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Cursed Thoughts

Cursed thoughts shared in discussions that is ridiculous and absurd in nature that it became a meme. Usually about popular characters and people.

Total Kike Death

    Parody of the ‘TND’ copypasta but changed to fit Jewish people.

    Kill kikes. Behead kikes. Roundhouse kick a kike into the concrete. Slam dunk a kike baby into the trashcan. Blast kikes with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy Jews. Whip kikes into obedience. Slingshot a kike into orbit. Rocket kikes into the sun. Defecate in a kikes food. Stir-fry kikes in a wok. Bite a kike and drink their blood. Toss kikes into active volcanoes. Urinate into a kike's gas tank. Judo throw kikes into the wood chipper. Unscrew a kike's head off. Report kikes to the IRS. Karate chop kikes in half. Bake kikes into kike-pizza. Arrest kikes for no reason. Electrocute kikes. Curb stomp pregnant kikes. Beat a kike up. Trap kikes in quicksand. Crush kikes in the trash compactor. Liquefy kikes in a vat of acid. Eat kikes. Dissect kikes. Exterminate kikes in the gas chamber. Slice a kike up and wear their skin. Set kikes on fire. Spin kikes around until they puke. Tie kikes to a train track. Karate kick a kike in the testicles. Stomp kike skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil kikes into a broth. Cremate kikes in the oven. Lobotomize kikes. Deep fry kikes. Grind kike fetuses in the garbage disposal. Fourth-trimester abortions for kikes. Blend kikes in a blender. Drown kikes in fried chicken grease. Vaporize kikes with a ray gun. Snap a kike's neck. Kick old kikes down the stairs. Feed kikes to alligators. Slice kikes with a katana. Put a bomb in a kike's mouth. Throw knives at kikes. Inflate kikes until they pop. Send kikes into a blackhole. Castrate kikes. Feed kikes poisoned food. Force kikes to walk the plank. Push kikes into a pit. Kneel on a kike's neck. Curse kikes with a spell. Stuff kike babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten kikes with a tank. Pop a kike's car tire. Strike kike children with a ruler. Make kikes swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a kike's limbs. Airdrop kikes into Antarctica. Throw kikes off the boat. Pressurize kikes into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a kike's ass. Falcon-punch a kike in the face. Make kikes into fiction. Blow kikes heads off with grenade launchers. Blow kikes brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock kikes in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail kikes to a cross and stab them. Run over kikes with a tank feet-first. Throw kikes off buildings. Crush kikes with a press. Attack kikes with acid. Boil kikes in a pan. Lock kikes inside a brazen bull. Burn kikes alive. Drag kikes across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on kikes. Quarter kikes. Impale kikes on a pike. Send aliens to abduct kikes. Force kikes to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush kikes with anvils. Throw kikes off of rooftops. Incinerate kikes. Starve kikes. Blow kikes up with dynamite. Gulp kikes. Feast on kike eyeballs. Cave in a kike's skull. Kiss a kike to death. Peel a kike like a banana. Wipe out kike tribes. Deny kikes into Heaven. Freeze kikes in the vacuum of space. Hard boil a kike. Lock on to kikes with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a kike. Ferment kikes into stew. Ensnare kikes. Nark on kikes to the army. Cause a total kike purge. Jam a kike into a geyser. Axe murder a kike. Unleash Smelvin upon kikes. Put kikes on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. TOTAL KIKE DEATH! ABSOLUTE KIKE ANNIHILATION!. 

    My balls are just so ludicrously big!

      My balls are just so ludicrously big! It's like two basketballs in a sack, when I shower I spend at least half the time just cleaning them as they swing like pendulums against my thighs! I need specialty clothes just for them because they burst through anything else! It looks like I'm packing a mile of meat but even though my dick is huge it's all my balls! Whenever I try to jerk off my dick feels like it's rent asunder as gallons burst out! I need to contain it in jars which i donate to the sperm bank because the simply gargantuan amount would clog my toilet! I don't need a chair to sit down outside, I just sit on my titanic balls and feel them slosh! I once had a girlfriend who I nearly suffocated by accidentally dropping my balls onto her face when I tried to have sex with her! It's like a full beanbag between my thighs and the sweat is outrageous, I need to use a full towel every time i wipe my balls, and even then I can't get the bottom! They're just too colossally large for my body! They're so big that I need to get medical checkups solely for my balls or the doctor would run out of time checking my simply gargantuan, shiny, testicles! The sperm bank my area has an entire tank just for me! I can use them as an emergency floatation device in the pool! My balls are classified as an entirely new medical condition and my pubic hair is so big that I have to shave it and wash it with shampoo! My balls are legally classified as a deadly weapon after I killed a thief withthem by tripping onto him! They're bigger than my head! Once I fell off a cliff but my balls were so strong that when I landed on them they weren't injured at all! The smell of sweat that emenates from them is so powerful that I have three industrial fans blowing at my balls whenever I sit down! I don't wear clothes at home because when I'm naked I can use them as a desk for my laptop! My testicles are so big that there's at least a gallon of cum in them EACH! My mother thought she had twins but the second baby was my giant balls! I slept at a friend's house and they asked to use my balls as a pillow but they fell into the hair and had to be surgically removed! When I run clothed they tear through and everyone can see them swing like a collosal pendulum! I have enough cum in my impossibly large nuts to impregnate millions of women! My nutsack is so large that it takes a minute for it to stop swinging after i poke it! 

