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boyfriend has ton of nude hentai all over apartment

    I'm posting this on another sub-reddit for more advice.
    I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years.
    Within the past month he keeps buying stickers and posters of naked anime / hentai and putting it everywhere in the apartment. I'm really not comfortable with this, and it bothers me even more because I sometimes have to pick up my nephew that is 10 from school and I watch him at the apartment until someone picks him up to go home. My mom also comes to visit so I try to hide the stuff but there is so much it's really difficult. He also has some in his car and it's noticeable to passengers, for example his best friend saw it and said, " why tf do you have naked pictures of women in your car dude? Your gf is right here." And my boyfriend just laughed and didn't say anything. The picture I'm referencing for that situation is a real person btw, idk who the model is or anything.
    He also has a huge poster (made out of cloth, I know there is another name for this but I can't remember), of a naked anime girl fingering herself. ( it covers the entire wall, like 6 feet tall)
    I don't even know what to do anymore. I told him I didn't like it and that I felt disrespected, but he just says, " I can't have anything nice." His friends have even asked me privately on the side why is he doing this and they feel bad for me.
    Ever since he got his job as a correctional officer last year he completely changed. I don't know what to do.

    Which position would you be in a human centipede?

      Cursed human centipede copypasta
      When asked "which position would you be in a human centipede?" most would answer "first." I, however, would answer third. Why you ask? When the first member of the centipede is fed, they will eventually defecate forcing the second member to ingest their feces. One could imagine that would be considered incredibly disgusting. As such, the second member would immediately vomit. After vomit travels into the first member's anus and up into their colon, they'll then pust another load into the second member's mouth even more disgusting than the last. The third member would never ingest the feces of the second member as they will always vomit what the first member expels back into them. The third member of the centipede gets to chill while the first and second trade a volley of shitty barf with each other forever.


        👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼👉🏻 ඞ 👈🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 

        I got Morbed hard (TRUE STORY) (MY POV) (TRAUMATISED)

          I'm a nurse and I was just going about my day at work. There's this doctor that I think is pretty cool but pretty unapproachable. So around the time my shift was ending, I was changing into my clothes when I turn around into a very disgruntled looking Dr. Michael. I asked him if he was feeling okay but he looks at me with very animal looking eyes (hot!).
          "I'm thirsty" he said. I asked if he wanted some water but he said "I'm thirsty for you". Now this is when I start feeling pretty hot and horny. He pushed me against the wall and leaned in close. He whispered only three words. "It's Morbin' time" and instantly I knew that I was here to serve a higher purpose, a higher being.
          I didn't even get to change. He Morbed me so hard all night. We both were so close. I can still hear his grunts and moans. A few co-workers who walked into the room just bolted out quickly with wide eyes. It's been two days since I got Morbed and I still can't walk right.
          I don't think any other person can make me feel the wild and brutal way he made me feel. I felt like an animal. I have served my purpose. I'll never feel the same again with anyone else. I can no longer be satisfied.

          Is it morally correct to bully a nazi?

            Is it morally correct to bully a nazi
            There’s a kid in my school (I’ll call him Eric) who’s a nazi. He’s gotten in trouble multiple times for drawing swastika on ether himself or on school property. He has been seen multiple times doing the Sieg Heil salute when the teacher Isn’t looking. Some of my “friends” have started to bully Eric. I want to make it 100,000% clear when I say that I do not support what Eric is doing. I think he’s stupid and immature for even thinking that’s ok to do. But is bullying him going too far?
            Massive Update: it turns out that Eric is on the autism spectrum. He is HEAVILY influenced by his friend that acts a similar way. As far as I know the other friend is not on the spectrum and is just an asshole

            According to the lore of Monsters Inc

              Monsters Inc copypasta
              According to the lore of Monsters Inc, screams generate energy but laughs generate more. Going by that logic, the amount of energy produced by a human is proportional to the amount of happiness they express in the noises they make. Therefore, moans of extreme sexual pleasure must have the highest energy density of any noise a human can make. If the management of Monsters Inc want to maximize their energy output they should send workers to large, organized orgies and train them in the ways of intense lovemaking. They should identify large furry gatherings as potential sources of nuclear meltdown levels of energy generation.