It happened in science class. The cheerleaders had just gotten back from practice and I was sitting directly behind the girl I had a crush on. Her bag was placed behind her and I saw where the bag wasn't fully zipped up and a pair of her panties were sprouting out the side. When I'm horny I barely think straight.. the lights were off and we were watching a science documentary on the projector so I thought I'd be able to get them without anyone seeing, I took them out slowly and kept an eye out. I thought I was successful.. I did many ungodly things with those panties.
By 3rd period at school the next day, all of the guys were calling me "panty boy" and I of course already knew what that was about.. the nickname stuck for the rest of the year and I'm still called it occasionally, mostly by friends. Me and that girl were kind of friends before and I was trying to build up the courage to ask her out prior, but I knew that was no longer possible. She never said anything about it, but she avoided me at all costs.. a lot of the guys would tease her for what I did, there were times I thought that I should stand up for her, but I was too much of a coward and didn't want to look "uncool" besides, how could the guy that did the pervy act be the good guy in the situation? So I just left it alone. What had happened was very humiliating for me, but I'm sure that what I felt was only half of what she must have felt..
I'm going to be a junior this year and I still can't stop thinking about it.. I feel disgusting for being such a little perv. I'm really contemplating reaching out to her and apologizing. Is that a good idea? or should I just leave it in the past?
I’m curious to know why people think hot sex with your agreeing sibling, parent, or cousin is bad and illegal. Does it harm anyone? I'm not into incest myself, but l've been thinking, don't gay relationships follow the same logic as if we were to accept incest? I mean a taboo couple that has wild sex rides somehow and is considered a degenerate and disgrace to the family. Especially when you realize gay relationships were historically stigmatized and seen as morally wrong in many societies and still aren’t really traditionally accepted or approved by society.
I do love many of my siblings on an intimately sexual level, and I think that it is super hot and others should too. Everyone watches incest porn right?? Well why not do it yourself! It just makes sense, I don't see why hot sexy sex isn't worth it, ESPECIALLY if it's with someone you know as personally as your sibling.
Besides, why is incest even illegal?!? You gotta realize that for evolution to happen, it starts with 2 people having sex and the whole family repopulates. So technically, we’re all related. If incest isn’t allowed, then how will humans even exist? We wouldn’t be allowed to have sex.
I know what some of pussies are thinking. “Waaaa, incest causes babies who are retarded and have 3 noses”. You gotta realize, that there’s condoms. You simply have to wear a condom to prevent babies with under a 30 iq that have half an eye and 16 bellybuttons. After all, sex is sex and if you can’t be homophobic to the rest of the LGBTQIA+, can’t discriminate them, and must support them, then you still aren’t allowed to be homophobicto the “I” or incestsexual, can’t discriminate them, and must support incest.
Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.
No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.
Like uhh...whos this fat phony hasan? hassin? hasin? hasan?...this fat phony..he's so concerned about everything..he's concerned about the two time..whats its like...these people man *laughs*...this guy wouldn't ahhh...anyways you just don't, you just don't worry about any of anything right...except yourself and whats close to you and what matters to you the way that is you talk about a phony...a fat phony
like uhhh, like whose this fat phony, hasan? ha-haasan, haasan, ha-hasan? this fat phony. hes so concerned about everything-hes so concerned about the two time, and what is, like-....eugh these people man...they're t- (breathes in), this guy wouldn't la-euuuugh g-anyways just dont-you just dont worry about any o-anything...right?
Bible in LoL Terms.
explain the Bible in league of legends terminology
Certainly! Here's an attempt to explain the Bible using League of Legends (LoL) terminology:
The Bible can be seen as a champion's lore, describing the ancient and timeless battle between good and evil. In this analogy, the central figure of the Bible can be considered the "Summoner," representing the divine power behind the events that unfold.
Creation: In the beginning, the Summoner created the "Summoner's Rift," a vast and wondrous world. This realm was populated with various champions, each with their own unique abilities and purposes.
Fall of Man: Just as champions in the game can sometimes become corrupted, the Bible tells the story of how the first humans, Adam and Eve, succumbed to temptation and disobeyed the Summoner's commands. This led to the "Nexus" of humanity being weakened, introducing sin and suffering into the world.
The Chosen Champions: The Summoner selected certain individuals to become champions of righteousness. These "heroes of faith" include Moses, who could be compared to a support champion, guiding and leading the people of Israel towards victory.
Prophets and Messages: Throughout the ages, the Summoner sent messengers, known as "prophets," to deliver important instructions and warnings to the champions. These prophets, like Ezreal seeking hidden truths, unveiled prophecies, and unveiled the Summoner's divine plan.
The Ultimate Sacrifice: In a pivotal moment, the Summoner sent His most beloved champion, Jesus Christ, to save the world from sin. Jesus acted as the ultimate tank, willingly sacrificing Himself on the "Cross" to cleanse the Nexus of humanity from its corruption.
Resurrection and Redemption: Similar to a champion respawning after being defeated, Jesus triumphantly rose from the dead, symbolizing victory over death and offering redemption to all who believe in Him. This victory is represented by the "Pentakill," a glorious achievement in the game.
The Final Showdown: The Bible prophesies a climactic battle between good and evil, known as the "Apocalypse" or "Final Judgment." This epic encounter can be likened to a high-stakes ranked game, where champions unite in a final clash against darkness.
Eternal Victory: Ultimately, the Bible reveals that the Summoner will restore the Nexus of humanity to its original glory. The righteous champions will be rewarded with an eternal "Victory Screen," basking in the presence of the Summoner forever