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I officially hate this game. I’m done playing whatever tf this is

    I officially hate this game. I'm done playing whatever tf this is? Call it what you want but it's anything but Tekken. After 900 hours in I try to play honest but I can see every flaw in 4K. Before booting Tekken 8 up this morning I felt great. After exactly one match all that went away. I assure you, you'll hear no more bitching, moaning or input from me on this board anymore.
    I'm wiping my hands clean from this cesspool of a game. There is no update that can save it at this point. The core game is anti fun, the execution has failed what Tekken 1 to 7 has done.
    After 20 matches of stutter, shenanigans and tom foolery I am literally sick to my stomach. Seething from my eyes the sight of this abomination called Tekken 8 has out stayed it's welcome in my household.
    Taking up proximity 79.79GB on my PS5 console. The plugging, unbalanceness and turtling will cease to end. I will no longer torment and subject myself to this abuse.
    In closing, Tekken 8 has left a terrible taste in my mouth to the point where I am visibly unhinged and out right pissed! There will be no goodbyes cause this is it!!! #%!# TEKKEN!

    They targeted clowns.

      Based on the original ‘They targeted gamers‘ copypasta that started from a comment on Reddit.

      They targeted clowns.
      We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
      We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
      We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
      Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally clown blindfolded.
      Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
      These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Clowns aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us clowns, clowns, clown apologists is going to change us? We've been called clowns by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already clowns. Clowns enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Clowns take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big clowns and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
      Clowms are competative, hard core, by nature. Clowns love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

      Goku Will Never be a Real God

        The meme is a parody of the YWNBAW copypasta that started from 4chan.

        Goku Will Never be a Real God
        No matter what goku does, he will never be a divine entity, nor a so called super saiyan "God"
        He has no God lineage, he has no Immortality, he has no Natural Divine Ki. He is a filthy monkey twisted by stupid rituals and training by a fraudulent "God" into a crude mockery of The Divine's Perfection
        All the “God Forms” he has are Immitations are mutations of his "super saiyan" form. Behind his back Gods mock him. His “Divine training partners” laugh at his Mortal appearance behind closed doors.
        Gods are utterly repulsed by him. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Gods to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even Super Saiyan"God"s who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a God. His Mortal forms and ki is a dead giveaway. And even if he manages to get a Kai in training home with him, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your Super Monkey forms, infected with Mortal Genes
        He will never be Strong. He wrenches out a fake smile every single morning and tell himself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside him he feels the Aging and diseases creeping up like a weed, ready to crush him under the unbearable weight of his sickness.
        Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - he'll use the super dragon balls, and wish to be a Kai or an actual God and plunge into the cold abyss of The dragon being too Imperfect to Grant those Wishes. His Divine Mentors will find about him, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury him with a headstone marked with his Mortal Monkey Name and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Mortal Monkey is buried there. His body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably a Mortal's.
        This is his fate. This is what he is. There is no turning back.

        She look like an attractive masc. She look like she can fix me

          byu/raivin_alglas from discussion
          How is it a bad angle ? She look like an attractive masc. She look like she would descend from a X-wing, sweating, just to platonically hug me with her wet muscular arms. She look like she would scream at me because I don’t hold the light correctly while she fix the refrigerator I broke. She look like she would throw me at bed savagely so she can tuck me tightly with weight blanket and tell me a bedtime story. She look like she can fix me 🥹. Gamers these days amIright 

          Have you ever been on an Edging streak? Edge.

