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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I own a Gatling Laser for home defense

    Its the “Own a musket for home defense” copypasta but changed to Fallout’s universe.

    I own a Gatling Laser for home defense since that’s what the Enclave intended. Four NCR tax collectors break into my house, “What in the goddamn?” As I grab my MK II Powered Combat Armor and Sprtel-Wood 9700. Blow several lasers into the first man, he’s disintegrated on the spot. Draw my Plasma Pistol on the second man, misses him entirely because it has notoriously high spread and nails the neighbor’s Cyberdog. I have to resort to the Tesla Cannon mounted atop the stairs loaded with Bulk Electron Charge Packs. “Dear old friends, remember Navarro!” The tesla vaporizes two men in the blast. The sound and extra shrapnel down a nearby Vertibird. Fix Proton Axe and charge the last terrified Tax collector. He bleeds out waiting on the Rangers to arrive since protonic wounds are impossible to stitch up. Ah, just as the Enclave intended.
    Own a laser musket for home defense, since that’s what the Founders of the New American dream intended. Four raiders break into my settlement. “What in the name of Liberty Prime?” I exclaim as I grab my Minuteman tricorn and crank my musket furiously. Blow a fusion-cell-sized hole through the first man, he evaporates into a pile of glowing ash. Draw my 10mm pistol on the second, miss entirely because my V.A.T.S. luck stat is garbage, and instead hit a passing bloatfly. I have to resort to the Fat Man mounted above the fireplace, loaded and ready. “Democracy is non-negotiable!” The mini-nuke turns my house and two raiders into a smoking crater, sending debris flying all the way to Diamond City. The last terrified raider stumbles back, but I fix my Revolutionary sword and charge. He bleeds out, crippled by radiation burns, waiting for a Stimpak that will never come. Just as the Sole Survivor intended. 

    Own an M1 for home defense because it’s the greatest battle implement ever devised

      M1 Garand and M1911 pistol copypasta

      Based on the “Own a musket for home defense” copypasta but changed to the M1 Garand and M1911 pistol.

      Own an M1 for home defense because it’s the greatest battle implement ever devised. Four Nazis break into my house. “What the fuck?” As I grab my M1 helmet and M1 rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Draw my M1911 on the second man, miss him entirely because its sights suck and nails the neighbor’s Edsel. I have to resort to the Ma Duece mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with AP, “Remember Malmedy!” The AP shreds two men in a single burst, the sound and shrapnel set off car alarms. I fix my bayonet and charge the last terrified kraut; he bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since I shot him afterwards with the M1911. Just as John Garand, John Moses Browning and George S. Patton intended. 

      Many of you probably watched what took place between Donald Trump and Zelenskyy tonight. However, as a lifelong practitioner of martial arts, strategy, and philosophy, let me explain the difference between what you believe you witnessed and what actually happened.

        Trump and Zelensky argument

        It a Facebook group post by Michael McCune that gained a lot of attention after President Trump re-shared it on Truth Social. Democrats mock it due to the mental gymnastics used to paint Trump as a genius while Republicans repost it as prove of Trump’s ingenuity in navigating political affairs.

        Many of you probably watched what took place between Donald Trump and Zelenskyy tonight. Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, you might be thinking to yourself, Oh my God, Donald Trump just screwed up.
        However, as a lifelong practitioner of martial arts, strategy, and philosophy, let me explain the difference between what you believe you witnessed and what actually happened.
        Donald Trump has been under constant political persecution since the beginning of his first term. Over time, he has learned to be patient and calculated.
        Tonight, Zelenskyy was invited to the Oval Office. However, both Trump and JD Vance knew exactly what Zelenskyy was going to do—he would use this opportunity, in front of the American people, to make a power play. Both Trump and Vance anticipated this.
        When Zelenskyy began appealing to the emotions of the American people, JD Vance stepped in, accusing him of disrespecting Donald Trump. This was brilliant strategy. It’s important to understand that Zelenskyy is trying to gain access to NATO.
        Trump knew this but could not allow it to happen. If Ukraine joins NATO, the U.S. would be bound by NATO’s collective defense agreement—an attack on one is an attack on all.
        Now consider the larger implications: Ukraine and Russia despise each other. If Ukraine were to become a NATO member, any future skirmish between them would obligate the U.S. to enter into direct conflict with Russia. This would mean World War III. And if that happened, China would have to choose a side—they would almost certainly align with Russia.
        So what you witnessed tonight was a setup. Trump and JD Vance knew that the only way to achieve peace was to strategically align, at least on the surface, with Russia. Why? Because Russia would never sign a peace treaty if Ukraine were admitted into NATO.
        This is why Trump dismantled Zelenskyy’s argument. And when Zelenskyy, seeing his play failing, tried to backtrack and offer a treaty, Trump refused.
        Zelenskyy’s real intent was clear—he would not agree to peace unless security guarantees were in place. But what was he actually saying? That NATO must accept Ukraine. However, Russia would never agree to peace, knowing that NATO, their historical adversary, would surround them.
        Zelenskyy, Putin, and Trump all knew this. Zelenskyy, thinking he had Democrats' support, believed he could make this bold move on live television. But Trump and Vance saw right through it and outmaneuvered him.
        They knew that, in the short term, Democrats and the media would try to use this moment against them. But they also knew they had two years before midterms to prove their strategy was the right one. So they held their ground—brilliantly so.
        Now, Zelenskyy will have no choice but to back down and accept Trump's terms. But here’s the genius part—Trump is actually protecting Ukraine without dragging the U.S. into war.
        By negotiating a mineral deal, Trump ensures that Americans will be involved in Ukraine’s mining industry. This prevents Russia from launching an invasion, because attacking Ukraine would mean endangering American lives—something that would force the U.S. to respond.
        Trump played both sides like a master chess player. In the end, Zelenskyy will have no choice but to concede, because without U.S. support, Ukraine cannot win a prolonged war against Russia. And once U.S. companies have mining operations in Ukraine, Putin will be unable to attack without triggering massive international consequences.
        Don’t underestimate Donald Trump. In this game of chess, he’s 10 moves ahead of everyone.

