Started from 4chan, the ‘Fuck hags’ is a parody of TND copypasta but edited to fit sexing older women in anime.
Fuck hags. Kiss hags. Mating press hags into a bed. Massage hag shoulders. Eat hag pussy. French kiss hags. Dress hags up in suits. Dress hags up in sexy cosplay. Ejaculate inside hag pussy. Princess carry a hag to the bed. Twist hag nipples. Suck hag breasts. Lick hag midriff. Encourage hags to get fit. Get hags drunk. Sloppy tongue kissing with hags. Read mature female x younger male hentai with hags. Eat hag ass. Get hags horny. Mutual masturbation with hags. Marry hags. Big wedding with hags. Break off into a 45 minute rant about how mature pussy is the best while your friends look at you like you're retarded. Ban condoms and birth control. Massage hag feet. Lick hag armpits. Fuck hags until your dick breaks. Total Hag Love
These copypastas were spammed on Tarkov’s Discord server after the introduction of the “Unheard Edition” of the game which contained many Pay to Win mechanics.
Since 2016, players have supported the developers…
Since 2016, players have supported the developers by purchasing the highest edition of the game. For 8 years, we've been recommending this game to friends, bringing more and more players into the community. And what was the developers' response? They've blown us off, refuse to comment, and only encourage those who have lost all respect for themselves and continue to pour money in. I personally had high hopes for Tarkov. In my eyes, it was a high-quality and most ambitious product on the entire market. This is unacceptable. This is selfish. This is disrespectful. You've disgraced yourselves completely. You've lost loyal players, you've betrayed the idea. It's disgusting. To everyone who feels the same way - don't be silent. Spam, make memes, spread the word wherever it's relevant. This cannot be tolerated.
BSG, you have failed this community
BSG, you have failed this community. Since 2016, players have supported the developers by purchasing the highest edition of the game. For 8 years, we've been recommending this game to friends, bringing more and more players into the community. And what was the developers' response? They've blown us off, refuse to comment, and only encourage those who have lost all respect for themselves and continue to pour money in. I personally had high hopes for Tarkov. In my eyes, it was a high-quality and most ambitious product on the entire market. This is unacceptable. This is selfish. This is disrespectful. You've disgraced yourselves completely. You've lost loyal players, you've betrayed the idea. It's disgusting. To everyone who feels the same way - don't be silent. Spam, make memes, spread the word wherever it's relevant. This cannot be tolerated.
"EOD players will receive all future DLC at no extra cost"
Free Gamma 六四天安門事件 The EFT Chat protests of 2024
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Gamma 六四天安門事件 The EFT Chat protests of 2024 天安門大屠殺 BSG greed 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-PTW Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Playerbase Playstyle Revolution 人權 Crabbing 民運 Audio Pop 自由 Edge of Darkness 獨立 Distress Signal 多黨制 Update Time 台灣 臺灣 Grayzone Warfare中華民國 Tarkov Killers 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Unheard Edition 達賴喇嘛 Pay to Win 法輪功 BSG Silence 新疆維吾爾自治區动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Gamma 六四天安門事件 The EFT Chat protests of 2024 天安門大屠殺 BSG greed 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-PTW Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Playerbase Playstyle Revolution 人權 Crabbing 民運 Audio Pop 自由 Edge of Darkness 獨立 Distress Signal 多黨制 Update Time 台灣 臺灣 Grayzone Warfare中華民國 Tarkov Killers 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Unheard Edition 達賴喇嘛 Pay to Win 法輪功 BSG Silence 新疆維吾爾自治區
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
am XX.XX.20XX habe ich die Limited Edition „Edge of Darkness“ des Computerspiels „Escape from Tarkov“ von "Battlestate Games Limited" (Firmensitz: Großbritannien) für knapp 150 Euro erworben. Auf der Website des Entwicklers wurde - als die Edition noch käuflich zu erwerben war - damit geworben, dass alle zukünftigen DLCs ("Downloadable Content“, herunterladbare Inhalte) für das Spiel mit Besitz der oben genannten Edition auch in Zukunft kostenlos erhältlich sein würden. Die limitierte Edition wurde am 07.01.2024 nach vorheriger Ankündigung aus dem Online-Store entfernt.
Am 25.04.2024, wurde bekannt gegeben, dass eine weitere Edition des Spiels, die „Unheard Edition“, auf der Website des Entwicklers ( zum Neupreis für 250 Euro vor Steuern angeboten wird; ein "Upgrade" der Limited Edition „Edge of Darkness“ auf die „Unheard Edition“ ist für 95 Euro erhältlich. Diese neue Edition enthält einen neuen Spielemodus, der weitläufiger Meinung nach eindeutig unter die Definition eines DLCs fällt; folglich sollte dieser Inhalt allen Käufern der limitierten Edition "Edge of Darkness" kostenlos zugänglich sein.
Vom Entwickler wird dieser Spielmodus allerdings als "unique feature" der neueren Edition bezeichnet, womit von Seiten des Entwicklers die Deklaration als DLC umgangen wird; der Entwickler stellt diesen Modus aufgrund seiner eigenen Deklarierung als "unique feature" nur den Käufern der neuen Edition zur Verfügung und hat dieses Verständnis auch bereits über seine öffentlichen Kommunikationskanäle zwischenzeitlich erneut bekräftigt. Gleichzeitig wurden im Zuge der öffentlichen Kritik (beispielsweise im Forum des Entwicklers oder auf Twitter, auch bereits in der Presse*) nach Bekanntgabe der neuen Edition inhaltliche Angaben zu der Limited Edition „Edge of Darkness“ auf der Webseite des Entwicklers abgeändert. Mittlerweile hat der Entwickler erneut Stellung bezogen und angekündigt, den Spielemodus "sobald technisch möglich" zumindest für 6 Monate kostenlos zur Verfügung zu stellen; nach diesen 6 Monaten müsste man jedoch erneut zahlen, für Zugriff auf einen versprochenen Inhalt, für den man bereits gezahlt hat.
