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Guide for Twitch TTS Troll and Funny Dono

    Funny Twitch Text-To-Speech (TTS) messages are donation messages that causes ‘Brian’ the default Twitch TTS to glitch out and read the text in funny ways. These dono messages are usually done by inserting a string of symbols or characters at the end of the sentence. Its one of the reason why you’ll hear Brian repeating the word 777 multiple times at the end of the message.

    You should always test out your messages in advanced before actually donating or risk looking like a Pepega. The easiest way is to use site like these to test out how your dono would sound like. Below is a list of every funny Twitch TTS sound that has been done over the years.


    My sprinkler goes like thisstststststststststststststststststststststststst and comes back like titttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttte

    Printer sound

    The exam results came in ᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺ! ᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺᴺ! you got a grade of awesome streamer.

    777 spam (Talking fast)

    To make Brian talk fast you simply need to put the 777 spam at the end of your sentence. If you want Brian to talk normal then fast, you’ll have to put a comma or dot right before the words you want to be spoken fast. The 777 spam isn’t the only way to change the speed, here’s the full list of everything you can use.

    chat. we. forgot. let me look out the window. oh fuck its yellowstone we are so dead 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

    Diaresis spam (Talking fast)

    Another common way to change the speed of TTS is by using the Diaresis spam. This is done by putting the string ¨¨Ï¸ at the end of your sentence and spam it.

    chat. we. forgot. let me look out the window. oh fuck its yellowstone we are so dead ¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸

    Gulping (Drinking water)

    I am drinking water Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. I need more water Guhm. Guhm. Guhm.

    Speed change (using Diaresis) + Gulping sound

    By combining different modifiers, you can come up with some truly creative dono messages such as this. The gulping sound becomes more obvious when spoken slowly while the hyperactive part is funnier in the context of the person drinking too much energy drink.

    Chat. I. didnt. Get. Any. sleep. Last. Night. Im. So. Tired. I. THink. I. Need. a. Redbull. Ah. Heres. One. Let. Me. Take. Some. Gulps. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Ah I feel so much better but i think ill have some more i need energy im still kinda grogy. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. Guhm. HOLY SHIT MY SO FUCKING HYPER I CAN FEEL POWER FLOW THROUGH MY VEINS IM READY TO START THE DAY¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨¨¨Ï¸¨¨¨¨Ï¸¨¨Ï¸¨¨¨Ï¸

    Pause mid sentence

    Use / if you want the TTS to pause while reading your message. A single / lasts approximately 0.142 seconds. Therefore, a full second needs 7 backslashes. Here is a great example of a streamer falling for it!

    Hey xQc I hope you're doing well. Today has been a bad day for me. I would feel better if I got a shout-out from my favourite streamer / / / / / / / / / / / / Could you possibly get Hassan to give me a shout-out.

    Slicing potatoes


    Cat wakes you up like this Meow. Meow. Meow

    Don't you just hate it when your cat wakes you up like this? Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow.

    ROFLCopter goes soi soi soi

    My ROFLCopter goes soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi

    Beatboxing sounds

    Some beatbox? Sure thing! wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?sse,wbe?TICHDVDXTCHE. TICHDVDXTCHE. TICHDVDXTCHE. TICHDVDXTCHE. TICHDVDXTCHE. TICHDVDXTCHE. TICHDVDXTCHE. TICHDVDXTCHE. ᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶ ᴹᴺ: . ᴶᴳᴾ ᵂᴺ: ᴺᴺ: ᴹᴺ: . ᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶ ᴹᴺ: . ᴶᴳᴾ ᵂᴺ: ᴺᴺ: ᴹᴺ: .ᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶ ᴹᴺ: . ᴶᴳᴾ ᵂᴺ: ᴺᴺ: ᴹᴺ: .ᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶᴷᴶ ᴹᴺ: . ᴶᴳᴾ ᵂᴺ: ᴺᴺ: ᴹᴺ: .. ᴶᴳᴾ ᵂᴺ: ᴺᴺ: ᴹᴺ:



    Changing Speed of TTS

    Speed of TTS can be modified by spamming these characters at the end of your message. You can use any of these characters, each one will make your text faster. Its one of the main reason you’ll hear Brian repeating 7s or ‘diaresis’ after reading the dono’s message. Its not random shitposting, they were using these to change the speed of how Brian read their message.

