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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I accidentally downloaded a virus

    Computer virus
    I accidentally downloaded a virus and now I can only write in WIDE LATIN and also whenever I type WIDE LATIN it automatically gets capitalized help

    Excuse me, WHAT?

      Excuse me, what?
      Excuse me, WHAT? Did you really, truly, actually just say what I think you did? Are you seriously that moronic?! No way. There is absolutely no way. I simply refuse to believe that someone as idiotic as you seem exists. It defies logic. And yet, here we are. Standing in an infinite field of your insane bablings. Witness to the ineffable stupidity of your mind. I have no words, but I'm certainly trying. Look, saying Earth is flat? Pretty reasonable. Hitler is still alive on a nazi moon base? Relatively sane. The government is lizard people? Sure, why not? But you?! What you just said?! Nuh-uh. Nope. I'm out of here. This is too much.

      Ben Shapiro playing Among Us

        Among Us the game
        Now let's say hypothetically I was the impostor. How would I get from reactor to medbay in that timespan, from which we saw each other, till you found yellow dead. Also if I were the impostor hypothetically speaking, how would I have finished all my tasks.

        ok simp 😎

          you're a simp
          Oh, so you support your girlfriend?
          You simp. Okay Homer SIMPson. You absolute simpanzee. OOO OOO OO OO EE EE OO 🐒 <- that is you. You are nothing but sludge . You are putrid muck given form, weakness personified. I am not sympathetic. You are simp pathetic.

          Every YT comment “who’s watching in 2020”

            who's watching this on 2020
            Shut the fuck you you stupid ass troglodyte bitch. of fucking course we're watching in 2020, when the fuck did you think i was watching it? 1776? you think i can just waltz outside in any year other than 2020? no nigga that's not how it works. like please fucking tell me what the actual purpose of asking this stupid ass question is. there isn't one. you just want your dumb fucking meaningless youtube comment likes don't you? please please god shut your dumb fucking mouth and delete this stupid ass comment. it's a fucking complete embarrassment to your entire family and bloodline

            Hey, vsauce, Micheal here! Why is my peepee hard? Or is it?

              Hey, vsauce, Michael here!
              Hey, vsauce, Micheal here! Why is my peepee hard? Or is it? Well, ya see, we need to start with the peepee itself. The hardening of the peepee is called an erection. Erection. The term itself shares a similarity with our own predecessors, Homo Erectus. That's Latin for Gay Straight. So, naturally, we can start to fill in the picture. Our predecessors, Gay Straights, also had hard peepees. Which brings us back to modern day erections. You see, an erection is a signal to tell you that you are gay, a leftover device from the era of Gay Straights. But what is "gay"? To quote Nelson Mandela, "To be gay is not to love others. It is to love yourself and to stay true in the face of many hardships and hard dicks." In Layman's terms, Nelson Mandela is trying to tell us to go fuck ourselves. This is vital to know because it puts into perspective the absolute size of gayness itself, divided into unique homogenous subgroups. Such a diverse range is exactly why the flag of LGBTQBBQ communities is a rainbow. But, you ask, how does this tie in to what gay Is? I'm getting there. Gay is a slang term for homosexual, which is to have sexual interest in someone of the same gender as yourself. To see more on the topic of gender, click the annotation on my face now for a playlist of videos specifically on the subject. So, to answer your question, your peepee is hard because you're gay. Hopefully today's little snippet was a good brain train for you. If you'd like to find other fun ways to test your mind mettle, click the annotation up here to go see some of my huge DONGs. And, as always, thanks for watching.