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Please Do Not Apply to Google

    Hey everyone,
    So, I've been doing a lot of thinking and planning about my future career, and after countless hours of research and introspection, I've come to a decision that I feel really good about: I want to work at Google. It's like, they've got everything. The cool offices, amazing projects, and free snacks!!!! ffs!
    Now, here's the thing. We all know how competitive it is to get a job at Google. I mean, they only have so many spots, and I really, really want one of them. I'm not that good at coding, so, I've come up with a strategy that I think is going to help me out, and I need your cooperation.
    This might sound a bit unconventional, but hear me out. I'm kindly requesting, for the sake of my career aspirations, that everyone here on r/csmajors please refrain from applying to Google this year. Just for this year. Think of it as a personal favor to a fellow CS major who has their heart set.
    I know we're all striving to make it big in the tech world, but if you could please consider other companies for your applications this year, that would be great. There are plenty of other amazing tech companies out there! Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook – the list goes on. Google is just one of many.
    I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. It's not every day that someone gets a shot at their dream job, and with your help, I'm hoping to make my dream a reality. Let's all support each other's aspirations, starting with not applying to Google. Just for this year, please and thank you!
    Sincerely, A Future Googler

    University version

    Hey everyone,
    So, I've been doing a lot of thinking and planning about my future career, and after countless hours of research and introspection, I've come to a decision that I feel really good about: I want a to enter a University. It's like, they've got everything. The money, the work, and a purpose in life!!!! ffs!
    Now, here's the thing. We all know how competitive it is to get into a good University. I mean, there's only so many spots, and I really, really want one of them. I'm not that good at being smart, so, I've come up with a strategy that I think is going to help me out, and I need your cooperation.
    This might sound a bit unconventional, but hear me out. I'm kindly requesting, for the sake of my academic aspirations, that everyone here on r/csmajors please refrain from applying to universities this year. Just for this year. Think of it as a personal favor to a fellow CS major who has their heart set.
    I know we're all striving to make it big in the tech world, but if you could please consider self studying this year, that would be great. There is a plenty of material out there! YouTube, libraries, internet the list goes on. Universities are just one of many.
    I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. It's not every day that someone gets a shot at their dream university, and with your help, I'm hoping to make my dream a reality. Let's all support each other's aspirations, starting with not going to universities. Just for this year, please and thank you!
    Sincerely, A Future Student