      In terms of male human and female YuGiOh monster breeding, the Tearlaments are the most compatible monsters

        Hey guys. Did you know, in terms of male human and female YuGiOh monster breeding, the Tearlaments are the most compatible monsters for humans? Not only are they in the mermaids group, which is mostly comprised of hot womens, Tearlaments are an average of 5”7 tall and 115.9 pounds, this means they’re perfect for human dicks, and with their impressive resilient to handtraps for durability and ability to reconstruct their whole board after getting raigeki, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based attribute, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Kitkallos would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. 

        Fellas, is it normal to be attracted to your cards?

          Alright.I know this sounds dumb.
          I know waifu decks existed and it's normal for people to be physically attracted to them.Tears, Dmaid, sky strikers...... but this is different.
          So, recently, I picked up this deck, called floowandereeze.
          Half of you gus probably already knew what deck is this.The bird stun deck that normal summons a lot with the lore of 3 traveling birds who went from north to south pole.Nothing remotely arousing about this, right?
          Or so I've thought.
          So, I heard about the deck, got the cards, and hopped on a few rounds of casual matches...
          Then I got utterly clapped.Due to me not even looking at the card once.
          I posted about that on reddit and people told me to look at the card and see the effects, so i did.
          Nothing interesting there, just some normal effects with some cute card arts of these birds-
          Than I saw her.
          Yes, the one with a hat.She probably doesn't have a name, since the wiki just says she's a part of the 'floowandereeze' species, but that's fine.I would just call her floo, since, well, that's a cute name for a girl bird like her.
          Well, in the moment I focused on her, something inside me triggered.My heart rate skyrockets, my face blushes......
          I'm in love.
          I am not a furry, but I've always been interested in birds.Having an ornithologist father, I was taught to love birds like family since I was a little kid.Dad would bring me to different fields and let me sketch those beautiful little angels while he does his research.Growing up,the love of birds inside me only grows.
          But not like this.
          Floo was different.She didn't gave me the 'nice bird!' type of fascination.Maybe it's the cute, simple eyes, maybe it's her cute hairstyle that coincidentally matches with my highschool crush, but I am falling in love with her.In a romantic way.
          Me, a fucking adult male, is falling for a fictional bird from a children's card game who doesn't even have an official name.
          This is beyond shameful.I know this is highly immoral and my parents would probably disown me if they found out my forbidden love towards floo, but I can't resist it.I desperately tried to search for art of her but I just couldn't find it.I crave her.I wish to turn into a bird and build a nest with her, nesting a whole bunch of babies.I NEED her.
          After reading more cards and closely inspecting her, the passion that's burning inside me only became stronger.Her sassy, cheery attitude and dainty figure arouses something deep inside me.It's not the desire of body, rather than soul.I need her more after that.I wish she's real. Floo is now my life.I spent hours drawing her and sticking printed images of her and those paintings on the walls of my room so I could watch floo 24/7.I called sick so that I could play with floo on master duel.I am even spending money on an IRL floo deck just to make her sleep with me physically every night.
          It's crazy how one cute girl could change a man in a period this short.
          Is this normal?Heard some yugioh players also does this and they are doing fairly well... 

          I used to jerk off to Angry Birds

            On May 14 2024, the official Angry Birds Twitter account reposted someone’s tweet with the “I used to jerk off to angry birds” copypasta. The internet made memes about it and they shortly released a statement apologizing for their mistake

            I used to jerk off to angry birds. When I was about 13 l loved angry birds and I had every game and bought every toy they had. One day, I was playing Angry Birds, when all of a sudden, the big red bird turned me on. I couldn't stand it. I was going crazy. I decided to pull out my big, long, thick and girthy willy and started jerking I never had felt so good. I soon continued to do this daily and never got bored of it. That big red bird was so hot and those little blue ones were some cuties. I am glad to admit I still do this to this very day. 

            I sexually Identify as an Onii-chan.

              I sexually Identify as an Onii-chan. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of having sugoku kawaii imouto-chans and then fucking them silly. People say to me that a person being an Onii-chan is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon attach a kawaii radar and my little sister to my crotch. From now on I want you guys to call me Onii-chan and respect my right to fuck all sogoku kawaii imotou-chans. If you can't accept me as an Onii-chan, you're a Oniiphobe and need to check your sogokukawaiiimouto and the virginity of your child privileges. Thank you for understanding.