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Copypasta of a person’s past experience or events that is so absurd it became a meme of its own. Usually untrue stories that tries to circle jerk opinions.

My wife has a cardboard cutout of Henry Cavill

    My wife has a cardboard cutout of Henry Cavill from one of the Superman movies propped up in the corner of our bedroom. She's hot glued a dildo to whereabouts his penis would be, and it's a hefty dong that certainly puts some stress on the cardboard, and every night before bed, she'll gag on Henry's hubby club until she's begging me to pull her off for her own good because for some reason she thinks that sucking this faux cock is not cheating, but if she where to stand up, bend over, and, ya know, let Henry slide in and make another box office smash, then that would be cheating. Luckily, I work out almost as much as the real Henry does, so I'm able to wrestler her strong mouth away from the cutout and get her into bed where she can calm down. The whole nightly ordeal goes on for about 30 or so minutes, but she sleeps like a baby afterwards, so I can't complain too much. 

    My mommy was the town milk ma’am back in the day

      Mmm. Mhmm. You're not alone, that's for sure. It's almost a service to the people to have just wobbling jugs plump for slurpring, and I should know because I grew up around it.
      My mommy was the town milk ma'am back in the day. I don't think I appreciated it then, but thinking back, she worked so hard to provide for me and my other two or three brothers.
      Each morning, before the butt crack of dawn, she'd heave herself out of bed and put on her milking dress, ya know the kind, where the front just flips down to let a set of mondo chubber boobies hang out. And hey, nothing sexual, but she had the most powerfully plump and impressively enormous tatter tots, mama cha-chas and me and my two or three brothers suckled upon well into adulthood. Everyone did, really, seeing as how she was the town milk ma'am.
      Well, she'd get her dress on, and I'd hear her straining to put on her orthopedic boots and tighten her milk ma'am support corset (eventually, I'd have to help her to tighten it as she got older). Then it was down to the kitchen to throat 4, sometimes 12 or 16, sticks of full fat butter to nutritionate her milk. There were a lotta hungry people in that town, and she wanted to give them the best milk she could muster. She'd power squirt a cream stream and fill each of my and my two or three brothers' cereal bowls up, and sometimes she'd give us a suckle for the road, then be off.
      She had a route, of course, that took her all through the town and hit everyone when they needed to be hit all the while her massive breasts bounced and sloshed with every heavy step. It was graceful though! Everyone needed her milk and she made the delivery look easy. Hell, I'd say our town was scheduled around my mommy's titties. I went with her plenty of times (again, into old age when I had to wheel her around in a wheeler's chair), and it was just so heartwarming to see everyone so eager to see her.
      Greetings were short, and suckling was long. Each man, woman, and child in the town would lock their quivering lips around my mom's bright, domineering nipples and take deep, hard pulls of fresh, piping-hot, delicious breast milk. But no one was greedy! No one was greedy, no. They took their fill and were happy. Everyone in the town needed my mommy's milk, she was the town milk ma'am after all, and it was this collective attitude of "Love Thy Neighbor" that made everything run so smoothly. You don't really see that anymore, do ya?
      At the end of the days, long days, necessary days, loving days, she'd come home with her yams half deflated, her nipples red and throbbing, but with a huge smile on her face knowing what good she'd done for the people of our quaint little town. Me and my two or three brothers would ice down and then lotion up her worked over breasts as she laid in her recovery chair with the TV on. Often she'd fall asleep, exhausting as it was to be a milk ma'am, especially for an entire town. We'd watch her chest slowly rise and fall as she tenderly dreamed whatever dreams she dreamed. My two or three brothers always got a kick outta watching her melons ripen back up, plump up nice and juicy with more milk, as she rested. They laughed, sure, and it was a delightful to watch, but I was always filled with a sense of pride watching those boobies swell back up.
      She's been retired now for several years, though her tits don't show it. Even at nearly 80 years old, she's still got the juiciest baboingos I have ever seen. Well, haha, maybe I'm just a bit biased because she's my mommy. She was the best milk ma'am this town has ever had. They just don't make 'em like her anymore.
      Love ya, mommy.

      About 15 years ago, my ex and I were arguing about whether to get the 7 layer dip or guacamole at HEB in Austin.

        byu/nfl from discussion
        About 15 years ago, my ex and I were arguing about whether to get the 7 layer dip or guacamole at HEB in Austin. I think it was a Saturday morning.
        Anyway, we sat there debating, hogging the area, when a voice behind us said "get the 7 layer dip, it already has guac in it." I turned around and saw it was Drew Brees. He's shorter than I thought he would be and he says "in fact pass me one of those dips."
        My ex saw that I was flabbergasted, so she handed him a 7 layer dip.
        I told him I was a big fan and him and LT won me a fantasy championship a few years prior. He laughed and said LT is the best before walking away.
        Anyway, this dude has good taste, that 7 layer dip was tasty as hell.

