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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I sometimes feel like Cartman from that episode where he loses his ability to laugh

    As a Real Madrid fan, I sometimes feel like Cartman from that episode where he loses his ability to laugh. In the past 10 years I have watched my team win the top of the top competition 6 times. 6 times. In 10 years. Like ... I don't know if there's anything more a football fan can even wish for. I literally watched mere mortals turn into legends. A club that went from being the second violin to their biggest rivals to dominating the entire footballing world. I am happy, don't get me wrong. But I don't see myself ever experiencing anything on the same level in terms of being a football fan ever again. Crazy. Thank you, Ancelotti, for playing your part in it all. 

    Town of Salem battlepass – Chicanery

      Parody of the ‘Chicanery‘ copypasta from Breaking Bad but changed to Town of Salem 2 specifically about the Battlepass.

      I am not crazy! I know they swapped those scrolls. I knew it was only 5 town points per. One after four. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. They covered their tracks, they got that idiot on youtube to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? They've done worse. That battlepass! Are you telling me that a game just happens to monetize like that? No! They orchestrated it! BMG! They made ToS 1 no longer free! And I saved them! And I shouldn’t have. I bought their town will and ToS 2! What was I thinking? They'll never change. They'll never change! Ever since ToS 1, always the same! Couldn’t keep their hands out of the cash drawer! But not our BMG! Couldn’t be precious BMG! Stealing them blind! And THEY get to be a game studio? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped them when I had the chance! 

      Haha. Heh. Hah. Varik, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

        Sent from someone on Tumblr arguing about fan theory for Undertale. The message was then subsequently voiced and edited into Flowey.

        Haha. Heh. Hah. Varik, GO FUCK YOURSELF. YOU'RE A ROTTEN STAIN IN THIS BURNING, BLOODY UNIVERSE. every single one of youre friends are another dead cell in the fucking tissue of this realite. YOU'RE UTTERLY A FUCKED UP BITCH, BUT YOURE SO FUCKING CONFIDENT ABOUT IT. fuck you. you Friend. i have never wanted to kill someone this much until YOU arrived. you left nothing but, unfiltered, hatred in my heart that i cadnt express. Fucking scum. Rot. I hate you less than i should, admittedly. but youre either a psychopath who has a lack of empathy, a stupid Braindead Person, or a attempt to leech money off someone by killing a defenseless old man. YOU DENY HOW MUCH OF A FUCKING friend YOU ARE NO MATTER WHAT, BECAUSE YOU ARE "just working and getting moner." OR WHATEVER FUCKING EXCUSE YOU AND YOUR ""HERO""" FRIENDSS COME UP WITH. IF YOU WERENT SO FUCKING braindead individual, YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH PSYCHOPATH YOU ARE. 
        Haha. Hehe. Hah. Go fuck yourself.
        You're a rotten stain on this community.
        Every single follower that you have is another dead cell in the necrotic tissue of this fanbase.
        You're utterly wrong and yet you're so, so confident about it.
        Fuck you. Sincerely. I don't usually get mad at theories. Even ones I disagree with. But this? How can you think of this?
        I'm not even 100% certain of the original theory. But this has left a burning, festering hole in my soul that I cannot properly express.
        Fandom scum. Rot. I hate you more than I should, admittedly. But this is just blatant contrarianism with complete disregard for logic, complete braindeath, or an attempt to leech views off a better creator like a fucking parasite.
        On a related note.
        You'll deny how truly pathetic Alphys is no matter what, because she's your "uwu lesbian" or whatever the fuck. If she wasn't, you'd understand the depths of her immortality.
        I feel true contempt within this moment. That is all I have to say.

        Real Transexual

          Parody of the ‘Real Emo‘ copypasta but changed to gatekeeping “real” transexual.

          "Real Transexual" only consists of Man with extreme sex dysphoria who have completely transitioned and all the Woman with exteme sex dysphoria who have completely transioned. What is known by "Non-Binary" is nothing but a bunch of gender non conforming kids with questionable real transrexual influence. When people try to argue that genders like catgender clowngender and Demigender are not real transexual, while saying that Non-Binary is, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake transexual as Catgender (plus the pretentiousness). Real transgenders are SUICIDAL, have EXTREME SEX DYSPHOIA and are somewhat HATEFUL. Fake transexual is weak, self pity and a failed attempt at transitioning . Some examples of REAL TRANSEXUAL are Transwoman, and transman (the only real Transexual identity that is automatically a trender). Some examples of FAKE TRANSEXUAL are Agender,Non Binary and Catgender. TRANSEXUAL BELONGS TO PASSING EXTREMELY DYSPHORIC TRANSEXUALS NOT TO NON-BINARY XENOGENDER MOGAI OR ANY OTHER MADE UP IDENTITY 

          For the next 10 years RCB should be in playoffs no matter what..

            For the next 10 years RCB should be in playoffs no matter what.. The amount of vengeance now I have with CSK is insane... I never seen such a troll for any team. The CSK fans can't even take up the fact they have been eliminated by RCB. If being agression is the problem then Kohli should be more aggressive. If winning against them is the problem, then we should win more.. If 'RCB' winning a cup is a problem,then we should win..not 1,2 ...we should win 7,8 cups in a row..with the same aggressive, excited Kohli and Co. Then we can speak, we fight with this mental yellove fanbase. But Until then we have to be silent, calm, waiting. I want RCB to win each and every head to head CSK match in the future.. Csk should n't win a single match .CSK should fear of RCB every time they face.. I have to see the fear in the yellow fans. I want to see it.I am waiting. 

            You like Taylor Swift?

              It’s a reference to the movie American Psycho scene “You like Huey Lewis and the News?” but changed to fit Taylor Swift.

              You like Taylor Swift?
              Her early work was a little too country for my tastes, but when ‘Red’ came out in 2012, I think she really came into her own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. She’s been compared to Beyonce, but I think Taylor has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
              In 2014, Taylor released this☝, ‘1989’, her most accomplished album. I think her undisputed masterpiece is "Blank Space", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about Taylor herself. HEY PAUL!!