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When EDG is ahead in man advantage, Kang Kang feels that EDG is at a great advantage and thus he will push aggressively.

    When EDG is ahead in man advantage, Kang Kang feels that EDG is at a great advantage and thus he will push aggressively. When EDG is even in players, Kang Kang thinks that EDG is at a small advantage, and he so he pushes aggressively to fight to secure their "lead". When EDG is behind by one player, Kang Kang thinks that EDG is at a disadvantage and so he looks for an aggressive play to regain control of the game. When EDG is down multiple players, Kang Kang thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not make an aggressive play.

    Original variation was MLXG from LoL

    That’s that real discord kitten valorant

      1 kill, 20 assists? That’s that real discord kitten valorant, I 100% respect it. Those are the stats I put up when I’m tryna get free discord nitro from some shady guy I met on craigslist.Y’all wouldn’t get it

      Hello Everynyan

        "Hallo, everynyan! How are you? Fine, shank you."
        "OH MY GAH!"
        "I wish I were a bird."
        "Why are you speaking in English?"
        "My daughter is going to America."
        "A bird?"
        "I am not a bird. I am a cat! If I'm not a cat, what am I?"
        "...Your face sorta looks like... ...Mori. The previous prime minister..."
        "Ohhh!! I'm sorry!!"
        ...Cat walks in.
        "Ohh, are you a real cat? But, look at my cat tongue, thus proving I'm a cat!"
        "Ooh!! I have a cat tongue, too!!"
        "Then, I shall rip out your tongue!!"
        "WHAAAT?! WHYYY?!"

        So, I was at this cattle fair with me dad when I was seven.

          All these fucking cows around, as you do get at the cattle fairs. And then this one cow got this trapped wind, like--there's a technical name for it, but I don't know what the fuck it is. Anyways, this cow starts expanding like a mad thing, starts really ballooning up, and that's really dangerous, because they can die like that. And nobody knew what to do, til this short, tiny fella popped up. He was just passing by, like. And he takes out a fucking screwdriver and jumps into the pen, and everybody's going, "Oh fuck, no," like. And the short fella starts stabbing big fucking holes in the side of this cow, like. And we all thought he was mental, going stabbing a cow, like. But then the cow started deflating back to normal, because that's what you're supposed to do with a cow with trapped wind--stab the fucker. So everybody gave this short fella a round of applause, for being so on the ball, like. But then he starts giving us his whole life story about what an expert he is on fucking cows. And he says this gas that's coming out of the cow, it's the exact same gas as the gas in your oven back home. And everybody said, "Fuck off, is it the same." But the short fella said, "It is! Watch." And he lights the fucking gas, like! So there's this stream of fucking fire shooting out of this cow! And we were so impressed, like, and we gave him another round of applause. But the gas must have backed up inside or something, because the cow fucking exploded.
          Best day of me fucking life, that cow exploding.

          Where were u when submarine die?

            Apology for bad English
            Where were u when submarine die
            I was at house eating Dorito when phone ring
            “Submarine is kill”

            GameCube™ has a handle

              I always laugh at posts like this. The GameCube™ has a HANDLE! You somehow ignored that, completely missing the easy transport factor that would come with using a GameCube™. The genius of the Nintendo® GameCube™ is shown through the handle and can only be appreciated when utilizing it. It's so miraculously designed that many people can't even feel the weight of the GameCube™ once they pick it up. The design staff worked hard on the handle, maybe even more than on the rest of the parts of GameCube™ combined, but people like you fail to realize the beauty crafted by the ascended beings that are the Nintendo® dev team. Some fools have even gone so far as to say that the Switch™ was the first real 'portable' console from Nintendo®. Are they blind? The GameCube™ may not have sold as many units as the Wii™, but that was solely due to the strict quality assurance that Nintendo® has about their products. And do you know what the main issue was that caused most of the units not to be shipped from the factory to the public? The handle. Every handle had to be perfect and custom crafted. Barely one out of ten handles could live up to this lofty standard.
              Nintendo® wanted us to use the handle. To bring our GameCubes™ to the park with us for picnics, or to go to the beach with. Yet I ask people about this, and most of them haven't even built a sandcastle with their GameCube™. Instead they leave it locked in some small cupboard in the dark. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. GameCubes™ have helped us all through difficult times and we have repaid them poorly. Most people don't even take their GameCube™ for a walk once a week, let alone the daily walk that a GameCube™ should have. The handle is there for a reason guys. Use it. Your GameCube™ doesn't deserve this kind of treatment, and I know you'll both be happier once you start embracing the power of the handle.