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Cursed Thoughts

Cursed thoughts shared in discussions that is ridiculous and absurd in nature that it became a meme. Usually about popular characters and people.

Hal pushes you up against the wall.

    Hal pushes you up against the wall. Enemies just outside. He has shot most of his load already so he is in desperate need. He comes close and whispers to you I need light ammo You squirm a bit but you understand, he's the IGL, you can't help yourself. You drop a clip from your meager stack. "You know thats not enough...give me more" He presses his leg into you and you relent, dropping all your light ammo for your dominant IGL.

    Do you guys edge your weapons?

      I find edging archer very practical especially against monarchs and legions. Very fun even tho you can get caught with your pants down if you edge for too long. I personally have never been on recieving end of archer edging, I think mainly because I main ronin and most people don't like edging to ronin, but that's just a theory.
      I main dice roll so I naturally get smart pistol from time to time, and I often edge it just for fun. Looking at someone panic when they know that anytime now I can blow my load on them is really fun. Fighting smart pistol is already scary, but it becomes 10x scarier when someone edges it.
      Northstar I feel like is the most edged titan alongside legion. Having a load ready anytime is just fundamental and it's no suprise that a lot of people edge their plasma railguns and predator cannons.
      As for laser shot and siphon edging is really important and lets you shoot very accurately, but sometimes when you edge, but can't finish on someone you might have to help yourself with your other hand to not waste charge.
      As for edging devotion and charge rifle I feel like it's just a fun thing to do but no really practical. Never edged devotion before but I might try.
      Anything I missed?

      Let me break it down for you, Mark.

        Omni man explaining his mater/slave dynamic
        Let me break it down for you, Mark. Your mother and I have a relationship that's all about a master/slave dynamic. When I said she was more like a pet to me, I meant that in the most literal way possible. Remember that time you found a dog collar under the couch and I told you it's because we were getting a dog? That was a lie, son. Truthfully, your mom likes it when I put her on a leash and walk her around the backyard. She's usually naked, of course. I can't explain why, but the whole thing is her idea. She'll piss on trees, sleep in dog cages, chew up furniture -- she once took a full-sized, adult woman shit in my dockers. Your mother is one fucked-up slut, Mark. And I love her, but im not bringing that energy back to Viltrum with me. Frankly? She scares me sometimes. I don't know who molested her or how they did it, but there is some dark juju in that woman's head and I just dont know I'm strong enough to fuck it all away.

        My keyboard is a keyboard virgin.

          I just got a new keyboard and I realized I haven't typed anything vulgar or explicit on it yet, which makes me feel like it's a virgin keyboard. I almost don't want to either because just thinking about it feels dirty or sinful. It's making me seriously consider that I might want to swap it out with my old keyboard before I do decide to engage in any immoral behavior. Who knows, maybe one day I won't care as much and I'll be ready to pop her cherry mx.

          Female Flame Atronach from Oblivion

            Flame Atronach copypasta
            I am going to have sex with this female Flame Atronach from Oblivion. I find the Flame Atronaches in The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion sexy. However, their body is made up of 87% fire, and 100% fire surrounds them. That could kill me if I tried to have sex with one. To remedy this, the Flame Atronach casts a spell on me making me resistant to fire. Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune. I still take damage. It is either 1 point or 0 points of damage each second I am having sex with her. Just because a particular second caused 0 points of damage, does not mean that I did not feel anything, it just means I took no damage. I am not going to rush through having sex with this Flame Atronach. I make sure I pleasure anything I have sex with-especially non-humans! I'd rather take damage than not pleasure the Flame Atronach. The Flame Atronach and I go to the Planes of Oblivion to have sex. When having sex with non-humans, it is ALWAYS sexier to have sex in their natural habitat rather than a human's natural habitat. The Planes of Oblivion is the Flame Atronach's natural habitat. 

            Full version

            I am going to have sex with this female Flame Atronach from Oblivion. I find the female Atronaches in The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion sexy. However, their body is made up of 87% fire, and 100% fire surrounds them. That could kill me if I tried to have sex with one. To remedy this, the Flame Atronach casts a spell on me making me resistant to fire. Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune. I still take damage. It is either 1 point or 0 points of damage each second I am having sex with her. Just because a particular second caused 0 points of damage, does not mean that I did not feel anything, It just means that I took no damage. I am not going to rush through having sex with this Flame Atronach, I make sure I pleasure anything I have sex with, especially non-humans! I'd rather take damage than not pleasure the Flame Atronach.
            The Flame Atronach and I go to the Planes of Oblivion to have sex. When having sex with non-humans, it is ALWAYS sexier to have sex in their natural habitat rather than a human's natural habitat.
            Before we went into the Planes of Oblivion, the Flame Atronach let all the Daedra know that we are just here for sex. The Daedra will not attack us because they know I am here at the Planes of Oblivion on sexual business. This includes the Dremora. However, the Dremora Marknyaz thinks that I am going to be an easy recruit for becoming a follower of Mehrunes Dagon considering that I am having sex with a Flame Atronach. However, I have no interest in becoming a Daedra.

            Flame Atronach (Good ending)

            Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human companionship, Flame Atronach is objectively the most huggable Daedroth? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of cake, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that's not all, they have a very respectable special defense stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won't mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like Charm Mortal and Flame Cloak, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression ever again.

            Manipulating my wife into becoming Ina.

              I'm actually manipulating my wife into becoming Ina. I convinced her to take art lessons and lied that her voice hurts my ears so she could speak more softly. I picked her on purpose because she was a petite Korean girl with a flat chest: the perfect candidate. Lately I have been playing sounds during her sleep and whispering "the cucumbers will kill you only the ancient ones can save you" on weekdays and on weekends, I read a book full of terrible puns I found on amazon and to my surprise it worked. She now hates cucumbers and has started developing a wit for puns. She isn't exactly sure what "the ancient ones" means but she'll know when I'm done brainwashing her. Soon I will start subtly changing my body language around her to reflect approval towards outfits Ina would wear and things Ina would say. I've also been keeping her on a strict diet which keeps her slim while allowing her to drink Dr.Pepper or as I call it around her "Dr Oopsie". By next year the project should be done and I will hand sew her a replica of Ina's debut outfit so that I will be the first man on earth to try Ina's back in real life. I will then gift her a crowbar so she can gently bonk me any time i sekuhara her in our home.