    The currently fastest speed modifier characters known are as follows:

    ¡, ===, 􃈜, ⁽, ⁾

    ¡ is generally the safest and best to use modifier, as it is a character that is a well known symbol and won’t be banned/filtered.

    An additional note: The max number of 7’s to make Brian pronounce the full number is 135. If we include 135 or less “7”’s, then Brian will pronounce the full number (seven hundred and seventy seven vigintillion) and so on. If we have 136 or more, Brian will simply say “seven seven seven seven”, etc. Keep this in mind if you really want the ending numbers to be emphasized. 

    Here is a string of 135 seven’s you can include, that will ensure Brian will say the whole number: 


    If you include just one more seven, Brian won’t say the whole number, and it will be “seven seven seven seven seven…”

    ¨¨Ï¸Pronounced “diaresis”
    ¨¨¸¨¨¨¸Pronounced “cedilla diaresis”
    7Seven hundred and seventy seven trigintillion
    WUpple you
    ¿Inverted question mark
    Pronounced “seventeen dot”
    Pronounced “seventeen”
    Sprinkler sound.
    Retarded ‘fluff’
    􃈜Pronounced “opening parenthesis, closing parenthesis”
    ¡Pronounced “Inverted exclamation mark”
    Dot dot dot but sounds like a beatbox after a while
    Pronounced “seven eighths”
    Pronounced “five eighths”
    Pronounced “Aterisk”
    Pronounced “greater than”
    ⁽ or ⁾Pronounced “opening parenthesis or closing parenthesis”. Quite fast
    Sound like a spray bottle
    Pronounced “equals equals equals”
    ±Pronounced “plus minus”
    ¹Pronounced “superscript one”
    ª ªPronounced “superscript a” only effective if the symbols are spaced
    Append these strings at the end of your message to change Brian’s TTS speed

    Feliz Ano Novo

      Pessoal, quero desejar a todos um feliz Natal e um próspero ano novo. O WhatsApp está cheio de mensagens prontas, que a pessoa nem lê e já envia para os amigos. Não gostamos disso. Gostamos de escrever o que realmente desejo e que sai do coração. Então, queria agradecer a todos vocês. Vocês são o melhor grupo de capoeira que já participei, e que esse ano de 2024 seja de muitas conquistas para nós!!!
      Apenas copie e cole para alguem essa mensagem :
      E ai amigos. Esta é a minha mensagem especial de Natal e Ano Novo, nenhuma porcaria copiada e colada, daquelas que você dedica dois minutos para felicitar igualmente a família, amigos, colegas de trabalho ou qualquer outra coisa. Isso vale para você que sempre esteve ao meu lado, que me conhece muito bem e que me ama por quem eu sou. De vocês que fazem parte da minha história. Porque eu amo vocês e para mim vcs são o melhor time de polo aquático, que eu tenho orgulho de participar. Feliz 2024 e felicidades para todos.
      Nos falamos quase todos os dias nesses chats, porém é difícil achar tempo para nos vermos ao vivo. Por isso resolvi escrever uma mensagem para cada grupo que participo, até porque detesto esse esquema de copie e cole. Quero enviar votos de que cada um de vocês aproveite este feriado como um dia de união, carinho, paz e amor com a nossa família e amigos. Saibam que vocês moram no meu coração e são o melhor grupo de capoeira que já participei. Abraços


