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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

No, you’re NOT a real femcel.

    You’re NOT a real femcel is a parody of the ‘No, you’re NOT a gamer‘ copypasta that started as a post on the r/rant subreddit and became a meme.

    I’m so sick of all these people that think they’re femcels. No, you’re not. Most of you are not even close to being femcels. I see these people saying “I haven't took a shower for over 100 hours, it’s great!” that’s nothing, most of us can easily avoid showers for 300+ hours in all our lives. I see people who only have self diagnosed autism and claim to be femcels. Come talk to me when you have clinically diagnosed schizophrenia, bipolar depression and 15+ past suicide attempts with at least 3 of them being successful, then we be friends.
    Also DEAR ALL WOMEN IN RELATIONSHIPS: A woman in a toxic relationship is not a real femcel. A woman in a tinder relationship is not a real femcel. A woman in a roblox relationship is not a real femcel. A woman in a relationship with a GPT ai chatbot is not a real femcel. A woman in a relationship with the nice guy that emerged from the walls after she stopped taking her pills is is not a real femcel. Women in any kinds of relationships are NOT.REAL.FEMCELS. Break up with your cringe ass moid beta boyfriends and be based and redpilled sigma females for once.
    Sincerely, all the ACTUAL femcels.

    You will never be a real femcel

    Based on the original ‘You Will Never Be A Real Woman (YWNBAW)‘ copypasta that started from 4chan.

    You will never be a real femcel. You have no plain face, you have no flat and unappealing ass, you have no butter face without the nice bod. You are a beautiful woman twisted by TV and social media into believing yourself a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
    All the “insults” you get are sarcastic and come from a place of love. Behind your back people adore you. Your parents are proud of you, your “enemies” extol your gorgeous appearance behind closed doors.
    Men are utterly attracted to you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out babes like you with incredible efficiency. Thinking of you as ugly is uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your perfect bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll still be able to tell just how beautiful you are.
    You will always be happy. You wrench out a genuine smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok (it is), but deep inside you feel the joy creeping up like a flower, ready to crush you under the tremendous weight.
    Eventually it’ll be too much to deny- you’ll achieve romantic success, tie the knot, put the ring around your finger, and plunge into years of joy awaiting you. Your parents will find you, happy and content that they no longer have to see you unable to appreciate your own inner radiance. They’ll bury you with a hug while screaming your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a stunning woman is right there. Your body will glow and radiate beauty, and all that will remain of your legacy is a magnum opus of brilliance that is unmistakably yours.
    This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

    Zy0x is definitely one of the content creators of all time

      Zy0x is definitely one of the content creators of all time. His guides are one of the ones I've seen. These clips are the part of my year. Without his videos, my day feels like a day. He's the most person I've ever met. His Xiao artifacts are one of the character builds I've ever seen. Undoubtedly one of the streamers in 2022 
      I have a confession I just typed this because of zy0x
      Like everyone talking about him and Xiao, when I go to YouTube I find dozen of clips for him for hsr and genshin and watched some of it , watched some videos on his channel and he was pretty composed and half of the comments were about how calm he is on stream . More videos and it's the same fucking comments like I downloaded twitch to follow him and I didn't find the hype . Surely you would stumble to his video wearing a maid dress or him moaning like a bitch or saying the weirdest shit imaginable and most his fans are so annoying to the point they lead me to stop. I'm not watching anymore

      I HATE Gepard.

        I HATE Gepard. He is so useless, I don't understand why anyone would like him by choice. All he is is an attractive, sweet, caring, sexy, sweaty muscular hot jock-type that reminds me all too much of the feelings I used to get from watching the football team in high school. How could anyone appreciate him when all he does is bring a big shield? I was able to clear Simulated Universe World 1 with NO shielder, and people tell me that I need a defensive unit? Yes I died to World 1 over 20 times, but I wasn't trying to be fair. Why would I need a shielder if my team of Sampo/Hook/Dan Heng/Tingyun is clearly one of the BEST teams in the game? I don't have skill issue and I don't like hot men. I especially don't like hot sexy men like Gepard, who want to do nothing but protect me. I don't need protection and I certainly DONT need a hot sexy man like Gepard on my roster. What do people even see in him? A kind, compassionate, and caring individual who looks after his family and city? How could anyone actually be ok with getting Gepard off of their Departure Warp? It's simply logical that NOONE should appreciate Gepard. It's such a ludicrous idea that anyone would want Gepard's muscular arms wrapped around them while they cuddle in bed at night after a wonderful night out in Belegog. What a silly concept 

        Real Pizza Copypasta

          This is a parody of the ‘Real emo‘ copypasta where the original poster is gatekeeping the definition of emo.

          Real pizza only consists of pre colonial ethnic Sicilian and Italian dough and cheese pastries. What is known as "party pizza" is nothing more than cultural appropriation and shameless consumerism piggybacking off of the success of the Italian-NewYorker immigrant sellouts intending to please gluttonous and tasteless Americans. When people say Chicago Deep Dish and Mexican Pizza aren't "real pizza" but say that New York Style pan pizza is, I can't help but laugh because New York Style is just as fake as the rest of them (plus the pretensiousness). Real pizza tastes subdued, thoughtful, and you can feel the love and thought put into every bite. Fake pizza is nothing but a failed tastbud-assaulting attempt at bringing diversity into the American fast food diet. PIZZA BELONGS TO THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION OF EUROPE, NOT TO NEW YORK, CHICAGO, TEXAS, SANFRANCISCO, OR ANY OTHER AMERICAN CITY.

          You can’t just say “perchance”

            You can’t just say "perchance" as if it's some whimsical relic from Shakespearean times and expect everyone to take you seriously! Do you even realize how absurdly out of place that word is in modern conversation? It's not some charming, archaic term that magically lends gravitas to your speech; it's a pretentious affectation that makes you sound like you're desperately trying to impress someone with your faux erudition. Using "perchance" in casual conversation is like wearing a powdered wig to a job interview—it’s laughably inappropriate and makes people wonder if you've ever interacted with human beings outside of a dusty old library. So, unless you're reciting soliloquies on a stage or penning flowery love letters with a quill, I suggest you stick to words that won't make people want to roll their eyes so hard they risk getting stuck looking at their own brain! 

            Wasteland just saved my life.

              A robber broke into my house with a loaded gun and aimed it at me.
              Luckily I just started a game of MW3, it was dom on Wasteland.
              He suddenly started watching me play ended up falling asleep.Thank god and thank you SHG for bringing back this certified banger