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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

No condoms, skin on skin. On the living room floor, the bedroom ceiling

    Evolution of the “no lube, no protection, all night all day” copypasta.

    Every way, all ways. Doggy style, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, missionary, spooning, frontwards, backwards, upside down, 69, standing, lotus, bridge, 360 degrees, in the rain, in the snow, in the blazing heat of a thousand suns. No condoms, skin on skin. On the living room floor, the bedroom ceiling, the kitchen counter, the closet, the fridge, the front porch, the neighbor’s lawn, the public library, the moon. On the couch, in the car, in the street, in a moving train, on a rollercoaster, on the office desk, in the elevator, on the Ferris wheel, in a bouncy castle, on a pirate ship, under the bed, in the attic, on a tightrope, while skydiving, in the middle of a flash mob. I want her bouncing on it until she’s pregnant with my triplets, quadruplets, and quintuplets all at once. Until our future kids are sending us postcards from space and narrating our wild adventures on TikTok. Because why stop at Earth when you can aim for the stars and beyond? Let’s make headlines and history books, baby! 

    My mother asked me if I did the dishes

      AKA the Klay Thompson copypasta, its used to describe athletes who are no longer top of their game hence the term “washed”.

      My mother asked me if I did the dishes. I replied “X”. She smiled, as she knew they were washed.
      My mom asked if the dishes were done and I yelled "X!"
      She hugged me. She knew they were washed.
      My mom asked me if I did the dishes 
      I yelled “X” 
      She smiled 😊 She knew they were washed 🧼

      Reverse Klay Thompson copypasta

      My dad asked me to wash his car an hour ago.
      When I returned, he asked me whether it was done or not.
      I said Player_Name.
      He beat me up because he knew that it wasn't washed

      Palauan Princess

        Originated from the forum where a random person replied to a thread with a story of marrying a Palau princess.

        LMFAO....nailed it
        But in my case married the Princess of Ngaraard, Palau....Ulimang Clan....bitch tried poisoning me off when I found out the 13yr old daughter wasnt mine.....
        Crazy slut was just trying to protect her political status in her country.
        Palau Supreme Court Case CA15-009....I got the entire Palau Council of Chief’s to strip that bitches Queen pending.
        Both the mother in law...former Queen and her Brother the Clan Chief...dropped fukn dead....kinda sent US Federal Agents after them....try poisoning me off you fuckers
        Her Uncle was Elias Camsek Chin....Palau Senate President....killed his fuckin career....when Colonel Whelan of the 36th Mission Support Group on Guam killed himself when his wife wanted a divorce after she found out he was fuckin my wife.....
        Crazy fukn brown skinned people 

        War Thunder – one look at that frame will turn any straight man gay and any gay man ace.

          From a deranged comment on r/Warthunder complaining about missile spam meta for the game.

          ... yeah no thanks, one look at that frame will turn any straight man gay and any gay man ace. Top tier gameplay will continue to deflate my weiner sufficiently enough that I can substitute it for wearing a cage, or as an alternative to Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day.
          Miss me with your dogshite Gaijin, bring back WW2-cold war-focused updates if you want to play it safe & make us happy, give us some WWI-interwar action if you want to try something new & special (don't half-ass it), give us a much needed complete engine overhaul, finally fucking decompress BR's significantly and get some real balancing going! Just give us something- anything unique or innovative! Or you can get the fuck out. Because right now, you're trying to expand towards modern with game balancing and an engine that doesn't support it.
          you're losing me as a loyal paying player with nearly 4000 hours. This shit isn't fun and I've already started playing other games over your drivel ass updates. Regain some god damn creative vision, make some outside swings, stop circling the toilet bowl you've placed yourself in.
          I know you're doing financially well, but you're burning good will with your community and have been for years. It eventually catches up, and I think a lot of us are waiting and praying for some one to try it but better; to take a shot at the king.
          I can't complain about 4k hours, truly I can't! And you've already gotten your fair share of cash from me, which is fine. But your existence as a live service game tells me that you want me to keep paying and playing. Not gonna happen if you keep this shit up.
          So far I'm thinking you're more on the ball with Enlisted these days than you've been on War Thunder for at least two years now.

