouldn't even take place. He should be silenced long time ago. By mods of this sub. And every other posts doing the same should be banned now as well. Mods here doesn't do anything to make the sub wholesome. All posts are about how Team Cherry is bad. This is the community you are proud of? Because I am not. I am extremely annoyed by that. This is one of the worst communities ever existing anywhere in the world. I've seen many toxic communities and Hollow Knight is one of the worst. So don't give me the "calm manner". I would be calm if people weren't extremely toxic here. 
    Hollow knight is amazing game, yet people ruins it, because you can’t talk about it anywhere, because people will always go for stupid shit like “team cherry bad” or how they will boycott it, bla bla bla 

    I can’t stop winning

      I lose my lane in the first 5 minutes. I go 0-10 through the game. I have the least souls in the game. My build is shit. My aim is shit. My game-sense is shit. I am waiting to respawn for 50% of the game. I die first in team fights. All of this, but I still keep winning. My teammates carry me through every game. I have resigned myself to be the team backpack. I’m am doing nothing more than watching my wraith or haze assemble the stones to the infinity gauntlet and snap the entire enemy team out of existence. I am nothing more than morale support. I’m the water boy. I am the dancing monkey that entertains my team as they carry me to victory. The more I win, the harder the games get and the harder I throw. At this point I have Netflix open on the other screen to watch while respawning. I want to loose but my luck is too much. Some consider luck to be a part of skill. If that is true, how can someone have absolutely zero skill have so much luck? The other day I left my computer open and my cat walk over the keyboard. To my surprise, Bebop (my 10 y.o. Hairless cat) opened deadlock, queued Paradox, and demolished the enemy team 20-0. My cat is better than I am. I am lower than an animal. I want to uninstall the game, but my aim is so bad I cannot even hit the uninstall button. I try to play a different game but I accidentally open up deadlock and queue vindicta in a matter of milliseconds. I am sincerely sorry if I am on your team, you don’t want me to be there, I don’t want to be there. If you want to avoid me, I queue from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm central time, on the east coast servers. This is a warning for all who queue during these times. I apologize in advance. Goodbye to all, I am off to queue vindicta. 

      Hey this is Phil from the Small Weiner Club

        Its a meme that’s posted around Steam profiles as a joke circa 2020 but had since become somewhat mainstream thanks to a lot of voiceovers most notably the Misato voicemail one.

        Hey this is Phil from the Small Weiner Club, sorry to get back to you so late, I just finished reviewing your application and information you sent in. But I am sorry to say that I don't think I can allow you to join our group. From what I'm looking at, your weiner is massive. I mean the sheer girth and juiciness alone is ridiculous. It looks as if somebody glued a forearm to the bottom of your torso. You could probably stand on it like a tripod, and thats not even mentioning how fat your nuts are. But it does appear that you are going to have to take that ginormous schmeat somewhere else. But thank you for trying, and best of luck to you. 
        Hey, this is Phil from the small wiener club, sorry I got back to you so late. I just finished reviewing your application and information you sent in, but I am sorry to say that I don't think I can allow you to join our group. From what I looking at your cock is MASSIVE. I mean the sheer G I R T H and juiciness alone is just ridiculous. It looks as if somebody glued a forearm to the bottom of your torso, you could probably stand on it like a tripod; and that's not even mentioning how FAT your nuts are. But unfortunately it does appear like your going to have to take that ginormous SCHMEAT uhh somewhere else, but thank you for trying, and best of luck to you.