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Copypasta and circle jerk response to reddit culture or hivemind mentality. Primarily done to ridicule AITA sub or r/relationship_advice absurd nature.

How are 13yos doing it but I’m 16 and have never even been in a relationship

    r/teenagers is a gold mine for copypastas
    I feel like every post here that's not a shitpost is about people getting into relationships or losing their virginity with a so or a fwb, etc.
    WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO'S STILL A LONELY VIRGIN? I seriously feel like I'm the only one, and it also doesn't help my self esteem, which is already really low. I think i look horrible (no I'm not showing my face) but many people have told me that I look better than most, but I don't believe that, because nobody wants to engage in a conversation with me, even when I start it.
    How are people so lucky while I'm here just getting more and more depressed as time goes on because I feel like I'm the only one not in a relationship or still a virgin which makes me feel like I'm inadequate, but I've tried everything I can, and it's still not enough.

    Am I racist? (serious)

      Very serious
      Hello r/blacklivesmatter. I have a question.
      So before I explain what happened, lemme just say this. I’m white (oppressor) and I’m very bad because I’m white. I recently was texting my friend (also oppressor) and was using some emojis to convey what I was saying. I generally use the default skin toned emojis which are a bright yellow color. One day though, my finger slipped and I accidentally used one of the darker skin toned 🖐 emoji. After realizing the horrible act of racism I’d just committed, I immediately deleted the reply as it had been rooted in racism and there’s no excuse for that. I then profusely apologized over Instagram messages to all of my accomplices, friends and acquaintances of color. A majority of them had responses that said that what happened was completely fine but I realized their opinion was probably white washed because of me (oppressor) and other white people (domestic terrorists/oppressors). So now I ask, am I racist because of this?

      from r/196

        When I see a user with a female snoo avatar I always click on it to see a bigger image. And 10/10 times, I'm turned on by it.
        They are sooo cute. Call me a bit dorky, but I've fantasized about having sex with some of them. And yes, I've beaten my meat to my fair share of female snoos (then again, who hasn't?).
        I know most people on Reddit find the snoos ugly, but I think they're really sexy. It's bad when I'm scrolling through reddit in public and I see a female snoo because I automatically have to start thinking of something gross so I don't get an erection in public

        Reddit needs to allow users to add boobs to their avatars

          This is how we make Reddit great again
          I'll cut to the chase because you guys don't upvote posts longer than a paragraph. REDDIT. NEEDS. MORE. BREASTS. And actually good ones that satisfy the average Redditor, you know like hentai mommy milkers. You know, abnormous Gongalongadonkerooos. IMAGINE scrolling through reddit and you see a user with a female avatar possessing massive breast. Masturbation will become 54.8% more efficient. Face it, why wouldn't you do this? Reddit has porn, so why should admins limit themselves to that? In addition, female users can express themselves more accurately to other users creating a more immersive environment on Reddit.

          How to piss off as many Redditors as possible

            🤠🤪🙂😔😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😂☺️☺️😂😜😙😙🙃😋😋😚😇😂☺️😉😍😚🤨😏🥳😟😕😞😎🤓🤓😛😘😗😝😕🙁😟😟😳😨🤬🤗🤭🤭😪🤤🥴🤢😽🙀😻😾😽👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌lol xD!!! UwU r/whoosh normie LOLS
            I know how to control the karma, but im not saying :)
            I'TS MY CAKE DAY! Can I get an upvote? 🤞😂
            R/foundthemobileuser 😂😂😂 fucking mobile users with capital letters LMAO
            Instagram is better than reddit and fortnite is better than minecraft. EA good, Hong Kong bad, China good.
            Reddit is stealing everything from 9GAG and Facebook :/
            God EXISTS, and his plan is unknown!
            Old Star Wars? Pff that thing SUCKS! New Star Wars gang rise up! Disney is amazing 😩😩
            "Weed" and "vaping" should be BANNED!
            TRUMP 2020!
            Keanu Reever SUCKS!!!
            EDIT 3: GOLD!?!?!? YALLS TOO NICE
            EDIT 5: OMG RIP MY INBOX