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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I am so damn angry right now

    I am so damn angry right now. In fact, I am so angry that I could literally tear a concrete block in two, wait three, no five pieces. What you have done has made me so mad that I literally want to grab you and punch you so hard that you will lose conscious with just one punch, and even when you're unconscious I will still beat the utter crap out of you so that blood will poor out of every blood vessel in your pathetic body. Typically I would look at someone dying in agony with complete utter horror, because I am such a nice and sympathetic being. However, you on the other hand, have made me so angry that I couldn't give a single damn about the law or good morality. I am so angry right now.

    Seonghwa is not a milf

      Seonghwa is not a milf. He hasn’t BEEN a milf. Most of all he won’t be YOUR milf
      SEONGHWA will not freaking breastfeed you.
      Can we talk about this? Yeah he’s a bird i get that. Or he’s a cat, sure it’s fitting. Yeah he’s a victorian vampire i could see that interp too. Why aren’t ateez fans normal? What leads people to make the jump from cute animal comparisons or cool suave mythical creatures, allll the way to #busty #mommy #divorcée?
      Half the time it’s not even busty mommy divorcée. You make him a busty mommy widow. Why the obsession with mvrdering this dudes imaginary spouse. Does he have to be single and grieving to mother you, y/n. Where’s the seonghwa fans who aren’t oedipal as a mf?
      I had to mute that “sorry mommy” meme because everytime i see a (REGULAR NON MILF) Seonghwa photo, it’s all i can read in the comments. But i guess i want to understand? Am i the only seeing this or am i the only one not in on it or is it normal?
      What is milf energy and why the obsession with milf energy if we could pin down a definition that would help me thanks but Seonghwa isn’t a milf
      I think i view the term milf differently or maybe kpop has changed the meaning
      Seonghwa is not ❌ a milf. He 📷 hasn't BEEN 🥜👏 a milf. Most 💯👥 of all 💯 he 👨 won't 😌 be ➡️ YOUR 👉🏻 milf SEONGHWA will 🖤 not 👎 freaking 🤬 breastfeed you. 😅👨 Can 🥫 we 🔞👦 talk 🦠 about 😜 this? Yeah 👍 he's 👨👨 a bird 🐦 i 💋🐛 get 🉐 that. 🤔😐 Or he's 😜👨 a cat, 🐱 sure 😺 it's fitting. Yeah ✨ he's ✅ a victorian vampire ⚰ i 😊 could 😜 see 🙉👀 that ⏪ interp too. 💔 Why 💪 aren't 😲 ateez fans 🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️ normal? 👩‍🦯 What 😦 leads people 👥 to make ✋ the jump 🕴️ from 😂😲 cute 🤤 animal 🐏 comparisons or cool 🧊 suave 😏 mythical creatures, alll the way 💫 to #busty #mommy 👱👱 #divorcée? Half 🎵 the time ⌚ it's not 🚯 even 🌃 busty mommy 👱👱 divorcée. You 😀😀😀 make 💘 him 👨😓 a busty mommy 👱👱 widow. Why 🙀 the obsession 🙇 with mvrdering this dudes 😎 imaginary spouse. Does 😻😳 he 👈😩 have 🅰️ to be 🧎 single 🚫 and grieving to mother 👰‍♀️ you, 💑 y/n. Where's 👀 the seonghwa fans 🪁 who 👋😂 aren't 😲 oedipal as a mf? I 👥 had 💔 to mute 🔕 that 🦃 "sorry 😢 mommy" 👱👱 meme 🐸 because ✏️ everytime i 😊 see 👂🏻👀 a (REGULAR 😶 NON ❌ MILF) Seonghwa photo, 📷 it's all 👾 i 👁️ can 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️ read 📕📗📙 in 👏👏 the comments. But ⚠️ i 👆 guess 👉👈 i 😊 want 👏 to understand? 😏😏 Am 😩 i 👥 the only 👏 seeing 👀 this or am 🏃🏻💨 i 😀 the only 👨 one 😫 not 😣 in 📥👇 on 🏽😎 it or is it normal? 😐 What 💀 is milf energy 🌟 and why 🤔 the obsession 🙇 with milf energy 🤸‍♀️ if we 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 could 😜 pin 📌 down 👏 a definition 📚 that 🛫 would 😏 help 😢😬 me ✌️ thanks 😁 but 💪😤 Seonghwa isn't 🙈 a milf I 😣 think 🤔 i 👌😦💁🏼 view 🤤 the term 📄 milf differently or maybe 🤷‍♀️ kpop has 👏 changed 📈📈 the meaning 😏


