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Packgod vs EDP445

    Ayo EDP (Edward Dickle Pants) Tell me why your ears are in the nether and yo eyebrows on max brightness and yo neck is in incognito mode boy you look like the muffin mans drug dealer boy you got a level 6 diglet stickin out the top of yo head boy. You look like you got baptized in the chum bucket yo momma used bakugons as anal beads you lost yo virginity to an armadillo on a trampoline in mid air. Ayo shut yo indian cricket, ribbit ribbit, spinner fidget, stupid midget, genji main, mega brain, grandpa beat you with a cane, half eaten onion ring, Burger King, mustard packet, ups employee of the month, waluigi, dirty squeegee, lil nas X hey panini run my dick you’ll see a genie, demon slayer, howdy neighbor, 353 pound Fortnite player looking ass up boy. Open my mouth and take my cupcake. Now swallow it….. good job here hold on let me burp you. Bum ahh boy ayo here’s yo months rent. BUM AHH BOY

    Every Packgod’s copypasta