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Thank you We The Sus Music!

    So my dad is a raging homophobe. When I was 7 yrs old he nearly beat me to death for sleeping in the same bed as my friend in Minecraft. He overheard me listening to this song and burst into my room. I braced for impact, fearing the worst. Instead he remained silent and I saw this strange look in his eyes that I'd never seen before.
    He just divorced my mom and told us he is moving to Puerto Rico with his longtime partner Antonio Banderas and he's not coming back. Thank you We The Sus Music!

    Las Vegas Shooting Copypasta

      During the Las Vegas shooting Stephen Paddock supposedly expent 3000+ rounds of ammunition over the course of ten minutes from 27 AR-15's with bumpstocks despite the facts that it would have required him to drop a gun after each 30 round magazine was empty, even though videos from survivors show that it was a nonstop stream of ammunition with a firing rate much higher than a bumpstock is capable of producing from multiple locations that appear to be M240 LMG's. More interesting is the fact that after the FBI took over the investigation, his house somehow burned down with all of the evidence, and photos of the hotel room he shot from only show 50 spent shells. Years later we still have no motivation, and there was strangely no follow up on the biggest mass shooting in US history. Most confusing is that the day after his brother had numerous press interviews where he claimed it made no sense, he was arrested for possessing several hundred terabytes of child porn on a 20 year old computer running Windows 95, at least according to the photos taken by the FBI.

      You will draw me a picture of Todoroki Shoto

        Your artwork of Asui Tsuyu from Boku no Hero Academia came across my feed yesterday and I found it to be excellent. Your art style captured her subtle qurkiness perfectly, and the green-toned, water-themed background suited her equally well. Boku no Hero Academia is my favorite anime. You will draw me a picture of Todoroki Shoto, full body, eyes flaming (one of fire, one of ice in accordance with his double Quirk), engaged in a battle with Ashido Mina, subduing her with his superior strength. Draw her breasts extra full, and her body lithe. You have until 20:00 Mountain time this evening. Am I understood? Apparently I have not made myself clear enough for your peasant brain. I have stated the guidelines for which the artwork you will complete for me, and the time by which it will be completed. I suggest you get to work before you suffer the consequences. You are wearing my patience thin, missy. Hop to it. (That was not an intended Asui Tsuyu pun, though I am known to be clever.) I may be young in years, but it is highly evident that it outpace you in intelligence by an immeasurable distance. Begin my artwork now before I lose patience. Listen closely, little girl. Final warning. Have my requested artwork delivered via this DM chat by 20:00 Mountain time this evening, or else. I should have expected as much from an idiotic SJW dullard such as yourself. Additionally, I find your use of derogatory terms such as “weeaboo” and “weeb” to be highly offensive. I am neither a “weeaboo” or a “weeb”, I am proudly an Otaku. Consider my offer retracted. I will simply have to seek out the services of a better, more intelligent artist, whose beliefs and ideals align more consistently with my own. I am indeed rather close with Ishida-sempai, but I refuse to bore him with your dim-witted demand. Your inferior intellect offends me and would surely offend Ishida-sempai as well.

        Gay Sex

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