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Vanguard Invasive Anticheat

    I’m sorry to hear that you uninstalled [Good Game] because of the [Invasive Spyware] requirement. I understand your concern about spyware, but I can assure you that [Invasive Spyware] is not spyware. It is a custom "game security" software designed by [Marketing Company Majority Owned by the CCP] to uphold the highest levels of competitive integrity for their games, such as [Good Game] and [Other Game]. [Invasive Spyware] only runs [24/7] and [Continues] running when you exit the game2. It also [Questionably] respects your privacy and data, and you can find more details about what data it uses and collects here1. [No Link]
    [Invasive Spyware] is necessary to prevent [Largely Unseen Problem] in [Good Game], especially after the security breach in [Random Date]. It also ensures that all players have a fair and enjoyable gaming experience [By installing Invasive Spyware]. If you want to play [Good Game] again, you will need to enable [Invasive Spyware] on your computer. You can find more information on how to do that here3.[No Link] If you have any issues or questions, you can contact [Marketing Company Majority Owned by the CCP's] support team here1.[No Link]
    I hope this helps you understand why [Invasive Spyware] is required for [Good Game]. I appreciate your feedback and I hope you have a great day.