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Ode to a Real Man

    I'm a man. A real man that gets his cocked suck. I do not eat pussy. I make sure a woman understands that I'm a dom and she is a sub. A real goddamn man. And it hurts to see emasculation in other men. This is frame.

    Asmongold chat on Diablo Immortal

      Listen 👂 here 🈁🈁 you 👈 fucking 🏾👉👉😂 pay-in-game addict scumbag weasel, we're 😫😫 tired 😴 of your 👉 shit. 💩 You 🔥 went 🚨 from 👉 a unique livestreamer who 👏😂 promised to never ❌ become 😌 a shithead whale 🐋 paying 😏💰🤑 stinkbag, to a delusional 👨🏻‍💼 guy 👦 who 👏😂 pays 💰 for 💰💘 everything. 💯 Your 👉 rationale behind 🌥️🌤️ this is that 💃 you 🤟 need 📲 to prove 📸 a point. 🈯 Get 🉐🉐 real, 💯 fucknut. You 👉 haven't 🙅‍♀️ proved shit, 👌 buddy. 😎 You 👈👉👱🏼 may 😎 have 🈶 surrounded yourself 💭 with a bunch 🍼 of ego-massaging yes-men in 👸 OTK, but 🦎 we 👦 don't 👎 play 🤸🏿‍♂️ that 😐 bullshit 💩 here. 🈁🙉 Fix 😤🔧🔨🛠️ your 👉🏼👩🏼 shit, 🤗 or quit. 🚫🚪🏃‍♀️

      Am I the asshole for choosing to keep having a valorant porn addiction and abandoning my girlfriend?

        Viper bussy got me acting up
        Am I the asshole for choosing to keep having a valorant porn addiction and abandoning my girlfriend?
        I (22M) used to have a girlfriend (20F), we've been dating for 2 years now and the relationship was going smooth and I was planning to marry her. She's the kind of woman who would always have time to play with me, which I love. My favorite game was valorant, she decided to abandon other games just to be my pocket sage. But one day we were just normally playing some competitive, and when the round started I heard one of viper's voiceline which she said "come". I started to feel my dick rising and getting hard because of that, my girlfriend saw my super hard ass boner and thought she caused it. She insists on going afk just to have sex with me to get rid of my boner, but I was really horny about the viper voiceline and wanted some more and kept continued playing. My penis kept getting harder and harder whenever viper said a voice line, and my girlfriend started to get concerned. The match ended, and I just noticed that my shorts got ripped off because of my massive boner that a valorant agent just caused. My girlfriend was really in the mood for sex so I decided to finally do whatever she wants me to do. We layed on the bed and she started playing some romantic sexy music, but it didn't turn me on a bit. So I played "VALORANT viper's voicelines" on YouTube and kept it on repeat, my boner suddenly came back. When I was banging her she started to get annoyed of the background video of vipers voiceline.So she turned it off, and I suddenly got pissed off. I didn't feel horny anymore when viper's voicelines stopped playing so I stopped banging her and just decided to masturbate to Sova instead and it worked, his sexy Russian voice turns me on so much that my penis bursted a stack of thick and sticky cum. Our relationship started going downhill because of me getting addicted to valorant agent porn. We didn't talk for long because of that scene. One month later, she decided to finally visit me on my house and she walked into my room. She saw me jacking off to killjoy porn and her face expression looks like she was disgusted with me. She yelled, "IS THAT WHAT YOU WERE DOING FOR THE WHOLE MONTH?" We had a really heated argument, and I eventually gave up because I didn't want my parents to scold me. We kept having a relationship even though it's very toxic. And 2 months later we decided to have sex but I didn't get turned on by her once. I said,"You should cosplay as Reyna that'll make my dick bigger." She cried, she had enough with my bullshit. She finally said, "What do you choose? Me or your valorant porn?" It was a really hard decision and I eventually said, "I choose valorant porn." She quickly got out of my house and blocked me in every social media because she didn't wanna contact me ever again. Valorant dicks and pussies was the only thing that kept me happy, and I didn't wanna lose that

