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League of Legends

My GF screamed “NRG” instead of my name in bed

    My GF screamed "NRG" instead of my name in bed.
    So my girl is has been a big fan of NRG this year and has been talking about it nonstop for weeks. She’s been excited about them ever since they won LCS and mentions it anytime we’re together.
    I’m totally cool with that and have supported her through it all. NA definitely needed a breakout performance after so many years of disappointment so I’m proud of them, but its an insane obsession now. She’s been to fan meetups about 6 times and says how much she loves everything about the team and I mean EVERYTHING.
    Players, staff, draft, teamfighting, colors, merchandise, shape, smell?
    She even told me I would look hotter if I dressed more like Contractz? What do you guys think that means??
    She literally knows everything about the team and does NRG trivia with me when we’re bored or asks me to help her tweet at the team to tell them how much she “loves” their play.
    Last night we were doing it in bed, and everything was going smoothly. While she talked me through it I thought I heard her mumbling but couldn’t really make out what she was saying. But at the end she screamed “NRG” and was talking to “her little Palafaker.” She said she wanted them to win quarterfinals so bad and would do anything for it. Instead of my name! She said NRG!
    I asked her about it after and she told me it didn’t mean anything and just kept rambling about how much she really loves the team. It doesn’t even sound like she’s talking about a team anymore.
    I know she’s stressed because of it, but I’m kind of hurt? Is this normal?

    The original was about Cornell University

    I broke up with my girlfriend over Riven

      There's something that's been on my mind for a long time, something I think many redditors here may relate to. I posted this here today because any time I go to my friends for advice, or ranting about this issue, I get turned away or mocked. But as Riven would say, it must come to pass. I have made my decision.
      My infatuation with Riven from League of Legends runs deeper than mere admiration for her in-game abilities. It's the way her lithe, tender yet powerful figure moves gracefully across the battlefield, her shining viridescent blade dancing in the air as she weaves through her foes. It's the intensity in her eyes, a fierce determination that mirrors the passion she ignites within me. And that passion I share with her... is just not the same with my girlfriend of 6 years, Joosah.
      I thought that I could keep the affair hidden, but my emotions couldn't contain themselves. I needed her, not Joosah, I needed Riven. If I couldn't be on my pc at all times to be with her, why not turn just make a real life Riven? I slowly, unsuspiciously modified my girlfriend over time to be as close to riven as possible. I started with the hair, to match Riven's luscious white locks to forcing Joosah to wear ragged cloths anytime she is in my presence, but it was never enough. Joosah just couldn't match the look. When I tried to get Joosah to fast combo with gracious speed and powerful strikes I realized it just couldn't be done in the terrestrial world, nor could her q3 wallhop, nor the windslash, nor legally the 1 v 5 pentakills i so craved to witness. I broke up with Joosah after she accidentally tattoed mastery 6 instead of 7, which may have been the saving grace, but even she managed to mess it up.
      That's when I realized this world isn't my world. I am, and will always be, a part of Runeterra where I belong, with her, with Riven. I have bid farewell to my family, friends, and any of those I interacted with, but now it's time for me to fully immerse myself as a new member of the League of Legends. I will, from now on, never step foot in the light of this god-forsaken terrestrial world, and only in Runeterra will I exist.
      So, Riven, honey, I'm home.

      Id rather be a hard stuck silver with my proactive jungling

        Jungler copypasta
        Honestly, I could also reach challenger but I fucking hate to be a beta and play a reactive jungle. I like to go to enemy camp and punch them in their skull like a alpha chad.
        Id rather be a hard stuck silver with my proactive jungling rather than a reactive jungler.

        Why did riot make the new prestige shaco a Twink?

