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This is the worst map in the history-the worst song, the worst map, the worst-like-dude

    Pro Osu player was commenting on Cookiezi maps on his livestream which got clipped and became a meme.

    This is the worst map in the history-the worst song, the worst map, the worst-like-dude like, this is just, like what the hell is this? Dude every time I like- I randomly click on
    cookiezi's stream I see him playing that map it makes me like wanna blow my brains out in
    fortnite, ya know, with the pump shotgun? It's so annoying. Like what is wrong with him? It must be so brain damage to play that... and then I just instantly click off his stream, that's just like,
    and then I'll go and check reddit and they'll be like "oh my god he did this like crazy score", and
    then I'll tune into his stream and then he'll be playing this stupid ass annoying pee dough file map. #KWANGRINDSET 💪😎

    What does Not for Sale Fossil Even Mean?

      What does Not for Sale Fossil Even Mean? Like a Fossil that’s not for sale? Why don’t they just say Fossil not for Sale? Kinda Dumb if you think about it. Or is she like referring to like a person like, Not for Sale, Fossil, she’s calling a grandma or a grandpa oh. Why would she even be selling a Fossil? is she an archeologist? Oh maybe it’s about like, her selling her soul to like, oh wait I don’t think I can talk about this on Stream.

      Dude. I. … LIKE… Who? look away because you put shit after the spinner.

        From a livestream where a pro Osu player Ryuk was commenting on Junshin Always beatmap.

        Dude. I. ... LIKE... Who? look away because you put shit after the spinner. Dude this map already never ends at the end. Look look look. Listen listen. Okay. Like, like this. Okay. Big jumps, alright, alright. Okay fine, there's an outro, alright. Come on, you're about to end. You expect it.. it's about to end on this one stream and that's it. No, it goes back again and you get another one. It keeps going like you're about end. Yeah, yeah. Oh, there's a big….. one more jump right. Okay. Nope, there's still more jumps. And then you get this. And then you get this stupid thing. And then the spinner and then there's one more, there's two more. Stop!!! Just shut the fuck up and end the song already!!! This is fucking unbelievable…

        I can’t take it anymore. I’m tired of being underwater

          This is a parody of the Xiangling copypasta thats started from Twitter and became a meme afterwards.

          I can't take it anymore. I'm tired of being underwater. I pull for Arlechinno, she can't use her kit underwater. I want to play my top 1% Ganyu. She can't use her bow underwater. I want to grab materials with Nahida. She can't do it underwater. I want to jump around with Cloud Retainer. She can't use her skill underwater. I want to play Shenhe, Ayaka. They both can't do anything underwater. Navia grabs me by the throat. I give her mora. I get her geo gems. I endlessly kill a robot couple for her. She isn't satisfied. I have an abundance of other enemy drops. "I don't need any of these" She tells me. "Give me more oceanic pearls". She drags Neuvillete and they both force me to dive in the sea. "You just need to get us more materials. We can do more damage with higher level talents." I can't even look up Chiori's skirt while farming. I don't have mods... Wait a minute, I don't even have Neuvilette, what does he even wan- He brings Furina with him. She's in ousia form. "Guess this is the end." She calls her salon members. She says "Madam Crabaletta pinch his balls." There are no hint of sadness in their eyes. Nothing but pure 30 seconds of chasing me throughout the sea before they despawn because she cant use her skill underwater. What a cruel world. 

          “Bruh did you ever hear about the GOAT Darth Plagueis the Wise?”

            The story of Darth Plagueis the Wise but bastardized using Gen Z slang and made into a copypasta.

            "Bruh did you ever hear about the GOAT Darth Plagueis the Wise?" 
            "Oof. The Jedi wouldn't tell you, that's pretty sus. It's a Sith banger. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so based and so boujee he could use the Force to fuck with the midichlorians to straight up make life. He was so extra he could even keep his fam from unaliving." 
            'No cap?' 
            "Fr fr, no cap." 
            'Bffr, that's-' 
            "Let me cook, Anakin. The dark side of the Force is legit bussin, even though some people think it's a lil cooked." 
            'What happened to him?' 
            "He was such a baller but he had mad FOMO that he'd lose his rizz, which is exactly what fuckin happened, lmao. He was pretty delulu and taught his apprentice everything he knew, and then his apprentice clapped back and unalived him in his sleep. Absolutely memeworthy, he could save others but not himself. Pretty mid tbh." 
            'I'm gagged. Is it possible to learn this power?' 
            "From an NPC Jedi? Nah." 
            'Ok boomer.'

            I saw Steve Jobs at the Apple Store in New York when the iPod touch first came out

              This is an old copypasta that is a parody of the classic ‘I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in LA‘ that started from 4chan.

              I saw Steve Jobs at the Apple Store in New York when the iPod touch first came out. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photo with my then new iPhone or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. He walked away and while I continued waiting in line, and I heard him chuckle as he walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like 10 black iPods in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the iPods and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “because it’s the Apple way,” and then turned around and winked at me. I think they were all the same memory. After she scanned each iPod and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.