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Pantheon of Hallownest

    Pantheon of Hallownest speedrun intro
    The Pantheon of Hallownest is a challenge from a game called Hollow Knight where the player takes upon all the bosses in a row. If they ever die, they reset at boss 1. Which can be really painful since each attempt can take around 40 minutes. The thing is that all the bosses have been faced before except the final boss which is the hardest boss in the Pantheon, which means it's also the hardest in the game.
    When the player starts, they will fight a couple bosses then have a bench are to get to max soul and HP. Plus being abme to change their charms for the next fights. These happen about every 5 bosses except for the first 5. If the player has completed 8 separate bindings on the previous 4 pantheons, the player can also get lifeblood mask which is bonus health so the soul can be used for other stuff instead of healing.
    Each of the bosses order is a combination of the previous 4, with the first 30 bosses being in close accuracy to the first 3 pantheons. While the last 12 are not even close to being the same order.
    Once the player reaches the end, they take upon the end. The final 2 bosses in the game. The pressure they feel is unreal. Knowing if they die, they gotta reset it all from boss 1. The battle starts with the first boss, if they beat it. The final boss, and the hardest one, begins. If they survive long enough and deliver the final blow, they join 1.6% of people who actually have beaten it.

    MFW I’ve been sucking a man’s cock

      be me
      super straight male
      get horny one night and decide to go use the local glory hole
      actually kinda enjoy it
      half way through person on the other side moans
      it's a guy's moan
      realize ive been sucking a man's cock this entire time

      My best friend came out gay to me.

        Me and my friend have known each other for more than 5+ years, and we would always joke and call each other "homiesexuals", until yesterday where he came out as gay and said he developed feelings for me, im straight but what should i do? i dont wanna lose my friendship with him

        I take off all my clothes

          I take off all my clothes, furiously masturbate thinking about how much better I am for sleeping naked, swing my flaccid dick around four times counter clockwise, three times clockwise, then I assume a gymnasts starting pose and do a backflip into my bed, then I spend 20 minutes finding the perfect applause stock audio on YouTube so I can feel fulfilment for once in my life. Then I snuggle up under the covers, assume a fetal position, then I reach around and tickle my massive balls as I drift into sleep.

          I am a 23 year old man from South Sudan

            I am a 23 year old man from South Sudan, I have spent most of my life in a continuous war, it was a normal day 2 weeks ago as I was fighting. Then, the Sudanese fighters played this absolute masterpiece, we then began to all put down our guns and dance to this lyrical masterpiece. Thank you, sir. For Peace this song changed my life. My entire view of everything that exists in this world, in fact, even in the entire universe. I can never look at anything I know the same way again. This song represents emotions that most humans could never understand. But I can. Thanks to this song I was awakened to many things previously considered unimaginable. Thank you for this exquisite song.This video is an exquisite masterpiece, out of every single video I have ever even heard of on the entire platform, this by far has enlightened me to do fly, lose 90 pounds and even become the president of the United States, and I'm going to tell you why this is such a masterpiece as if hearing the creators, no, god of this universes luscious voice. I would like to express my thanks to you. My gratitude for your indisputably magnificent assistance is almost infinite. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I really like your contribution that you have in our society, you really make a difference and help others out, the world could always use more people like you. Gosh, what a polite and humble fellow. It is such a kind honour for someone as low as me to be in contact with someone of a level such as yours. I thank you once again my good friend. A world without you, would be a world I would not be able to live in, and I believe I share that opinion with most people. I can rest easy tonight knowing you helped. I appreciate you and everything you stand for and on behalf of everyone on planet earth, thanks. Yes I 100% agree no lie I am 10/10 with you in this statement no question. You are completely absolutely correct and have made no mistake in your sentence whatsoever and I applaud you for that as you have made a thoughtful statement that many agree with and those that disagree are in the minority because your statement has absolutely no faults and thus is completely without a question correct and deserves nothing but agreement. and by the way, super saiyan blue theme is a very powerful, moving song that showcased the capabilities of human emotion. It used groundbreaking technology to create stunning sounds that would mesmerize the listeners. This song is suitable for all ages; whether you're 5 years old, or 50, you should listen to this song. It is inspiring and it showcases the spectrum of human nature and how humans communicate with each other. This song revolutionized the music industry and set the bar high for other songs. In the future historians will look back on this song and regard it as the pinnacle of human achievement. It was a roller-coaster from start to finish, the nail-biting song will leave you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Listeners will find themselves absorbed by the heartwarming tale of a relentless, determined african tribes who didn't let societies standards shape his/her/it's life. I was shocked by how intense and gripping this song was. The plot is rich, unpredictable and touching. This isn't your typical african war song, this song is a war with one's emotions. Tales of africa is a stirring masterpiece that only comes once in a millennium. This thrilling instruments makes it a jaw-dropping performance that properly utilizes the medium. I rate this song 10 african tribes/10 african tribes, and will never listen to it again as every time I get saddened by the the fact that there will never be a song to match this masterpiece.

            Often seen with “I’m currently crying so hard right now” copypasta

            Fibra de vidro na camisinha

              Fazem 6 anos que meus pais se divorciaram, e alguns meses atrás, minha mãe arranjou um novo namorado. O filho da puta é um maconheiro, e esse tipo desperta todo tipo de sentimento em mim. A casa depois de alguns dias virou a porra de um fumódromo, não podia mais nem visitar mamãe sem que sentisse um absurdo repulso, a putrefação do lugar era nojento. Em um acesso de raiva, decidi fuder com a vida do maluco.
              Rapidamente vasculhei as gavetas até encontrar uma com camisinhas. Percebi que por algum motivo, o idiota as deixava abertas, e não pude desperdiçar a oportunidade. Eu trabalho em uma oficina de carros, e um dos meus ofícios era fazer consertos com fibra de vidro. Tinha alguns baldes com o pó, e coloquei em várias camisinhas.
              Passaram-se alguns dias, e nada. Até que então, recebo uma ligação de minha mãe, chorando. O trouxa tinha cortado todo o pau, e estava em um pronto socorro. Naquele dia, senti-me um verdadeiro prankster. Ouvi dizer que teve que amputar a rola, que otário. Fazem já 2 semanas que se matou.

              Open English version

              Fiberglass in condom
              It's been 6 years since my parents got divorced, and a few months ago, my mom got a new boyfriend. The motherfucker is a stoner, and that guy triggers all kinds of feelings in me. After a few days the house turned into a fucking smokehouse, I couldn't even visit my mother without feeling an absurd revulsion, the putrefaction of the place was disgusting. In a fit of rage, I decided to fuck the madman's life.
              I quickly went through the drawers until I found one with condoms. I realized that for some reason, the idiot had left them open, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I work in a car repair shop, and one of my trades was fiberglass repair. I had a few buckets of powder, and I put them in several condoms.
              A few days passed, and nothing. Until then, I get a call from my mother, crying. The muggle had cut his entire dick off, and was in an emergency room. That day I felt like a real prankster. I heard he had to have his cock amputated, what a sucker. It's been 2 weeks since he killed himself.