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Lets see your trophies. 3rd grade player Genghsta. And Steel you are a professional thrower.

    Lets see your trophies. 3rd grade player Genghsta. And Steel you are a professional thrower. Your whole career in CS you are known because of your throwing scandal and what have you done in Valorant except for bitching everytime. Go get a life.

    Here’s the thing, you just said Halo 5 is a Halo game.

      Based on the “Jackdaw is a crow” copypasta by Unidan, the pasta has been adapted for Halo.

       Here's the thing, you just said Halo 5 is a Halo game.
      Is it in the same franchise? Yes. No one's arguing that.
      As someone who is a MLG Pro who studies Halo, I am telling you, specifically, in the MLG circuit, no one calls Halo 5 Halo. If you want to be 'specific' like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying 'Halo Franchise' you're referring to the Microsoft IP, which includes things from Halo Wars to Halo 2 to Halo 4. So your reasoning for calling Halo 5 a Halo game is because random people 'call the shooter game with sprint a Halo game?' Let's get Call of Duty and Battlefield in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a Halo 2 player or a Halo 3 player? It's not one or the other, that's not how Halo works. They're both. Halo 5 is Halo 5 and a member of the Halo franchise. But that's not what you said. You said Halo 5 is a Halo game, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all shooters with sprint Halo games, which means you'd call CoD, Battlefield, and other games Halo games, too. Which you said you don't.
      It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know? 

      Furries in school

        So, there is a lot of talk about kids identifying as cats or dogs “furries”, and this is hilarious.  😂. Imagine if you can, that one of my boys told me they thought they were a cat?
        Sitting at the supper table son says: “Dad, I think I’m a cat! 
        Dad: “No son, you’re a boy! “
        My son: “No dad some of my friends at school identify as cats, they call themselves furries, and so do I !! It’s my right and you can’t do anything about it!”
        Dad: 🤔 “OK!! “
        My son: “Hey, where’s my supper? “
        Dad: “Your supper is in the catfood bowl in the corner. Now get off the table you mangy cat!”
        My son: “What???”
        Dad: hits him with a broom, “get off the table furball!!”
        My son in the corner looking bewildered! 
        Me to my wife : “Is that cat neutered”?? 
        My wife: “I will make an appointment!! “
        My son: “What??? “ 😳 
        Dad: “Your mother and I have decided we don’t want a house cat, so get out to the barn and hunt mice!”
        My son: “What???”
        Dad: brandishes broom, “NOW, to the barn you stupid cat!!”
        My son: “Dad, I think I’m a boy!”
        Dad: “I thought so, now sit down and eat your supper!!”
        Spay and neuter these animals. Stop them from reproducing.  Today’s society has enough fruit loops already.    
        End of story!

        I am fucking done with extract campers!

          I am so fucking sick of getting killed by these fucking losers who think the best way to play is to sit at an extract and shoot people who are actually trying to play the game properly. So recently I have been going on a crusade against the fuckers. My strategy is at the start of the raid I immediately run to the most popular extract and just wait for the extract campers to show up and kill them before they have a chance to kill people trying to extract.
          It's fucking wild the amount of people that are trying to extract camp, sometimes I am sitting there most of the raid and kill 2 or 3 people about to camp extracts. Do these people not have anything better to do?


            Yup, we got- we got proof that the fucking hate, like, its fu- its fucking- look at this. “You’re welcome for the bots” this guy says in the fucking server, and they all think its funny. And the- then the fucking server owner is like “oh no, oh no! They’re gonna th-th their covers getting blown! They see that we’re doing this!” “No, stop harassing this guy, but KEEP harassing this guy.” Like- like look at this fucking idiot, dude. YOU ARE JOBLESS. You are jobless. When you refute the claim that you’re jobless by saying that im 27 years old, and I sit in my ass for 10 hours a day. I’m sitting on my ass WORKING for 10 hours a day, this is my job, I get paid to do this. It’s my full time career, I’ve been doing it for 8 years. I’m very successful; I have a lot of money and I make a lot of money, thanks to the fans that I HAVE and YOU DONT. YOU are jobless. YOU are a wannabe. Okay? You- you half explain your insults, and you don’t elaborate further. All you do is just say these bullshit little fucking talking points that you don’t elaborate on. “He sits on his ass for 10 hours a day!” Ya, it’s my fucking stream, i make money doing this, its my career! What else would i be doing if i werent streaming? I’d be sitting in a cubicle for ten hours a day. I’d be sitting in an office desk, for 10 hours a day. I’d be picking up bricks and laying them, for 10 hours a day. YOU do nothing. You sit in your little baby server and cry all day. Upload this! Upload it. You WONT because youre a fucking baby. You’re a coward, you dont want your fucking baby view- the- the few people that you do have on your stupid chennel, you dont want them seeing common sense, because you are a fucking coward. You have no job, you have no life, your art fucking sucks and thats why you had to do this, to get any sort of attention or any validity on the internet, is by bullying people. You’re a fucking coward slimebag. So go ahead, say that I sit on my ass for 10 hours a day, look at what im fucking doing with 10 hours a day. Look at the money that I make, look at the fans that I have. These guys fucking love me. You dont have ANY love, you have hatred surrounding you. You literally have a community - a tiny little server - bound by hatred for one person, and it’s not even you. It’s not even ABOUT you, its about ME. You cant even make something about you that is successful because you’re so fucking BORING! You’re a HATER. And yet you still try to justify it. And you cry and complain, and when I call you out on your bullshit, you just say “he’s just mad, he’s delusional!” and you don’t explain why. You just keep crying like a little baby, and the little sheep cocksuckers in your stupid server, who SUCK YOU OFF (SHiFT proceeds to make a motion with both hands suggesting a blowjob motion) for every little thing you say and do. They dont even question it, because they’re too STUPID to question it. You dont show them what- hahh- what, you dont show them common sense. You wont upload this. You wont do it, and if you do it’ll have some fucking big headline. It wont be “SHiFT exposes me” it’ll be “SHiFT gets delusional and crys over trolls” because you know your fucking idiot audience is too stupid to watch past the first 30 seconds. You’re a coward. Yo Chris, thanks for the 20 gifted. I just got 20 gifted subs for roasting your fucking loser ass, sitting on MY ass making fun of YOU for fucking being a BULLY and a COWARD! I just made money! Whata you got to say about that you little fucking freak? Go cry about it. Go complain in your little server. 

            This is the worst thing to ever call itself shoegaze

              I'm not sure what kind of astroturfing bullshit is going on here, but this is the worst thing to ever call itself shoegaze. It is generic metalcore/post hardcore with tons of cheesy reverb to make it sound like post rock. It sounds like the metalcore and "post hardcore" we had to put up with everyone liking in high school, it's scene kid music. It sounds like a thousand things I've heard before, and every other "shoegaze" band ruining the scene in the last five-ish years. It isn't music for people who like Swirlies and MBV, it's music for people who like Deftones and Black Veil Brides, Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed, As I Lay Dying and I Set My Friends On Fire. When I talk to other shoegazers we spend a lot of time complaining about music that sounds like this. My band can't even call itself shoegaze, because everyone immediately judged us and thought we sounded like one of these bands. If you even say the term shoegaze to someone now, they cringe like it physically hurts them because this stuff is so hated and reviled. It is considered the most cliche, played out, and cheesy thing that is happening right now