Holy fuck blizzard knew what they were doing with their new characters. Kiriko is so fucking hot that my balls quiver at just the sight of her. It's hard to play her in game because she takes more than one hand. From her soft and fuckable face to the cute fox ears, everything is JUST PERFECT. They must have spent hours carefully designing her luscious thighs and cute face. Her outfit makes it even better because all you have to do is pull of those skintight pants and boom, you're ready for the night of your life. I wonder if she's freaky in bed... She probably uses her ult during sex which will make you cum in HALF of the time that it would usually take. I can't resist my self when I see this cute UwU japanese girl like holy shit she is perfectly made. If I was genji I wouldn't even care if she was related bruh I'm tapping that ass DAILY. I want to taste the donuts in her mouth, and pet her fox while doing the sex. Whenever we have sex we won't be alone because her fluffy friend will always be there watching. Some people have called me 'downbad' BUT I DONT CARE ANYMORE!!! I spent money on her $20 Athleisure skin just so I can stare at the that booty for hours. Dude she is so caked up that I start barking and slobberin irl not even gonna lie. Seeing that midriff with the small white Tshirt just makes me infinitely more horny. There are so many wild things I would do to her, I've already bought all of the merchandise and plushies I could find. At this point I have probably lost enough cum to fill up a silo to her. When I first saw her, I instantly came in my undies. I am probably THE MOST DOWN BAD OVERWATCH PLAYER AND IM PROUD OF IT.
I snuck into my sister's room to smell her panties but her laundry bin was sadly empty, she must have just done a wash. But she was still wearing one pair in bed so I went over and gave it a big whiff while jerking and realised it smelled vaguely similar to my dad's cum. It's so weird, how can a girls farts smell like a guys semen? Science is strange.
Rok 2035
Korea Północna jest w posiadaniu rakiety z głowicą nuklearną o zasięgu 40 000 km.
'Generale Ping Pong, cel nowy jork'
Umierający z niedożywienia naukowiec źle podłączył klona ardiuno.
Rakieta leci w drugą stronę.
Cel: Łódź Bałuty.
USA dalej nie dało tarczy.
Rakieta w zasięgu radarów.
Trzeba ostrzec mieszkańców.
Straty oszacowano na 32zł
1. Rok 2035
2. Korea Północna jest w posiadaniu rakiety z głowicą nuklearną o zasięgu 40 000 km.
3. 'Generale Ping Pong, cel nowy jork'
4. czerwonyguzik.gif
5. Umierający z niedożywienia naukowiec źle podłączył klona ardiuno.
6. Rakieta leci w drugą stronę.
7. Cel: Łódź Bałuty.
8. USA dalej nie dało tarczy.
9. Rakieta w zasięgu radarów.
10. Trzeba ostrzec mieszkańców.
11. syrena.wav
13. mielone.jpg
14. Straty oszacowano na 32zł
English Translation
Year 2035
North Korea has a missile with a nuclear warhead with a range of 40,000 km.
'General Ping Pong, target new york'
A scientist dying of malnutrition miswired an Arduino clone.
The rocket flies the other way.
Destination: Lodz Bałuty.
The US still didn't give the shield.
Rocket within radar range.
We need to warn the people.
Losses were estimated at PLN 32
incrível a semelhança que eu tenho com o light yagami de death note, além de sermos literalmente iguais... temos o mesmo mindset, ambos somos extremamente frios e estrategistas em nossa forma de pensar e agir... bizarro '-' ele me representa muito, somos dois deuses nesse mundo.
It's amazing the similarity I have with Light Yagami (Death Note), besides being literally the same ... we have the same mindset, we are both extremely cold and strategists in our way of thinking and acting ... bizarre '-' he represents me, we are two gods in this world
You're not just incorrect, you're also stupid. I mean that sincerely. You're not a very smart person and you never will be. For your entire life, the majority of the people in every room you enter, are smarter than you are. The problem with stupid people is that they are helpless to help themselves, and if they are given the opportunity to make decisions, they will inevitably hurt themselves and the people around them. This is what makes stupid people not just ridiculous, but also dangerous. You are a dangerous stupid person, which is only amplified by your courage to speak. I am afraid there is no cure for stupidity (you're born with it, and a good portion seems genetic).
Here's my best suggestion, as a smart person, to a stupid person, who needs help. Find the help you need from experts. DO NOT TRUST YOURSELF. You are stupid. You will have to rely on those more educated or more understanding of the world. The hardest part for you, will be deciding who is the "expert" or who has the right advice. Luckily, I have a solution for you. Ask other people in the field of expertise, who they feel are worthy of your time and energy. Other people (smarter than you) will be able to tell the differences between intelligence where you cannot. They will be able to perceive the blind spot. For example, if you need advice on buying a home, talk to other people who have purchased home (but this is key) ONLY take advice from people who have a proven track record of success and who they suggest speaking with.
Not all opinions are equally valid. Your opinion is worthless, so to help add value to your actions you need to find opinions that are trusted and held somewhat valid by your smarter colleagues and peers. You will be unable to help yourself otherwise. You simply do not have the mental capacity for the kind of abstract thought required to process the information at higher levels. Please don't feel bad. The majority of the world is in your situation and they can't help it either.