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I want to bang Sinclair so fucking bad

    Sinclair copypasta from Limbus Company
    Holy fucking shit. I want to bang Sinclair so fucking bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the main story I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of him online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Sinclair. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted in Sinclair' tight sinner bussy. I want him to have my mutant human/sinner babies. Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the chicks. I'd dressed it in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my iPhone 13. I might not ever get to see Sinclair again.

    Every Limbus Company copypasta

    My little sister (age 12) has gotten into a bad habit recently.

      My little sister has gotten into a bad habit recently. Apparently she had just discovered from one of her friends that a guy's testicles are very sensitive, and she felt the need to test this. So a couple of weeks ago when I was in the shower she snuck in behind me and grabbed my balls, then started squeezing and pulling with all her might. It was hot in the shower and my balls were very loose, so needless to say it was very painful. And I'm not the big macho type that can handle these kinds of things.
      I tried to grab at her and get her off but she was crouched down too far behind me to reach. Her hands wouldn't budge from my balls either, no matter how hard I tried to pry her off. After about 30 seconds of me yelling at her to stop, threatening her in all kinds of ways, I felt nauseous. My knees buckled and I fell to the shower floor. While still holding on, she started shouting crap about how strong guys' balls are so weak and vulnerable. Eventually she stopped and ran away, while I lied on the floor for another 15 minutes.
      That night I tried to have a talk with her, and tell her that you can't do something like that. She's only 12, after all, and probably doesn't know any better. But the talk was absolutely pointless, she just played dumb the whole time, denying that anything happened. I got so frustrated that I walked out, but I couldn't bare to tell my parents about it. That's just too embarrassing for me to handle.
      So for the last 2 weeks whenever it was just the two of us in the house she would sneak up behind me and try to grab my balls. Of course it was harder for her since I had clothes on unlike the time in the shower, but she somehow always managed to slide her hands up my shorts and squeeze just before I could turn around.
      It's getting very dangerous now. Yesterday was the reason I decided to share my story here. She got a fierce grip on my left nut and I fell to my knees. She must have gotten good at it, as I had never felt this much pain before. I started getting woozy and losing focus, barely able to say anything to her. I passed out within 10 seconds.
      I think this is what she wanted. I woke up in the middle of the den where I collapsed, completely nude, and sprawled out on my back. My balls ached like never before, and I'm pretty sure they were a shade of purple. I couldn't get up. My head was ringing, but I was able to make out the voices of two or three of her friends from school in her room.
      I'm very worried that she doesn't know the real harm in what she is doing. I could've been neutered for all she knew. I can't leave my room without getting paranoid and constantly looking over my shoulder. I don't even shower or change my clothes anymore. Anything to avoid being naked around her. How do I get her to stop? I don't want to hit my sister, but that may be the only option. Help me 

      El otro dia me soplé el pene en la mesa y a la gente no le gustó

        La gente es hipócrita, yo lo sé, pero cuando dicha hipocresía viene de nadie menos que tu propia familia, entonces eso no sólo duele, sino que además, te da algo en qué pensar...
        Vivimos en una sociedad tan obstinante, cretina, y ridículamente codificada hasta el colmo de lo infinito, que tenemos que ponernos a meditar al menos dos, cuatro o seis veces las cosas que decimos antes de decirlas o lo que hacemos antes de hacerlo, pues si no, entonces los demás se toman la libertad de ofenderse a la ligera con uno, y tal vez ni siquiera por convicción personal, sino porque son puras normas absurdas de sociedad.
        Resulta que yo nací con una extraña condición que poca gente posee: puedo soplar por el miembro.
        Así que después de que mi primo hizo un chiste y todos se rieron, yo quise hacer lo mío. Llamé la atención de la gente para que me vieran, me bajé el zipper del pantalón y, cubriéndome el pito para que las mujeres no lo vieran, soplé por el pene haciendo que la servilleta se moviera y todo.
        Total que todo el mundo se quedó callado y mi mamá me vio con mala cara. Cambiaron el tema sin decir nada, y me hicieron pasar pena.
        Malditos sean.

