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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Stop someone from sending you unwanted nude

    Part of a series of fake dox or alert copypasta sent to users when they are suspected of doing something illegal.

    AUTOREPLY: We have detected the transmission of unsolicited pornographic images of potentially illegal nature [code:36489-a] and your device’s IP address has been forwarded to the police department pending an investigation. If you think this is a mistake, reply STOP
    This is an automated message generated by the Instagram team. Your image has been found to be a violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1283 (2021)
    An image you sent has been flagged as an unsolicited picture. Your account is scheduled to be reported to the police
    Our bot is currently in BETA testing; if you believe this message was an error, reply “HELP” Otherwise, you will be contacted by your local authorities within 24hrs

    Por favor, coloque uma tag NSFW nisso

      Its the ‘NSFW while I was on the train’ copypasta but in Portuguese.

      Por favor, coloque uma tag NSFW nisso. Eu estava no trem e quando vi isso tive que começar a me masturbar furiosamente. Todos os outros me olhavam de forma estranha e diziam coisas como "que porra é essa" e "chame a polícia". Deixei meu telefone cair e todos ao meu redor viram esta imagem. Agora há toda uma fila de homens se masturbando juntos nesta única imagem. Isso é tudo culpa sua, você poderia ter evitado isso se tivesse apenas marcado esta postagem com NSFW. 

      This design is genius. It does so many things.

        Started from a comment on r/custommagic where users share their custom MTG cards. OP who initially used the pasta meant it as a genuine review on a person’s card but got meme-d due to how generic the comment was.

        This design is genius. It does so many things.
        It's so neat and simple.
        It's so balanced.
        You can interact with it in so many ways, and each of them are so simple to grasp.
        Really I love it, thanks for sharing, it'll go in my custom cube for sure.

        Ace Combat (Navy Seals) pasta

          What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little mercenary dog? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cascadian National Guard, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the rebels, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top ace in the entire Federation armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with railguns the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the radio? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Federation and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, dog. The storm that comes for you and wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, merc. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my missiles. Not only am I extensively trained in aerial combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Federation Peacekeepers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Cascadia, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" contract was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn crown. I will bury you so completely that the Earth will turn over a thousand times before your body is dug up. You're fucking dead, mercenary.

          Porco Dio pedofilo cagato dalla madonna deflorata con un trapano

            Porco Dio pedofilo cagato dalla madonna deflorata con un trapano da tutti gli angeli in colonna (Porco Dio porca Madonna), che la sbattono contro la croce dov'è inchiodato il porco di cristo dio cacca che sputa teste di bambinello mentre dio girarrosto e stuprapolli azzanna il culo di Gesù polpo infiocinato all'intestino da Padre Pio che annega nella diarrea sanguinolenta di San Giuseppe ricchione mentre Madre Teresa si scopa nel culo venti mazzi di cazzi di lebbrosi e si beve la sborra e condita coi succhi anali di Padre Pio vomitandola addosso a Don Matteo, che è solito infilzare San Sebastiano con la forcella della bici sodomizzandolo coi sandali di Cristo appena estratti dalla fica della Maddalena che spruzza il suo mestruo sui fedeli che, inneggiando bestemmie contro gli apostoli che si masturbano di fronte alla foto di San Crispino e, solfeggiando rutti, ficcano dita in culo a San Pietro per farlo eiaculare tramite stimolazione interna della prostata mostrandogli allo stesso tempo la fica slabbrata della troia di Santa Rita stuprata da quel coglione del papa che intanto inneggia a dio impestato fruttolo rancido defecando cotolette di maiale mangiate il venerdì santo insieme a San Pietro che incide a Mosè un pentacolo sulla cappella mentre Ratzinger si spalma su un palo col Ciao Piaggio perché lo Spirito Santo gli infila la lingua in culo fino al pancreas perché giocando a playstation ha bestemmiato troppo poco la madonna la cui passera puzza di broccolo bollito e che guarda su YouTube i filmati di San Tommaso che si brucia i peli pubici e infila lo scroto in una friggitrice accesa da San Benedetto da Norcia che balla la lap dance con un salame infilato su per il culo. 