          Has fromsoft gone woke?

            From a Reddit comment shitposting on the fact that Fromsoft has gone woke with the release of Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring.

            Let me preface this by saying that I am not, and I repeat, not bad at souls games. In fact, I've played this genre since before it was a genre. So I know how to play these games, and how much you normally struggle when playing new ones. Now, all that out if the way, i am going to come out and say it. This dlc is really, really bad.
            The world design is amazing, sure, and the bosses are really cool. But I have a different problem, one that you can't just learn the attack timing of.
            I hate the gay people in this dlc. I have always been extremely homophobic, and the souls series might have put a bit of gayness here and there, but it was never this pronounced. Has fromsoft gone woke?
            They try to mask it with incest, but it's not the same as brother and sister playing around (which is fine, completely normal). Brothers playing around is wrong, because it is a sin. In a familial situation, some sexual tension is natural but never towards other men. Me and my sister took baths together until we were in our late teens, but if I did that with my dad, or if I had a brother and saw him naked, that would be immoral and wrong.
            The fact that fromsoft is pushing this makes me extremely uncomfortable, and I need them to change it. It ruins the entire dlc and pits a bad taste in my mouth, a worse taste than that time my mom accidentally peed in my mouth. And let me tell you, that woman's piss stank something fierce. Thats how serious this is.
            Please, think of my religion. I dont care if you are some chinese or korean developers or something, you should nautraly, instinctively know that God wouldn't want this, Jesus wouldn't want this, and I'm sure Saint Trump wouldn't want this. 🙏


              Nice clothes and makeup, loser. Oh, you’re expressing yourself? You’re having fun? Well I’m going to stop you right there, because we both know goth is a music based subculture and I can tell from looking at you that you don’t listen to any goth bands. Depeche Mode and Joy Division? Don’t make me laugh. The Sisters of Mercy? Andrew Eldritch himself says they’re not goth, are you saying you know better than him? Siouxsie and the Banshees? Oh, I’m terribly sorry to inform you that they were straightforward post punk, who then sold out to the mainstream and became alternative pop. Don’t see the word goth anywhere in that sentence, I’m afraid. Rosetta Stone, the Merry Thoughts, Fields of the Nephilim? You may not be aware of this, but all so-called “gothic rock” bands were simply ripping off the Sisters of Mercy while bringing no creativity or value to the table whatsoever. And as we have already established, the Sisters of Mercy are not goth. Bauhaus? Just because they wrote a song about a vampire they must be goth, huh? I won’t even bother to address that, but I will gladly let you know that Bauhaus clearly is not a goth band, since there was no goth genre yet when they were in existence. It’s really not complicated at all. And the Cocteau Twins are popular again, so obviously they’re not goth. You really are stupid, aren’t you? Oh okay, something more modern? Vision Video, Urban Heat? Oh please. Just plain new wave poorly masquerading as goth. It’s honestly insulting. Drab Majesty? With that instrumentation? Give me a fucking break. London After Midnight were never goth, and they certainly aren’t now. There’s something here you seem to be missing. It’s not about having fun, or listening to music you like, because I hate to burst your little bubble, but you’re not supposed to like goth music. Listening to it should be a chore! You’ve got to suffer through every minute in order to earn the right to wear those cool clothes of yours! But uh oh, you seem to be out of luck. Goth music isn’t real. Nowhere on this Earth exists real goth music. Well, nowhere except on my bandcamp page, where you can find my 102-minute demo tape. And yes, it’s also produced by yours truly. You’re welcome. Of course, you still won’t be a real goth until you can recite the lyrics of 5 songs each from 10 goth bands in 15 subgenres, but that’s okay. You can just call yourself darkly inclined. And also a dumb loser.