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Copypasta of anime culture, weebs and meme quotes from popular anime such as Jojo, My Hero Academia and Haikyuu. Also contains popular anime ASCII art such as Oh? You’re Approaching Me?” and “Suprised Pikachu”.

my life has never been the same since i saw Ryo

    my life has never been the same since i saw ryo, now everyday the only thing that worries me is that i couldnt see her anymore. i feel dread all the time. every hour, every minute, every second. every moment i feel the dread knowing one day i have to let her go. i love her even before i let her go. so why must it come to an end? i know nothing lasts forever but couldnt life just spare me from despair just this once and let me be with her? does it really have to take away the only thing im living for from my embrace? its not really fair is it.... i havent done anything particularly bad to anyone, im pretty harmless. so why must i be punished? why is that one day i can no longer see ryo with my very own two eyes? i want her, i miss her, i need her, i love her....


      Jogoat from Jujutsu Kaisen
      "Stand proud Sukuna, you're strong"
      - Jogoat
      "Did you pray today?"
      - Jogoat
      "Nah I'd win"
      As Jogoat fought the fraud of curses, Sukuna, he opened his domain. Sukuna shrunk back in fear and Jogoat said, 'Stand proud Sukuna, you're strong'
      As the strongest curse, JoGOAT, fought the fraud, the King of Curses, he began to open his domain. Sukuna shrunk back in fear. Then JoGOAT said "Stand proud Sukuna, you are strong." 
      "Jogoat save the curse society"
      As the strongest curse Jogoat fought the fraud, the king of curses, he unleashed his domain. As Sukuna shrunk back in fear Jogo said to him “Stand proud Sukuna, you are strong”
      As Jogoat once said to scared Fraudkuna: "Stand proud Sukuna u are strong!"
      JoGoat, the strongest curse, will carry on their legacy by destroying Fraudkuna(cope is the only hope).

      Do Guinaifen’s vids have any originality?

        I have to get this one off my chest. Y'all are simping for her as if the whole world revolved around her, but I feel compelled to speak the truth. Is there ANY originality to the vids and posts she makes? She's terminally online, and her accounts are literally everywhere, churning out her vapid content not just here on Ghostly Grove but on other platforms as well. Is she that desperate for money? And everything she posts is either overused, outdated, cringey memes or just clout-chasing clickbaity stuff that appeals to the lowest common denominator. If not that, then she would just straight up STEAL other people's ideas. And she calls herself a "content creator", LMAO. I can't be the only one who finds her boring, right? Right? She has such a large following, yet she never uses it to address any of the pressing social issues. Why is that!? All she does everyday is make mind-numbingly "fUnNY" hogwash! People like her are the reason why society is going down the drain!


          Mahito's Mahitussy
          Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female curse breeding, Mahito is the most compatible for humans? Not only is she a curse born from humanity, Mahito is a curse with a very close resemblance to a human being. This implies that she has the right equipment to handle human dicks and with her impressive durability feats and cursed energy reserves, you can be rough with her. She also has her cursed technique and idle transfiguration which allows her to manipulate her own anatomy as well as your anatomy in order to give an amazing experience. No other curse comes close to this level of compatibility. Also fun fact, Mahito is the only character who is able to give a handjob within a blowjob. Mahito is literally built as a sex doll. Human like form + high durability+ cursed energy+ idle transfiguration means she can take cocks inall shapes and sizes and still come for more.

          I’ve become Eren Jaeger

            Eren Jaeger


            The Eren Jaeger copypasta started from a post in 4chan and has since became a meme within the Attack on Titan community. Fun fact, the words ‘戦い, 戦い’ mentioned in the copypasta actually translate to ‘penis penis’ in english.

            I've become so much like Eren Jaeger it's scary.
            I wear black cardigans, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends.
            When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight fight in american.)
            I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut the fuck up Hange.
            I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control.
            When I see dogs being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am.
            I can't have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Mikasa or Historia, both of whom remind me of Armin.
            When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them freedom fries.
            I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.


              Silky is a demon in the SMT series
              Bro my ass could not survive the conception.
              I mean, first off, everyone who wasn't in the Shinjuku medical center died in the conception, and I don't live anywhere near Shinjuku (which is apparently a real place? Must have been made as an SMT reference).
              But if I did miraculously live to see the vortex world, I'd immediately start seeking out some sexy demons to try and negotiate with them. Maybe a Pixie, they're cute and all, but my dream would be a Silky.
              They're so pretty. Tall and elegant, with long hair that flows gracefully down their back, held back by that nice little hat to keep it out of her face when she's cleaning. She has that simple yet beautiful old European style dress that is so modest I haven't got a clue what lies underneath (the mystery is part of the appeal).
              I'd find one, walk up to her to begin negotiations and she'd say something like "So, how do you feel about cleaning?" To which I'd respond "I think it's very important and do it regularly." (Silky is a faerie that is associated with housekeeping and cleanliness, which is why I know she'd appreciate this answer, even if it's a lie).
              But then she'd probably respond to me by saying something like "Then why don't you clean your guts off the floor?" Then break off negotiations. She'd immediately hit me with a physical attack, which would be kind of hot, except she'd hit me hard enough to break my skull in two and leave me dead on the ground.