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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Opens this shit up and doesn’t even skip a beat.

    Dan Clancy is Twitch CEO

    From one of the comments reacting to a clip of Twitch CEO showing a new feature for Twitch but his feed is all gooner content.

    Opens this shit up and doesn't even skip a beat. What you're witnessing here is an advanced coomer hiding their power level, like a man who doesn't flinch when a crazy person on the train gets in his face. You don't get there overnight. It takes years, decades maybe, of consistent gooning to be able to open that shit up and not make some sort of movement or sound. This is a man who has gooned close to the sun and survived.
    "Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young"

    Baeowyn’s Soup

      Its a response to the “stew scene” in LOTR: Two Towers Extended where Eowyn brings Aragorn a bowl of stew that is clearly terrible.

      Don’t you dare
      Don’t you
      besmirch Eowyn’s name like that
      You know how many cookbooks they have in Edoras? How many culinary classes? They don’t, that’s how many. You learn to cook from your family and guess what, Eowyn doesn’t get to hang around her mom and dad, her duty is to take care of the king, who for god knows how long has been 60 going on 160, totally fucking useless and only takes advice from an escaped convict from Madame Tussaud’s, no one can even be bothered to fix the fucking flag and Eowyn’s job has been to pretend like all of this is a-oh-goddamn-kay all the while training with a sword, and on top of that she’s pretty damn light on good cooking influences - Eomer, the only family she’s got that doesn’t have fucking Saruman‘s hand up their ass is Eomer, who eats a goddamn brick of meat off a knife. You really expect her to learn to make a good vichyssoise from The Meat Marshal? No fuckin way, Eowyn is stressed af and she’ll be damned if you’re gonna give her shit for not being able to Gordon Ramsay on the road with nothing edible but lumps of whatever the hell that was in the soup. Tbh it’s a fucking miracle considering the circumstances that Eowyn managed to conjure soup out of nothing - you’re not gonna give her shit because she didn’t add enough flour to the base, you take it and are fucking grateful.
      Aragorn understood this. Did he complain like some shitty suburban parent at an Olive Garden? No he fucking didn’t, because that would be a grade A ~dick move~, and because Eowyn would’ve probably just fucking lost it and killed him on the spot and then we wouldn’t have gotten a third movie, and if Aragorn understands one thing it’s box office ka-ching. He’s not stupid, he wants his $$$ and to not die and to not be a piece of shit.
      So you don’t. Talk. Smack. Bout. Baeowyn’s. Soup. 😤

      “We can’t, we don’t know how to do it.”

        Started by a tweet by @JeremyTate41, the tweet has been used ironically on either completely normal or absurd stuff.

        My father-in-law is a builder. It is difficult to get his attention in a magnificent space because he is lost in wonder. We were in a cathedral together years ago and I asked him what it would cost to build it today. I will never forget his answer…
        “We can’t, we don’t know how to do it.”

        I can’t take it anymore. I’m sick of break effect.

          Parody of the Xiangling copypasta but changed to the break effect mechanic in Honkai Star Rail.

          I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of break effect. I try to play kafka. My break effect deals more damage. I try to play jingliu. My break effect deals more damage. I try to play firefly. My break effect deals more damage. I want to play acheron. Her best team has break effect. I want to play black swan, blade. They both want break effect.
          He grabs me by the throat. I fish for him. I cook for him. I give it my best . he isn't satisfied. I pull ruan mei cone. "it's not enough" he tells me. "put imaginary mc in the team." he grabs my credit card and forces me to throw all my savings. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with r5."
          I can't pull for r5, I don't have enough money. he grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, break effect application. What a cruel world.

          Wonder Woman makes me want to rip my hair out

            From a comment replying to a post asking which character players hate going against the most in r/MultiVersus.

            Wonder Woman makes me want to rip my hair out each and every time I have the misfortune of playing against that wretched character. I feel my smile fade from my face, my joy and happiness vanish, and my will to live diminish each time I see one on the loading screen, contemplating, Should I quit? Should I save myself from the torture that I know I will go through? I haven't yet, but I think about it each time. Win or lose, those few minutes shaved off my lifespan will never return to me. And that fact will haunt me for the rest of my life. 

            Most people just suck at giving blowjobs

              Started as a comment to someone saying its hotter to give blowjobs than receiving one.

              no most people just suck at giving them so most of you don't know what you're missing. I've slept with like 12 people and only one of them was any good at giving head but oh boy was she good at giving head. They say to never stick your dick in crazy but I still miss her... I hate cigs but she Pavlov'd me into getting aroused by the scent of hers in particular and now every so often some human ashtray walks by and mentally teleports me back to her bedroom.