        Teen Masturbated 56 Times

          Teen fap copypasta
          Teenager allegedly masturbated a jaw-dropping 56 times non-stop before dying of a heart attack, in the process, even breaking the world record and was awarded a world record certificate by a Guinness representative who later arrived at the home.
          Jerome Carpenter was found dead in his bedroom after apparently masturbating too much. It is speculated that Jerome was suffering from depression due to being “extremely lonely”.
          Jerome’s mother called Portland police after discovering his corpse in his room. Jerome’s mother told Huzlers reporters “one hour passed since I had called him down for lunch, Jerome was the kind of boy to steal food off your plate when you were not looking, I knew something was wrong when he didn’t come down to eat, he was a great kid,” she finished as she began to cry.
          Police arrived at the home about an hour after Ms. Carpenter called them. Officer Dean Marrow told Huzler reporters what they saw when they opened Jerome’s bedroom door. “The young man was on his bed… his penis was detached from his body, it must have been so intense it just came off his body, we found his penis gripped in his left hand so tightly we couldn’t get it out, it was tragic.”
          Investigators are still investigating the case for more information. Jerome’s funeral will take place sometime next week.

          Como deixar o pinto mole

            Hoje era dia de apresentar um trabalho de português e bem quando chegou na minha hora, O MEU PINTO ESTAVA DURO, serio, era muito notável o meu pinto coladinho na calça pois eu estava com uma calça antiga, além da cueca larga que não ajudou em nada, então era quase impossível não perceberem meu pinto duro, eu também nem sei porque meu pinto estava duro, só simplesmente estava, então vim aqui compartilhar duas técnicas de como deixar o pinto mole.
            A primeira técnica para deixar o pinto mole pode ser simplesmente ser broxa, talvez sendo broxa você nunca ira passar por dificuldades como esta que eu acabei passando.
            O segundo é usar da ciência ao seu favor, pois, como o pinto fica duro apenas pelo fato de haver uma concentração de circulação de sangue nele, podemos fazer abdominais de perna simples para a concentração de sangue sair do seu pinto, e focar mais na região de suas pernas, assim ele ficando molinho
            Espero que tenha ajudado vocês após meses procurando por essa resposta e não passar vergonha na frente de seus colegas (a não ser que você haja um pênis grande, dai você acaba impressionando as gatas, o que não é meu caso)
            Translated to EN
            Today was the day to present a Portuguese assignment and just when my time came, MY DICK WAS HARD, seriously, my dick stuck to my pants was very noticeable because I was wearing old pants, in addition to the baggy underwear that didn't help nothing, so it was almost impossible not to notice my hard dick, I also don't know why my dick was hard, it just was, so I came here to share two techniques on how to make my dick soft.
            The first technique to make the dick soft can be simply being a jerk, maybe being a jerk you will never go through difficulties like the one I ended up going through.
            The second is to use science to your advantage, because as the dick gets hard just because there is a concentration of blood circulation in it, we can do simple leg crunches for the concentration of blood to come out of your dick, and focus more on the region of his legs, so he gets soft
            I hope it helped you after months of searching for this answer and not embarrassing yourself in front of your colleagues (unless you have a big penis, then you end up impressing the babes, which is not my case)

            Gatinha você é muito based

              Gatinha você é muito based
              Gatinha você é muito based, minha dose de redpill, eu deixo de ser incel MGTOW e viro simp por você. Sem você sou só um soyboy cringe, sheesh você é perfeita demais No Cap, nem mesmo os sigmas conseguem te tankar, porque você é full chad. Seu mindset alpha me tilta de paixão, você é indie e eu fico poggers com a sua beleza, sou hypado em você e fico LMAO com seu humor shipposter edgy. Você é diferente das e-girls normies e tem um aesthetic único bem drip, cai no seu bait e virei beta, desculpa kekw mas é que você é tão full blessed que hitou meu coração e agora eu sou doomer longe de você, seu jeito cult nada bluepill me fascina, e já aviso que não sou pozer porque já te admirava antes de virar trend e meu amor por você nunca vai flopar!
              Translated to EN
              Kitten you are very based, my dose of redpill, I stop being incel MGTOW and become simp for you. Without you I'm just a soyboy cringe, sheesh you're too perfect No Cap, not even sigma can tank you, because you're a full chad. Your alpha mindset tilts me with passion, you're indie and I'm poggers with your beauty, I'm hyped on you and I'm LMAO with your edgy shipposter humor. You are different from the normie e-girls and you have a unique aesthetic well drip, fall on your bait and I became beta, sorry kekw but it's just that you are so full blessed that it hit my heart and now I'm doomer away from you, your cult way nothing bluepill fascinates me, and I warn you that I'm not a pozer because I already admired you before becoming a trend and my love for you will never flop!