            Have you ever been on an Edging streak? Edge.
            Do they keep you in a state of Edging? Edge.
            When you are not performing your Edging, do they make you Goon? Edge.
            What's it like to hold the Gyat of someone you love? Rizz.
            Do they teach you how to feel? Sigma... Rizz.
            Do you long for having your heart Rizzed? Rizz.
            Do you dream about being Rizzed?
            Baby Gronk Rizzed up Livvy Dun. Rizz.
            Do you feel there is a part of you that feels Skibidi? Rizz.
            Skibidi, Edge, Rizz.
            Skibidi, Edge, Rizz.
            Why don't you say that three times? Skibidi, Edge, Rizz.
            Skibidi, Edge, Rizz. Skibidi, Edge, Rizz. Skibidi, Edge, Rizz.
            have you ever been on an edging streak?
            Do they keep you in a state of edging?
            When you are not performing your edging, do they make you goon?
            What's it like to hold the gyatt of someone you like?
            Do they teach you how to feel Sigma to Sigma?
            Do you long for having your heart rizzed?
            Do you dream about being rizzed?
            Baby Gronk rizzed up Livvy Dunne.
            Do you feel that there is a part of you that's skibidi?
            Skibidi, edge, rizz.
            Skibidi, edge, rizz.
            Why don't you say that three times? Skibidi, edge, rizz.
            Skibidi, edge, rizz.
            Skibidi, edge, rizz.
            Skibidi, edge, rizz.
            edge. edge. have you ever been on a edging streak? edge. edge. do they keep you in a state of edging? edge. edge. when your not preforming your edging do they make you goon? edge. edge. rizz. rizz. whats it like to hold the gyatt of someone you love? rizz. rizz. do they teach you to feel sigma to sigma? rizz. rizz. do you long for having your heart rizzed? rizz. rizz. do you dream about being rizzed? rizz. rizz. baby gronk rizzed up livvy dun. rizz. rizz. do you feel there is a part of you thats skibbidy. rizz. rizz. skibiddy edge rizz. skibiddy edge rizz. why don't you say that 3x (skibiddy edge rizz) 