        English version

        The other day I blew my penis on the table and people didn't like it
        People are hypocritical, I know, but when said hypocrisy comes from no one less than your own family, then it not only hurts, but also gives you something to think about...
        We live in a society so obstinate, cretinous, and ridiculously codified to the point of infinity, that we have to start meditating at least two, four or six times the things we say before saying them or what we do before doing it, well if no, then others take the liberty of taking slight offense to one, and perhaps not even out of personal conviction, but because they are purely absurd rules of society.
        It turns out that I was born with a strange condition that few people have: I can blow through my member.
        So after my cousin made a joke and everyone laughed, I wanted to do my thing. I called people's attention so they could see me, I unzipped my pants and, covering my dick so the women wouldn't see it, I blew through my penis making the napkin move and everything.
        Total that everyone was silent and my mom looked at me with a bad face. They changed the subject without saying anything, and made me feel sorry for them.
        Damn they are.

        Mi novio prefiere masturbarse a estar conmigo

          Hola , me gustaría pedir consejo, desde un tiempo acá , mi pareja me evita, anteriormente me fue infiel y ahora estamos en terapia de pareja, acabamos de empezar, pero yo soy una persona muy sexual y necesito hacerlo a diario o casi, obvio si no se puede o no apetece no sé fuerza, pero mi preferencia es a diario y si puede ser más de una vez mejor. De un tiempo a ahora mi novio me evita en repetidas ocasiones , y pasan días sin contacto físico, pero en cuanto salgo por la puerta aunque sean 5 minutos a tirar la basura el se masturba. Estoy un poco desconcertada con esta situación porque no creo que sea por mi aspecto ya que , sinceramente tengo cola de chicos interesados en mi, tanto por físico como por personalidad, por algo que yo no veo mucho que sea así ya que mi pareja ni se fija casi, pero debo ser bastante atractiva para el resto. Me gustaría algún consejo o algo que hacer. Ya probé ropa interior que le gusta, juegos etc... Soy muy abierta en este aspecto... Gracias por la ayuda.

          English version

          My boyfriend would rather masturbate than be with me
          Hello, I would like to ask for advice. My partner has been avoiding me for some time now, he was unfaithful to me before and now we are in couples therapy, we have just started, but I am a very sexual person and I need to do it daily or almost, obviously yes. You can't or you don't feel like it, I don't know how strong it is, but my preference is daily and if it can be more than once, better. For some time now, my boyfriend avoids me repeatedly, and days go by without physical contact, but as soon as I walk out the door, even for 5 minutes to throw out the trash, he masturbates. I'm a bit confused by this situation because I don't think it's because of my appearance, since, honestly, I have a line of guys interested in me, both because of my physique and my personality, because of something that I don't see very often as my partner doesn't even know almost fixed, but I must be pretty attractive to the rest. I would like some advice or something to do. I already tried underwear that he likes, games etc... I am very open in this aspect... Thanks for the help.

          AITA for (accidentally) pulling my yogurt slinger out on a Livestream?

            IShowMeat is IShowSpeed
            So I (18M) was live streaming a popular horror game that was made for children. For context I don't like to wear underwear because I chafe and my balls are sensitive. So anyways I got jump scared by this animatronic named Chica, but while I was screaming I realized that she was actually kinda hot for an animatronic bird. Naturally I started thrusting my hips toward the camera and exclaiming about how I wanted to smash this robot, when all of a sudden my leather hammer slipped right out of my pants! As soon as I realized that my cock was dangling in the cold, open air I put it away and ended the stream. Now everyone is calling me names and accusing me of doing it intentionally. Some people are talking about how I flashed a bunch of miners, but what does coal have to do with anything? Also, through all of this not one post that I've seen has talked about how big my pork sword is! I'm so hurt and distraught that I can't even rub one out to that animatronic bird now. So Reddit, AITA for showing my meat on stream?

            IShowSpeed dick size calculation

              IShowSpeed dick was recently exposed in FNaF stream
              Judging by what speed is wearing, we can confidently say that speeds wearing are unisex size M or L Nintendo pajama pants looking online you can determine that pants like that are usually have a inside leg size of 29 (M) or 30 (L).
              looking at photo 4th you can see that the bit speed showed was around 6.5 x the size of his penis, so his soft/semi-hard penis size is: 29 / 6.5 = 4.4 inches 4.4 += 0.5 inches for lost dick size under pajamas 4.9 inches soft/semi ~ hard
              to determine his hard/max size, i found a quote on a medical artical about penis sizes and the diffrence between growers and showers: "The propensity for a penis to grow is directly proportional to how far you can pull it away from the body (i.e. how stretchable the collagen fibers are within the skin of the penis). Growers tend to have a significant increase — approximately 50 percent — stretched. Showers will hardly stretch at all."
              with this, we can calculate that: 4.9 inches * 1.5 = ~7.35inches (if speed is a grower) ~5.1 to 5.4 inches (if speeds a shower)