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Everything revolves around hydro, it makes me insane.

    Everything revolves around hydro, it makes me insane. I try to use Dendro characters, all of them do bloom reactions. I try to use Pyro characters, they need Vaporize teams. I need more HP, I need two hydro characters. Where did all the Pyro off-fielders go? That's right, Hydro took them all. You want a healer? Here's Kokomi. You want an overpowered DPS? Here's Neuvillette. You want a Hydro Applicator? Here's Yelan. Don't have Yelan? Use Xingqiu. Want a Dendro bloom DPS? Here's Nilou. You want a character that does everything for you? Here's Furina. Every time I look into the Spiral Abyss Usage summary, my eyes glare at the sight of the Iudex, never moving a single inch away from S tier. Every time I wash my hands, the droplets remind me of Ayato's Kamisato Art: Suiyuu. Every time I use my garden hose, I get reminded of Neuvillette's biden blast. It's everywhere, maybe Hydro really was the impact. 


      The original variation was from a meme video of a guy freaking out over Among Us.

      STOP TALKING ABOUT CHARMONY DOVES! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON IPCTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON IPCCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just charmony doves stuff. I-I showed my IPC underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is a caged bird HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S LOOKS LIKE THE DOVE'S CAGE" I looked at my  penis I think of an charmony dove and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENDOVES" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG 

      Mario Party DS – Piracy is No Party

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          É isso, eu tenha essa amiga especial (no dulplo sentido) que eu tenho desde a infância. Ela não tem os braços e as pernas, ela é um... um pedaço! Tava cansada de ir na casa dela para alimenta-la enquanto assitiamos vods do programa do jo soares. Dai um dia eu falei para ela tentar arranjar um namorado. Ela ficou toda excitada, tão excitada que seu nariz começou a escorrer e eu tive que limpar (mas tudo bem, estou acostumada a limpar ela depois do xixi e coco). Dai fizemos um tinder pra ela usando de perfil a foto do torso dela. Um cara feinho e esqueletico deu match e eles começaram a conversar (no caso, ela ia falando e eu teclando). Que menina mais baixa! Não conhecia esse lado obscuro dela. Falava cada baixaria... enfim, marcaram um encontro e eu levei ela dentro duma mochila pro bar. Chegando la, pedi uma cadeirinha infantil daquelas altas e botei ela ali e tomei uma distancia de algumas mesas para observar a cena e cuidar dela caso fosse preciso. O homem chegou e sentou do lado dela. Ele foi tao fofo que deu de beber pra ela! Percebi que o papo ia bem porque ela começou com os tremeliques que só faz em casos de felicidade. Sabia que aquilo ia terminar na cama, mas fiquei incomodada por nao saber o que fazer entao. Dai depoois de um tempo ela me acenou com a cabeça e fui ate eles. "Va com a gente pra casa dele, preciso da sua companhia pra voltar pra casa depois", ela me disse. "Tudo bem", eu retornei, mas com uma ansiedade palpitando no coração. O homem pegou ela com um so braço e a levou ate o caixa, pagaram e entraram num fiat uno quadrado. Eu fui atras, com o meu carro. Chegando la na casa dele, a minha amiga me disse que precisava de mim, que queria que eu estivesse presente e eu, toda melindrosa, aceitei. Começaram com beijos já acalorosos, desses que os labios deslizam uns nos outros. O cara ficou duro muito rapido e percebi que seus braços estavam cansados de segura-la. Nao deu outra: ele a jogou na cama como se fosse um saquinho de gelo desses que se compra em posto de gasolina e começou a meter nela. Meteu meteu meteu e ela, toda reduzida em cabeça e tronco, nao parava de gemer olha do para mim. Por um momento pensei "que orgulho da.minha meninota", mas depois me senti mal porque já nao era mais a minha amiga cabaça e tansa que eu via ali, mas uma linda borboleta sem asas prestes a não voar no mundo. Então entrei em choque e minhas lagrimas rapidamente secaram. Fiquei puta com o cara e com ela, me joguei em cima do homem, arranhei sua cara e, no tempo dele se recompor, peguei a minha amiga no colo (a porra do cara vazava pela vagina dela) e fechei ela dentro da mochila. Levei ela pra casa aos berros abafados pelo tecido da mochila, liguei um vod do jo soares e preparei uma banana amassada com aveia e dei pra ela comer, só que ela não queria comer porque estava chateada comigo. Sou babaca por ter interrompido a transa da minha amiga? 


          That's it, I have this special friend (in both senses) that I've had since childhood. She doesn't have arms and legs, she's a... a piece! I was tired of going to her house to feed her while we watched vods of the Jo Soares show. Then one day I told her to try to find a boyfriend. She got all excited, so excited that her nose started running and I had to clean it (but that's okay, I'm used to cleaning her after she pees and poops). So we made a Tinder account for her using a picture of her torso as her profile. An ugly, scrawny guy matched and they started chatting (in this case, she was talking and I was typing). What a short girl! I didn't know about this dark side of her. She talked so much dirty stuff... anyway, they set up a date and I took her to the bar in a backpack. When I got there, I asked for one of those high children's chairs and put her there, then stood a few tables away to watch the scene and take care of her if necessary. The man came and sat next to her. He was so sweet that he gave her a drink! I could tell the conversation was going well because she started shaking like she only does when she's happy. I knew it was going to end in bed, but I felt uncomfortable because I didn't know what to do then. Then after a while she nodded to me and I went over to them. "Come with us to his house, I need your company to go home later," she told me. "Okay," I said, but my heart was pounding with anxiety. The man picked her up with one arm and took her to the cashier, they paid and got into a square Fiat Uno. I followed in my car. When I got to his house, my friend told me that she needed me, that she wanted me to be there, and I, all touchy, accepted. They started with heated kisses, the kind where your lips slide against each other. The guy got hard very quickly and I noticed that his arms were tired from holding her. There was no other way: he threw her on the bed as if she were a bag of ice, like the ones you buy at a gas station, and started fucking her. He fucked her and fucked her and she, all reduced to head and torso, wouldn't stop moaning and looking at me. For a moment I thought "I'm so proud of my little girl", but then I felt bad because it was no longer my silly, lazy friend that I saw there, but a beautiful wingless butterfly about to fly away in the world. Then I went into shock and my tears quickly dried up. I was pissed off at the guy and at her, I threw myself on top of the man, scratched his face and, while he was recovering, I picked up my friend (the guy's cum was leaking out of her vagina) and locked her inside my backpack. I took her home screaming, muffled by the fabric of the backpack, turned on some Jo Soares Vod and made her a mashed banana with oatmeal and gave it to her to eat, but she didn't want to eat it because she was mad at me. Am I an idiot for interrupting my friend's sex?

          Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is…

            Originally its a response to the word “based” but the copypasta has been used for “Can I ask you a question” and “🤓”.

            "Can I ask you a question?"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Can I ask you a question?"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only words you can comprehend are "Can I ask you a question?" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Can I ask you a question?" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about six fucking words? I bet you took the time to type those six words too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well- thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Can I ask you a question?" on your gravestone?