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I’m Shiorisexual

    I have a problem, and I need advice!
    Ever since I found out I'm Shiorisexual, I've been keeping all loads I bust to mommy shiori in a gallon so when I finally meet her I can give it to her as a demonstration of my pure love to her and determination to get her pregnant. Unfortunately, I have to hide it in my wardrobe under my clothes because I live with my shioriphobic parents. They refuse to refer to me by my novelitegender pronous (novelite/noveliteself) and hired a therapist for me that had the nerve to prescribe me shizo pills because he believes I am 'mentally deranged' (I never took a single one of them). I can only endure this abuse for years now because I akasupa to Shiori and watch her streams of tangents and comfort on a daily basis, and I knew that if my parents ever found my sacred cum gallon they were gonna pour it all down the drain and Shiori would never forgive me if I allowed that to happen. Well, today my parents found it while they were cleaning my room and threatened to just that, to which I freaked out and screamed and started throwing everything I could find at them to try to stop them, but it was no use and they took my cum gallon away and locked me in my room. I am currently hearing my parents fight downstairs, blaming each other for raising such a 'demented weirdo' and discussing wether to kick me out or send me to military school. I don't want either to happen to me so I'm desperately wondering what should I do and how can I get my cum gallon back. I've already akasupa'd to Shiori for guidance but she hasn't replied yet so I'm worried they already poured all my years worth of pure love for Shiori down the drain. So I really need you guys advice on this whole situation. I am a Shiorist, so I don't celebrate christmas. However, my Shioriphobic parents forced me to celebrate it and dine with them on christmas night. I tried calling the police and tell them that my parents were abusing me for forcing me to sin against Shiori, but they called me a 'prankster' and hung up (yet another example of Shioriphobia)
    Please someone, just offer a solution! I am running out of options here...

    masondota2 smurf ban appeal

      masondota2 was banned for smurfing in Dota2
      Hello, this is masondota2 of fromer EG and Digital Chaso glory. I come to you with hat in hand, asking for a second chance. I have given 15 years of my life to this game, and I foolishly was upset with the new Behavior Score system. I kept getting reported seemingly no matter what I did and was very frustrated with my situtation of not being able to use my mic and coordinate with my team to try and win the game to my fullest ability. I seemed to get reported and lose communication score no matter how I behaved or acted, and this made me do an action I regretted very shortly after in which I hired a booster to boost my behavior score, but after 1 day I cancelled their order and stopped them. I gained almost no behavior score or communication score during this period of time and I resumed playing on the account with muted communication and tried my best to "fix my behavior" on my own
      I have been for better or worse a part of this community for almost as long as the game has been alive. I've streamed thousands of hours of dota and I still enjoy and love the game to this date, even if it frustrates me at times and makes me act in ways which I am ashamed of, but in the end, I think a lot of people feel this way. Sometimes we say and do things we know we shouldn't, and it'sn ot right but it is human. I ask that you understand this feeling and my case and give me a second chance. I'd take a suspension, as I did violate the terms and service, but I feel taht a permanent ban is very severe. I understand wanting to make an example out of me, but I ask you reconsider my freinds of Valve. I am sorry my brothers and sisters.

      Dota2 smurf ban

        You don't understand my post guys! How can using main account a smurfing? That's my main account I have a lot of items including arcanas. It's banned that's why I tried to open old accounts to verify whether it's a bug or not but all of it too are banned. That's what I meant in this post.

        Last Rizzmas lyrics

          Last Rizzmas, I gave you my gyatt
          But the very next day, you got Fanum taxed.
          This year, to save me from mewing,
          I'll give it to someone rizzful.
          LASTTT RIZZMASSSS 🤓 😩 🥵
          THIS YEARRRR

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          A trans woman’s perspective on the “Tran S. Wright” door

            Tran S. Wright door in TF2
            This door sucks so fucking hard. Shit framework, shit hinges, shit unsecured name placard thing I could literally just steal if I wanted to. This is the worst door I've ever seen in a videogame, full stop. Holy shit it won't even fucking open. Why would you put a door in your game if you don't want your goddamn playerbase to open it. That's not a door that's a fancy wall decoration. I hope Tran S. Wright is partying it the fuck up in there because if he sees me it is bodily mutilation on sight. Fuck Valve for giving us this shitty fucking door instead of a Pyro inflatable prop penis cosmetic and fuck you for anything you've ever done wrong. God I want to burn down Vatican City.

            What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, miners?

              Navy Seals copypasta but for Mission Control in Deep Rock Galactic
              What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, miners? I'll have you know I was promoted to the top of my class on the space rig, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Hoxxes IV, and I have over 300 confirmed dreadnought eliminations. I am trained in glyphid warfare and I'm the top sniper in DRG. You are nothing to me but mere employees. I will wipe you all the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this damn planet, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on your terminal? Think again, fuckers. As we speak I am contacting management and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, miners. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your lives. You're fucking dead, dwarf. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my m1000 Classic. Not only am I extensively trained in ranged combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the company and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable asses off the face of the continent, you little shits. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongues. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiots. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, miners.