        Elon Musk spent $44 Billion on Twitter. The World’s population is 8 billion.

          Its from a tweet about Michael Bloomberg back in 2020 during his campaign run. In 2025, the copypasta was used on Elon Musk instead to jab at both his haters and his mismanagement of Twitter.

          Elon Musk spent $44 Billion on Twitter. The World's population is 8 billion. He could have given each person $5 billion and still have money leftover. I feel like a cheque for $5 billion would be life changing for most people. Yet he wasted it all on Twitter


          Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. The US population is 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over. I feel like a $1 million check would be life-changing for most people. Yet he wasted it all on ads and STILL LOST.

          To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Severence

            Its the famous Rick and Morty copypasta but changed to Severance tv show on Apple TV+.

            To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Severence. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of neurosurgery most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rickken’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from The You You Are, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Severence truly ARE innies- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Mark’s existential catchphrase ”Who are you?” which itself is a cryptic reference to The Death of Ivan Ilyich. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those fetid moppets scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Erickson’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I PITY them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Lumen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the outie’s eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. 

            Navy Seals pasta but in Welsh

              Its the Navy Seals copypasta but in Welsh. Welsh are an ethnic group and nation native to Wales.

              Be'r ffwc nes di ffycin deud amdanaf, y bitch bach? Wnai gad ti wybod gorffennais top o fy dosbarth yn yr morlai nevi, a dwi di bod yn rhan o nifer o raidiau gyfrinachol ar Al-Quaeda, hefo dros 300 o lladdoedd wedi ei cadarnhau. Dwi di cael fy hyfforddu mewn rhyfela gwylliaid ac fi yw'r sneipar gorau yn yr holl US lluoedd arfog. Rwyt ti'n dim byd i fi ond targed arall. Wnai mopio chi y ffyc allan hefo fanylrwydd mewn ffyrdd sydd heb wedi cael ei gweld ar y ddaear o'r blean, nodi fy ffycin geiriau. Ti'n meddwl gelli di cael i ffwrdd hefo dweud pethau cachu fel yna dros y we i fi? Meddyliwch eto, y ffycar. fel dani'n siarad dwi mewn cyswllt hefo fy rhwydwaith cyfrinachol o ysbiwyriau ar draws yr USA a mae eich ISP yn cael ei tracio rwan so dylech paratoi am y storm, cynrhon. Y storm neith croeso allan y peth pathetig ti'n galw dy bywyd. Ti'n ffycin ded, plentyn. dwi'n gallu bod yn unrhywle, ar unrhyw adeg, a dwi'n gallu lladd ti mewn dros saith cant o ffyrdd, a hwne hefo jyst fy llaw. Nid ydw wedi cael fy hyfforddi mewn ymladd unarmed yn unig, ond mae gennai mynediad i'r holl arsenal yr Marine Corps Unol Daleithiau a wnai defnyddio fo i'w raddau llawn i mopio eich pen ol annifyr i ffwrdd y gwyneb yr cyfandir, y cachwr bach. Os byse chi di gallu gwybod pa dial an-sanctaidd byse eich sylwad "chlyfar" yn mynd i ddod, wrach base chdi di dal eich ffycin dafod. Ond roeddech chi methu, a wnesd chi ddim, a rwan ti'n talu'r pris, y goc-oen. Wnai cachu gynddaredd drostoch a wnei di boddi ynddo. Ti'n ffycin ded, kiddo.