        ESTOU ANUNCIANDO MINHA MASTURBAÇÃO IMINENTE. Estou ciente de que o meu anúncio de masturbação iminente tem sido um problema sério e recorrente ultimamente, e estou aqui com minhas habilidades sociais de nível inferior para garantir que isso só piore. Espero que este servidor cheio de membros principalmente do sexo masculino aprecie o fato de que em breve estarei gozando e me ofereça aquele cobiçado aperto de mãos que eu certamente mereço. Como o anúncio de masturbação iminente NÃO está no conjunto de regras atual, continuarei seguindo esta linha. Toda e qualquer ação tomada contra mim pela equipe do mod será considerada extrajudicial e irei retaliar mobilizando meu exército de contas alternativas. Se algum homem quiser me dar um aperto de mãos ou gratificação emocional, por favor, faça isso. Se alguma mulher deseja me fornecer gratificação sexual, eca. Obrigado e lembre-se: AGORA ESTOU ME MASTURBANDO!!

        English version

        I'M ANNOUNCING MY IMMINENT MASTURBATION. I'm aware that my impending masturbation announcement has been a serious and recurring problem lately, and I'm here with my low-level social skills to make sure it only gets worse. I hope this server full of mostly male members appreciates the fact that I'm soon to be cumming and offers me that coveted handshake that I most certainly deserve. Since the imminent masturbation announcement is NOT in the current ruleset, I will continue along these lines. Any and all actions taken against me by the mod team will be considered extrajudicial and I will retaliate by mobilizing my army of alternate accounts. If any man wants to give me a handshake or emotional gratification, please do so. If any woman wants to provide me with sexual gratification, yuck. Thank you and remember: NOW I'M MASTURBATING!!

        Discord numbers with full stop bug

          123456789. numbers with a full stop followed by text.

          How to do this Discord bug?

          Copy and paste the above copypasta and then change the text after full stop. It should look like “123456789. <YOUR TEXT HERE>”. If you’re unsure just use the above copypasta and see how it looks like in chat.

          Oh wow really? Thanks for the info!

            Oh wow really? Thanks for the info! You must be some sort of detective. Do you work for the CIA? MI6? Yeah I’m onto you. This observation could only be made by someone with high level training and field expertise. Good for you. Pat yourself on the back for this incredible discovery. I’m like totally in shock right now. You see, I was an atheist five minutes ago but now I’ve seen a true God. Only a sacred and holy being could use their powers to understand such a complex topic. Thank you, O’ Great One for blessing us mere mortals with the vastness of your infinite wisdom. I hope one day, you share other great secrets only you possess. Like what’s 2+2? What color is the sky? Are there femboys in Heaven? Pigeons?

            You will never date an alt

              Let me just say there is no way your gonna get a "huge titty goth gf who will sit on your face". You will not get a "clumsy UWU femboy bf who will pin you to a wall and is 9 inchs tall or 5.3cm if your American and you will not get a "short haired buff tomboy gf who will step on you". You only like them because of cartoons you had these alts as your fictional childhood crush and none of them represent their real life counterpart like for fuck sake NONE OF THEM HAVE THICK THIGHS IN REAL LIFE these are a fetish for you guys all you do is fetishize them PLEASE JUST GROW THE FUCK UP YOU GREASY NECKBEARDS.