        STOP POSTING ANIME PORTRAITS! I'M TIRED OF SEEING THEM! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME SCREENSHOTS, ON REDDIT IT'S FUCKING ANIME! I was in r/hoi4, right? and ALL OF THE QUESTIONS had anime portrait mods on. I-I showed my encirclement to my boyfriend and t-the generals and he said "hey babe, where anime portraits HAHA WOOH WOOH WOH WOOOOH*" I fucking looked at Hitler and said "THAT'S THE GUY FROM ANIME" I looked at Monty, I think of anime and I go "NOTICE ME SENPAI CHURCHILL" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG

        Team Fortress 2 helped me lose my virginity

          *Inhales........ok this is going to bee a lot so get comfortable.
          Ok so I have been playing Tf2 when I was 12 back in 2015 during the gun mettle update.
          Some time had passed and I decided to join a community server that had voice chat and was only avalible in the state of texas (it was a texas specific server).
          I was playing on dust bowl defence and was playing pyro (my main) until I saw a level 1 teleporter outside spawn so I decided to switch to engi and upgrade it.
          Little did I know that teleporter belongs to the current love of my life (who will remain anonymous).
          As the match went on 'she' started speaking into her microphone asking everyone to help her maintain her buildings, so I switch to enigi again and satrted upgrading her building on last.
          The funny part was that I did not say anything in chat so it just looked like someone came, upgraded her buildings, switch to pyro and just left.
          She liked that, she REALLY liked that, so much so that she decided to post her fucking discord into the chat and told that Dr.Peepee (me) could add her as a friend, so I did for some reason (no but seriously I could have been an online preditor and gave me her fucking discord).
          She was messaging me about Tf2, how long I have been playing it and what was my favourite class etc (well that was not suspicious).
          So I answered them and told her everything until she asked me about weather I was a boy or not.
          I said boy and then she called me for voice chat because she needed proof, her camera was on.
          If I could discribe her it would be a the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
          She did not care and was asking me to speak and so I did.
          At first I just said hi and we started talking about Tf2, our personal lives (not to much tho) and things like being in texes in which she said she was from austin, I was from austin..........hell ya.
          I told her that I was also from austin and she told her fucking location (I DID NOT SHOW MY FACE YET).
          This is getting weird but then I relized her location was very near, just a long walk away.
          At this point I thought I was being lured in buy a deepfake or an online preditor or something but it was just to convincing, she even showed a picture of her house on her phone (it was a selfie).
          I was convinced so on a random afternoon I decided to visit her because not.
          It took an hour but once I arived it was the same house as the one in the picture so I was really exited.
          I knocked the door and was greeted by her, she did not know me at first but soon realized that it was me.
          She let me inside.She let me inside.She let me inside.
          We started talking for hours but thats not what you all are here for because a few weeks later she called me to come to her house again and that her parents were not home.Her parents were not home.Her parents were not home.Her parents were not home.
          This was my chance because I started to like her a lot.
          This all felt to good to be true, Iwas living in heaven, everything was perfect.
          I think you all know what happens next but thats is not I want to say.
          Instead I just want to thank eveyone that made this fucking beautiful community and the poeple who risked everything making this beautiful fucking game.
          Thank you for everything.
          I mean it.
          I hope you all have an amazing 2024 cause I know I will with my GF.
          Oh ya and for those who did not get it, we fucked.

          I swear to fucking god there is no group of individuals as brain dead as teen and mid twenties car guys.

            I swear to fucking god there is no group of individuals as brain dead as teen and mid twenties car guys.
            I know a dude who threw an LS crate engine into his 2016(?) Camaro at a ridiculous cost and had probably dumped $60k into it by the time the motor fucking exploded and he replaced it for another 20 bones.
            This guy is almost 30, a twink who still lives with his parents, feeds off of validation on Snapchat and instagram reels doing burnouts in traffic, and who probably only owns hoodies and snap backs. For what?
            The levels of jerking are self sustaining. It’s gotten to a point where I can see a 350z in a McDonald’s parking lot and know exactly which employee is shitcanning himself to work. If I see another Honda odyssey straight piped with a heart towhook or a teddy bear chained to the bumper I’m going to emulsify my brains against a canvas