In diesem Verhalten sehe ich einen möglichen Verstoß gegen das europäische Verbraucherrecht, da meiner Meinung nach versprochene und nun auch veröffentlichte Inhalte, für die man bereits bezahlt hat, nur nach überteuerter Zahlung zeitlich unbegrenzt zugänglich machen möchte; ich empfinde diese Geschäftspraxis als unlauter.
Ich bitte Sie hiermit, dieses Verhalten zu überprüfen. Was kann man als deutscher oder europäischer Kunde in diesem Fall tun? Für Rückfragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Ich bedanke Ihnen mich im Voraus für Ihre Bemühungen.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Vorname Nachname
Players who continuously spam these copypastas are likely to get timeout or ban in their Discord servers. You have been warned!
Originated from Genshin’s Discord, the Aether copypasta has become a meme for Aether simps.
Lumine's amazing, she really is, but the things aether do to me😩his design is literally so seducing and hot, his waist and hips are so grabbable and his midriff is so fine like who are you showing off for?? his long silky golden braid matches which design so well, and his earrings just make it even better. his beautiful bronze eyes are just so striking yet so warm, and his voice and yelps are just so damn attractive. everyday in all languages I repeat his entire voicelines over and over again just so I can hear that angelic voice of his. I can stare at his pretty body all day and think to myself whoever ends up with this man must me the happiest person on earth his smile is so perfect and wonderful and can we just talk about how submissive and breedable he is?? I just wanna undress him so badly so I can see all of his sexy body on display, I want to fuck him so badly and hear his lewd moans throughout the room. I want him to whisper filthy things in my ear and beg for me to breed him. I want to see his body cum-stained and I want to put soft kisses all over him. I want to use my tongue on him and see him shiver in lust. I worship Aether everyday like the ethereal god he is and I wish I could cuddle and feel his heart beating. I want to tell him everything will be okay, that he'll reunite with his sister and he won't need to worry. He is literally so perfect I love him so much.. 💗
yes, the Snydercut of "Rebel Moon: The Empire of a Thousand Planets" will singlehandedly take home every Oscar and Saturn Award in the next century. In fact, it will be so good that nobody will ever mention the restored cut of "Metropolis" or the director's cut of "Blade Runner" ever again. Martin Scorsese will have to wipe most of the inferior scifi movies from his National Film Registry to make room for Rebel Moon, which will be so historically and culturally significant that everything that came before pales in comparison. Penis Villeneuve then announces his shameful retirement when "Dun3" loses a billion dollars while "Rebel Moon" beats "Gone With the Wind" ($100 trillions, adjusted for inflation) at the box office. James Cameron declares Zack the true master of Scifi Cinema and auctions his "Avatar 6" script to fund Zack's ambitious "Rebel Star" project. Of course, Zack, with his integrety, will turn down the offer and instead pay for Cameron's own "Terminator vs Aliens" film's production budget, with only 0.02% of Rebel Moon's massive profit. Zack then buys back the "Star Wars" franchise from Disney and gives it back to George Lucas, who thanks him and adopts Zack as his grandson. This begins the era of the "Rebel Wars" saga, which future historians consider the film series that saved humanity from extinction. On Zack Snyder's coronation day, Sir Christopher Nolan remarks that Zack is righteously the true mordern Arthurian Legend of film history, and reveals that the bulk beings in "Interstellar" are what humans became after following the philosophy of Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon (the two films take place in the same universe). Stevie Spielsberg notes that Zack's filmography has saved more lives than Oskar Schindler and Indiana Jones combined. Quentin Tarantino, now 69, ponders on whether his last film will ever be as good as the opening credits of "Rebel Moon". David Lynch gives up digital videos after being inspired by Zack the Blueprint Snyder, and returns to analog IMAX film, the only material on Earth that could capture and withstand the pure attention to details of Zack's Rebel Moon. Every pixel on a digital camera would explode due to the sheer depth of each frame. (Every frame of his is a surreal painting).
Pro Osu player was commenting on Cookiezi maps on his livestream which got clipped and became a meme.
This is the worst map in the history-the worst song, the worst map, the worst-like-dude like, this is just, like what the hell is this? Dude every time I like- I randomly click on
cookiezi's stream I see him playing that map it makes me like wanna blow my brains out in
fortnite, ya know, with the pump shotgun? It's so annoying. Like what is wrong with him? It must be so brain damage to play that... and then I just instantly click off his stream, that's just like,
and then I'll go and check reddit and they'll be like "oh my god he did this like crazy score", and
then I'll tune into his stream and then he'll be playing this stupid ass annoying pee dough file map. #KWANGRINDSET 💪😎
What does Not for Sale Fossil Even Mean? Like a Fossil that’s not for sale? Why don’t they just say Fossil not for Sale? Kinda Dumb if you think about it. Or is she like referring to like a person like, Not for Sale, Fossil, she’s calling a grandma or a grandpa oh. Why would she even be selling a Fossil? is she an archeologist? Oh maybe it’s about like, her selling her soul to like, oh wait I don’t think I can talk about this on Stream.