          Shaco is a twink in LoL
          Why did riot make the new prestige shaco a Twink?
          You know why, imagine you're strolling through the jungle on graves, suddenly you step into a trap and hear a light melodic laugh, angry you look towards it and it's that sneaky little Twink! You chase after him your huge throbbing health bar barely even dented despite his ap centered build, realizing his tiny little (level) 6 can't stand up to your gigantic (lvl) 9 you catch him by the throat and blast him 3 no 4 times with your huge double barrelled "shotgun" filling his insides with potent hextech pellets, you both let out a groan as you fill him full with your gun's load and drop his limp body as you go to take his red buff

          Naafiri Turned Me Into A Furry

            naafiri turned me into a furry.
            when i opened up my browser today, the champion ability spotlight caught my attention. and unknowingly, i clicked onto it. i havent play league in months, so i checked it out.
            thats when it happened.
            the fur, the stance, her tender canine legs wrapped in silky smooth bundles of silk. i instantly got hard. i contemplated jerking off, i was 20 days into my no jerkoff challenge. but then, she leapt out the screen, and on my desk, stood naafiri, her gorgeous fluffy bottom faced towards me and she looked backwards, suggestively raising her eyebrows at me.
            i couldnt hold back.
            i grabbed both furry peaks with my hands. god they were plump. i pulled them in and dug my face straight in. the stench and stink of pure manure infiltrates my nostrils as my tongue looks for treasure. as my tongue circles around, i find the doggy hole, and start piercing my tongue in and out hearing her howl a mix of pain and pleasure. this got me even harder, and i flip her onto her back, her dog belly exposed to me. god, i wonder how hot she'd look with my baby, impregnated and her stomach inflated with my child. i couldnt hold back any longer, and pumped my 9 inchh shaft striaght into her pussy, burying my wand deep into her magic pussy which seems to pulse as it swallows every inch. i could feel her tail wiggling happily and brushing against my balls, tickling me as i continue fucking her. "youre such a good girl for me, you howling bitch. aatrox couldnt make you cum like this" i whispered into her ear as i splurge with one final, intense thrust.
            she's locked up in my cage in the back right now, but i'm going to use her again later. right now i need to practice some scroll mechanics tonight. i am god's bluest soldier after all.

            Explain the Bible using League of Legends terminology

              Bible in LoL Terms.
              explain the Bible in league of legends terminology
              Certainly! Here's an attempt to explain the Bible using League of Legends (LoL) terminology:
              The Bible can be seen as a champion's lore, describing the ancient and timeless battle between good and evil. In this analogy, the central figure of the Bible can be considered the "Summoner," representing the divine power behind the events that unfold.
              Creation: In the beginning, the Summoner created the "Summoner's Rift," a vast and wondrous world. This realm was populated with various champions, each with their own unique abilities and purposes.
              Fall of Man: Just as champions in the game can sometimes become corrupted, the Bible tells the story of how the first humans, Adam and Eve, succumbed to temptation and disobeyed the Summoner's commands. This led to the "Nexus" of humanity being weakened, introducing sin and suffering into the world.
              The Chosen Champions: The Summoner selected certain individuals to become champions of righteousness. These "heroes of faith" include Moses, who could be compared to a support champion, guiding and leading the people of Israel towards victory.
              Prophets and Messages: Throughout the ages, the Summoner sent messengers, known as "prophets," to deliver important instructions and warnings to the champions. These prophets, like Ezreal seeking hidden truths, unveiled prophecies, and unveiled the Summoner's divine plan.
              The Ultimate Sacrifice: In a pivotal moment, the Summoner sent His most beloved champion, Jesus Christ, to save the world from sin. Jesus acted as the ultimate tank, willingly sacrificing Himself on the "Cross" to cleanse the Nexus of humanity from its corruption.
              Resurrection and Redemption: Similar to a champion respawning after being defeated, Jesus triumphantly rose from the dead, symbolizing victory over death and offering redemption to all who believe in Him. This victory is represented by the "Pentakill," a glorious achievement in the game.
              The Final Showdown: The Bible prophesies a climactic battle between good and evil, known as the "Apocalypse" or "Final Judgment." This epic encounter can be likened to a high-stakes ranked game, where champions unite in a final clash against darkness.
              Eternal Victory: Ultimately, the Bible reveals that the Summoner will restore the Nexus of humanity to its original glory. The righteous champions will be rewarded with an eternal "Victory Screen," basking in the presence of the Summoner forever