            I am done with the Gold Coast Suns Football Club

              Started from a Reddit post in r/AFL venting about the performance of Gold Coast Suns. The public meltdown after a loss has become a copypasta.

              This is it. This is the lowest moment of my day, my week, my year, my life. This was meant to be the game where we proved we will be a finals contender, to show we can be competent outside of our home state, our biggest opportunity for an away win against the team on the bottom of the ladder after coming off a win against the reigning premiers.
              The conversation is the same every year, “this year the Suns will make finals”, “they have brilliant young stars that will get them over the line in the next few years”, “this year we’ll prove the doubters wrong”, “THIS YEAR WE WILL SHOW WE’RE MORE THAN JUST A BASKETCASE CLUB”, but it never happens and honestly I don’t think it ever will, we’ve done more in the fucking vfl for fuck sake, at this rate we’ll be relocated to FUCKING BANGLADESH
              This is one of our best lists in years, built from seasons upon seasons of failure, priority picks, academy players and many who have come and gone without a lick of success at this club, with a head coach at helm who took the laughing stock of the competition for years to a dynasty, but nothing is different.
              I can’t even say some shit like “DO IT FOR THE EMBLEM” because there’s no reason to play for the emblem, we have no history outside of being the cellar dwellers of the comp, the biggest influence we’ve had over the years is building a name for DAN GORRINGE FOR FUCK SAKE-
              we have 7 games left to prove ourselves, well actually 3 because we can’t win a game south of us to save our lives, and i HOPE, i PRAY, this club comes from the clouds and finally makes it to september and makes me look like a fucking knob, but i just can’t see it happening.
              it’s so over, we didn’t engage with our minds, thoughts, our hearts, or even our energy. We’re not always going to get it right, and that’s okay, but we have to get it right eventually for fuck sake, we’re passionate about the game, just like you, and we care, but holy FUCK, sometimes, on a clear Saturday arvo, i just don’t want to join the ride, thank you basil.

              Collingwood Football Club

              I am done with the Collingwood Football Club
              This is it. This is the lowest moment of my day, my week, my year, my life. This was meant to be the game where we proved we will be a top 4 contender, to show we can be competent with some more players bacm, our biggest opportunity for a comfortable win against a team in the top 8 after coming off a tough loss against the never to be premiers.
              The conversation is the same every week, “this year the pies will still make the 4”, “they have brilliant young stars that will get them over the line in the next few years”, “this week we’ll prove the doubters wrong”, “THIS WEEK WE WILL SHOW WE’RE MORE THAN JUST A FINAL QUARTER COMBACK WOUNDERS”, but it never happens and honestly I don’t know if we are even anything this year. we’ve done more in 2021 for fuck sake, at this rate we’ll be relocated to playing games in Geelong.
              This is one of our best lists in years, built from seasons upon seasons of so close, father som picks, and many who have come and gone without a lick of success at this club, with a head coach at helm who took the laughing stock of the competition for years to a dynasty, but nothing is different.
              I can’t even say some shit like “DO IT FOR THE EMBLEM” because thats carltons thing, the biggest influence we’ve had over the years is building a name for BRADEN MAYNARD FOR FUCK SAKE-
              we have 7 games left to prove ourselves, well actually 3 because we can’t win More then one quarter a game to save our lives, and i HOPE, i PRAY, this club comes from the clouds and finally makes it to september and makes me look like a fucking knob, but i just can’t see it happening.
              it’s so over, we didn’t engage with our minds, thoughts, our hearts, or even our energy. We’re not always going to get it right, and that’s okay, but we have to get it right eventually for fuck sake, we’re passionate about the game, just like you, and we care, but holy FUCK, sometimes, on a clear Saturday arvo, i just don’t want to join the ride, thank you basil.