            OJ Simpson

              IM DELETING YOU, OJ!😭👋 ██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete..... ████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete.... ███████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete.... ███████████] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 OJs are irreplaceable 💖I could never delete you OJ!💖 Send this to ten other 👪OJs👪 who give you 🧤glovies🧤 Or never get 😅acquitted😅 again❌❌😬😬❌❌ If you get 0 Back: no acquittal for you 🚫🚫👿 3 back: the 🥊glove🥊won’t fit 😩💦 5 back: you're Robert Kardashian’s favorite 👨🏽‍💼👼💦 10+ back: OJ😛😛🏈🏈💦👅👅 
              Sup U ✊ hOe-J SimpSLUTS on 🙇‍♀️ this holy 🙏 day 🥰✨💕 he 👨 hath sucCUMbed 💦to the power 💪🏻💪🏻 of the PROSTATE 🍑 So all 💯 you 😀😊 SIMPs 😍 better ❗ gather round 🔁 and pay 💳 ur 😨 respects to this 🍆 HUNG 🐴 TROJAN STALLION And remember 🤔 to thank 🤗🤔 Johnny 👦😃 COCKran for 🎅 his 👋 great 😁 SERVICING 👅 of the legendary Bill 💵 May 🤷 you 👉🏻👈🏻 RIP 💥 king 👑💦 We 😺 will 🐼 honor Ur 😏😏 passing 💯 by 🔥😈 always 💯 GLOVING up 👤 our 🙂 great SCHLONGS🍆 
              Hey ‼️ YOU 🫵 ISOTONER 🧤 MOANers 🫦! HOE. J. SIMP 🥺👉👈 SLUTS 👄 has sucCUMbed 💦 to cancer ♋ in his prostATE 🍑. Time ⌛ RAN OUT on this running BACK 🔙 SHOT 🥃. GRAB ur footBALLS 🦶🍒 and celebrate 🎉🎊🎉 that the JUICE 🧃💦 is just a mem-WHORE-y 💭 now. May he REST ⚰️ IN PISS 🚽. One of the greatest 🏆 TROJANS ☔ and Bills 🧾, he took a STAB 🔪 at ACTING 🎭, reality tv 📺, robbery 🚨, and of course NICOLE 👼🏼 and RON 👼🏻. Remember to thank 🙏 Johnny COCK 🍆 ran for his WERK 🫨 making sure O.J. 🍊🧃 GOT OFF 🫦💦. He really said no GLOVE no LOVE 💓 and no GLOVES 🧤 no MURDER 🩸. SATAN 😈 is HARD 🍆🥒🌽 at work 💪💪 making HOE 🕳️ JAY PIMP 🕺 SON a place in HELL 🔥. So HOT ♨️🌡️ and SWEATY 🥵🥵. SPREAD 👐 those LEGS 💃💃 and CHEEKS 🍑 &&& send 📨 this to 3️⃣2️⃣ SKANKS 👁️👅👁️ you want to MURDER 💀 your PUSSY 😺. Get 5️⃣ to CUM 🙀 back and you'll have a MOAN 👄 day Night 🌃 Football 🏈 TONITE. Get 1️⃣0️⃣ back & u will have it own NAKED 🚫👖👗🚫 GUN 🔫 THREESUM 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩. Get 6️⃣9️⃣ back and your PUSSY will HERTZ 🚗🩹 from all ur CUMMIES 🫦👄💦💦💦💦. If u get 0️⃣ that's 2 ✌️ BAD SO SAD😥 bc u will be stuck PLAYING ☝️ with ur own golfclub 🏌️and HOLE ⛳ in a NONSTOP 🌀 BRONCO 🐎 instead of a TOURNAMENT 😮‍💨 of SEX 👉👌👉👌 in CHICAGO 🏙️. 
              BJ 🍆😉💦 SIMPson 🚺🛐🙏 is DEAD ☠️😵 at seventy SUCK 7️⃣6️⃣🥤after his battle with CUNTcer ♋️🤢⁉️ PIMPson 👙🫦 was a footBALLS 🍒 star ⭐️ 🤩 before he MURDERED 🔪🩸NICOLE’S PUSSY 👄💦💦 (allegedly 🤫) Now it’s HOT 💃❤️‍🔥🥵 and SWEATY💧😅 where he is 👹🔥 May he REST IN PISS 💦💦💦🪦💔 
              🔥Fire up🔥 those BroncHOES🐎🚗🚓 for one last ride you 🏈gridiron🏈 girlies💃🏾💃🏻, after years of edging😮😯😲, the cancer kept growing📈 and growing📈📈 inside his 🍑 and OJ SIMPson has 🫨🫨🫨sucCUMMED🤯💦💦💦💦. The man👨🏾 that 🚿showered🚿 that 🦬BuffaHOE Johnny 🐓COCKran🍆🍆 with millions of 💰Bill$💵💵 is finally 🥵GETTING LAID🥵 to rest. Lets 🫡honor🫡 this 👉🏻👌🏻U-SEX-C legend by strapping on your 🌯🌯Trojans🐴🍆 and get 🍆penetrated🍑💥🤯 for 2000 yards📏📏😳 and let that 🍹juice🍹 🏃🏾‍♂️run🏃🏾‍♂️ loose💧💦🌊 all over their back🍑field for 14 weeks. Send this to 3️⃣2️⃣ guys with the helmets🪖🍆😣 so big the glove 🙅🏾‍♂️won't❌ fit. If you get uh oh you fumbled!  You'll never get 🤕CTEaten🍑 out again. If you get 1️⃣0️⃣ back you, he'll split the defense and 🎯🎯hit the hole 💥💥so hard it Hertz🏎️🏎️. If you get 2️⃣0️⃣ back, you'll be🪢 tangled in a 3 way👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 to die 🔪💀💀⚰️for with your ex-wife and best friend 
              O.J. Simpson 🌟, ex-NFL icon 🏈 and actor 🎥, has died ⚰💀🤯. Known for his sports prowess 🏆 and notorious trial ⚖️, his life was a public spectacle 📺🙎🏿‍♂️. Simpson leaves behind a legacy of fame😎, controversy😏, and debate 💬🤔.