        I just saw a black guy listening to Not Like Us, Kendrick is truly what the culture is feeling

          I (57, white male) was recently taking a stroll down my neighbourhood when I suspiciously saw a group of high school girls listening to Drake (🤮) of all people, so being an loyal fan of Kung Fu Kenny I decided to scream "OV-HOE!!!!" at them and run away, they got angry at me and started chasing me! fearing that they might make me listen to Toosie Slide, I ran as fast as I could.
          While running from them I accidentally wandered into "the hood" that Kdot is always talking about. That is when my eyes truly opened to the genius that is Kendrick Lamar Duckworth, I saw a black gentlemen listening to Not Like Us, and tears fell down from my eyes as I finally realised the impact that Kendrick has made, he truly was what the culture was feeling.
          I went up to the fellow Kendrick enthusiast and saluted him for being on the right side of history. He was for some reason very confused as to why a crying man was saluting him so I decided to show him that I am indeed "certified" by rapping Not Like Us to him "WOP WOP WOP DOT FUCK EM UP" I shouted "WOP WOP WOP IMMA DO MY STUFF" I continued, "WHY YOU TROLLING LIKE A BITCH AINT YOU TIRED" I took a breath, "TRYNA STRIKE A CHORD AND ITS PROBABLY A MINORRRRR" I exclaimed. Seeing my dedication towards the art of Kdot made the Kendrick fan realise I was one of "the good ones" and he invited me to the cookout! ✊🏻

          Kuro Games scares me

            Kuro Games is the developer and publisher for Wuthering Waves and Punishing: Gray Raven.

            I'm terrified of Kuro Games. Last night, they dropped a new survey, but I was too tired to fill it out, so I just skipped it and went to bed. Big mistake. Around 3:00 A.M., I woke up to the sound of my front door being kicked in. Before I could react, five Kuro drones flew into my room, their LED eyes glowing crimson.
            They pinned me to my bed, holding me down at gunpoint. "Please rate your satisfaction with our latest region on a scale of 1 to 10," one of them buzzed. I tried to scream, but another bot shoved a barrel in my mouth. "What are your thoughts on playable characters? Do you like women in suits?"
            I was shaking, unable to answer. My brain was mush. "WE PROMISE, WE DELIVER" they repeated in unison, their synthetic voices echoing through the room. I wanted to cry, but all I could do was stammer, "I-I liked the update... it was... g-good."
            The bots paused, their eyes scanning me for sincerity. Then, as suddenly as they came, they flew out of my house, leaving a feedback form on my chest with "PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SURVEY" written in bold red letters along with 1,600 Astrites and a free 5-star Resonator.
            I haven't slept since. Kuro Games, please... I promise I'll do the next survey. Just let me rest.
            nous promettons que nous livrons
            мы обещаем, мы доставим
            Prometemos que entregamos

            The amount I fucking use vlc is insane man, almost as insane as I must be for what I do with it

              The amount I fucking use vlc is insane man, almost as insane as I must be for what I do with it
              I download every season of every show I love
              Parks and rec, the office, breaking bad, king of the hill, Futurama, corner gas, everybody loves Raymond, everybody hates Chris, rino 911, Brooklyn 99 etc etc etc
              Than I goto the vlc play list section and get to work
              I open every single show, which often looks like (scrubs season 1, scrubs seasons 2 etc than Futurama season 1, Futurama season 2) because they often come in organized folders thank God
              I organize all the seasons so Rino 99 gets it's section and Chris gets his section
              Then the real work begins. I drag a handful, maybe 10 episodes to the top of what eventually becomes this massive list.
              I drag episodes 1-10 and manually move them in between episodes 1-10 of a different show, so it looks like Futurama season 1 episode 1, Simpsons season 1 episode 1, scrubs season 1 episodes 1, rino 99 episode 1 etc etc
              Then it's Futurama season 1 episode 2, Simpsons season 1 episode 2, etc
              The list gets so massive it takes forever to grab 10 episodes or more and slowly drag them to the top, the text is so tiny and you lose your place, gotta play an episode at every final drop off so you know where the next drop off should be ( next to that playing episode)
              It can take me anywhere from 4 hours to 10 of mind numbing staring at tiny text with my blurry vision and white screen, but the ends so worth it
              It's the closest thing to quality TV you can get, thousands of hours of only your favorite shows in order
              But don't accidently hit any of the sort buttons like 'title" or you lose everything since your last save
              I've lost 4 hours before doing that
              Save it once it's all done, multiple copies because it's so valuable and thanx to vlc remembering what you last watched you can watch every show from start to finish in order and it's amazing