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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Full Chamber Seal is the best overclock in the game

    (+1 damage, -0.2 sec reload for BRT)
    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Full Chamber Seal. The damage boost is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the dps formulas most of the overclock potential will go over a typical player's head. There's also that amazing -0.2 second reload, which turns the weapon into an absolute sustained damage beast.
    I've just realised it's the most powerful overclock in the entire game. I'm not trying to be an elitist but if you don't have it equipped I'm kicking you out of my hazard 3 mission. Full Chamber Seal is far superior in power to everything else due to it giving free damage with basically instant reload time and no downsides! This thing shouldn't be in the game, it's literally overpowered and I still don't know how the devs thought it was a good idea to add this behemoth of an upgrade. Imagine having to wait 1 more week without having access to this beauty because this didn't drop in your weekly deep dive rewards, I would definitely kill myself.

    The PLAP PLAP PLAP meme means you have a small penis

      The "plap plap plap" sound during sex is something that you hear only when either one of these two things happen:
      >the female's buttocks slam against the male's hips
      >the vagina 'queefs' because the penis can't completely fill it, thus creating space for air to come out
      Also, telling someone to "get pregnant" does not actually increase the chances of pregnancy. With healthy semen, the chance of pregnancy should be nearly 100% with just one intercourse.
      In other words, people who use this meme are basically confessing to having a small penis and low sperm count/motility.

      The ‘Plap plap plap‘ meme

      May you please explain this? How on fucking earth was your criticism constructive

        May you please explain this? How on fucking earth was your criticism constructive all you said was essentially "you drew this poorly" other comments literally did exactly what constructive criticism is, criticism that says what can be improved upon. I wish I didn't even get ropes in this, as your previous activity even in this specific subreddit makes vou sound like a ultra-asshole. So for your "mentally debilitated child" mind, don't be a dick in your criticism.

        How do you use the TF2 ‘Tiny head’ copypasta ?

        Every time someone says “Tiny <something>” in response to an artwork, that’s when you copy paste the meme as a reponse.

        Alternatively you can simply use it whenever someone makes a short nonconstructive criticism towards another person’s art.

        I am in love with Kris Dreemurr

          Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune copypasta
          I have, since playing deltarune, become incredibly infatuated with Kris Dreemurr. Everything about them is perfect to me, they are the ideal that I wish were real. I do not know how they wormed their way into my subconscious, and I don't exactly like this new state of being I am in. I don't really like to feel emotions, and Kris Dreemurr has made me feel things I didn't even know I could feel. I wish they were real, and that I could spend the rest of my life with them. I want them to do whatever Noelle thinks they did with Susie in that supply closet to me, whatever weird kink stuff she thinks they did. I have these feelings, and I want people to know them.
          Thank you and good night.

          Rodriguez is never going to play football again

            Mate, Rodriguez is never going to play football again, it’s all being completely hushed up by the club at the moment, Ancelotti doesn’t want the team being distracted by the run-in if the news breaks out. The players themselves haven’t even been told, it’s going to be the biggest news in football when it breaks - a couple of years ago he decided he wanted to live as a woman and started taking hormone pills, it’s why Real got rid for nothing and no other clubs were in for him. Everton thought it was worth a punt just for the shirt sales in Colombia. It’s weakened his body which is why he’s only managed 60 minutes here and there. Remember the “bruised testicle” earlier in the season. Hormones. After the Anfield game he decided he wanted to go through the full gender reassignment surgery, that’s why he’s not been seen since. He has it done last week. FA says he can’t play in the mens game anymore. They’ve chopped his dick off lad.

            Please don’t worry. If you go to the police department they will immediately open an investigation

              Please don’t worry. If you go to the police department they will immediately open an investigation on this crime utilizing all available resources. Just be prepared to talk with multiple special detectives that will be enthusiastically on the case. You can expect first class white glove treatment from the moment you are happily greeted when you walk through the door. It is very clear to them that they are public servants and get paid from taxpayer dollars.