One of the stupidest reddit/internet culture 'trends' (which honestly isn't even a trend considering only Redditors do this weird shit).
"Look how cool I am copying, pasting and repeating someone else's weird/lame shit from years ago" like it's just unfortunate these kids don't comprehend how cringe, nerdy and lame this shit is. I could only assume they're kids. If adults are running around doing this then they've probably never mentally matured in their lives/are emotionally or mentally stunted as seems to be common for Redditors.
Reddit culture is so damn cringe and unfunny it just brings annoyance at least half the time.
Like honestly, it's 2023, who goes around copying shit others typed then spams it around? It's one of the lamest things you could do online and if people are doing that there's a good possibility their whole life revolves around reddit and the Internet, which is sad and isn't a good/cool/positive thing, regardless what people want to believe.
But of course people won't see the stupidity behind this. Any time people actually make a post about this you get a bunch of emotionally stunted, immature and unoriginal Redditors typically and goofily running to the comments being triggered, typically and stupidly copying and pasting the post in the comments or running to copypasta subreddits with the post like a buch of middle school nerds. Every time. It's like reddit can never quit being typical lame trolls for one minute. It's more pathetic than anything. But it's always pathetic when you depend on exploiting people's natural human emotions for their own amusement and ego boost. So many humans are shit and they all seem to hive mind to reddit for some reason. Can't wait until reddit finally quits being a platform. Reddit should have finally went away during these half assed lame 'blackouts' months ago. Cuz honestly a lot of these people don't deserve Reddit just like reddit doesn't deserve the traffic/money it gets. Yet here I still am.
Either way; fuck copypastas. They aren't funny. They aren't cool. They aren't interesting. They aren't entertaining. You aren't some cool, hip, unique person for posting them. And you aren't cool for conforming to reddits shitty internet culture. Would be great if individuality and originality were actually popular and sought after on reddit. So many people want to come off as being original or not like everyone else, yet act exactly like the next redditor.
The original point of this post kind of deviated I guess but I really don't care tbh. Just tired of everyone defending this shitty reddit culture/mentality as if it's cute or some shit. Tired of the immature cringey reddit teenagers too. I'd also say a very large portion of the Redditors that hate kids are ironically kids themselves, so the feeling is definitely mutual 😒 Redditors essentially hating themselves lol. People should be least 5 years out of high school before they go around talking about being "anti kids" when you're still damn near a kid yourself 🤣🤦🏽♂️
Just quit all the immature bs on reddit already 🤦🏽♂️ for a platform that wants to pride itself on being "intellectuals", hating "normies", being "different", being "superior" to other social medias and believing in "freedom", the majority of said platforms culture is nothing but the opposite lol.
I'm done with this lil rant/vent tho cuz ultimately it's pointless... reddit/Redditors aren't going to change. It's like it can't. This post'll probably get more emotional hate opposed to Redditors actually thinking about what's being said and looking at ways to better it. Doesn't matter how many times we make rants complaining about reddit; Redditors seem unable to change or better themselves or their platform. They get sensitive when they're criticized yet don't think about why they're criticized and how to change/better it. Not sure if the ego is too strong to actually be able to or if they just can't comprehend it/think introspectively. Reddit's just keep acting the same way, day in and day out. Nothing ever changes on this platform and it's unfortunate. Given the wide knowledge of Reddits issues and the amount of people that vocally talk about it, you'd think Redditors would try fixing the issues and making it a better place by now.
But again, this is reddit. Typical reddit.
Hope y'all enjoy your day
This is Black Diamond. She is the most powerful diamond and she's also the one pink most likes to fuck doggystyle, sideways, frontwards, backwards, upside down, 360 degrees, no condoms, skin on skin, on the living room,on the bed room, on the fridge, on the closet, on the ceiling, on the walls on the bathroom on the couch on the car and on the street.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about the Shirasagi Himegimi, you little hilichurl? I'll have you know she graduated top of her class in the Yashiro commission, and she's been involved in numerous secret raids on the spiral abyss, and she has over 300 crit damage. She is trained in alternate sprint and she's the top cryo user in the entire Inazuma. You are nothing to her but just another handguard. She will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Teyvat, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to her over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak she is contacting her secret network of spies in the Shuumatsuban and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Soumetsu, slime. The Soumetsu that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. She can be anywhere, anytime, and she can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with her elemental skill. Not only is she extensively trained in Kamisato arts, but she has access to the mistsplitter reforged and she will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what elemental reactions your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have cherished your fucking gems. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're embracing your duty, you goddamn idiot. she will Sakura swirl all over you and you will freeze in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Who is Youngboy? in math: my solution ➗ in history: my King 👑 in art: my muse 🎨 in science: my oxygen 💨 in geography: my world 🌎
NBA Youngboy is my idol. Hes the person I aspire to be, hes my light of day. The way his music flows and sounds is extravagant and pleasant. Youngboy is an icon, a legend, my idol, a king, an inspiration, a STAR. I could go on and on, understand this. I love NBA Youngboy.
Before I listened to Youngboy, I was nothing. A loser you could say. One day my homie said, "hey have you heard Youngboy". I said no, so he turned on Slime Belief. I heard the pure emotions coming from his words. I cried deep emotional tears and realized at that very moment I could make something of myself. I turned my life around and became a very cool person and broke out of my shell. He saved me. I met Youngboy and he told me to "follow my dreams" and not to listen to the bitchass haters. Youngboy saved me. Thank you Kentrell Gaulden. Bless Youngboy. He is our savior. He saved me from living life as a loser.
🍺 My love for Misato Katsuragi 🍺
🌟 She's not just a character, she's my absolute favorite! 🌟
👀 When Misato appears on screen, I can't help but feel my heart race! 👀
🍻 Her love for beer is infectious, just like my love for her! 🍻
💕 Her strength and determination inspire me every day! 💕
🎉 When she dances around her apartment, I can't help but join in with joy! 🎉
✨ Misato's complexity and depth make her shine like the stars in the night sky! ✨
🤖 Every time I rewatch Neon Genesis Evangelion, my love for her grows stronger! 🤖
💌 Misato, you're not just a character; you've become a part of my heart! 💌
🌈 I'll keep cherishing you forever, my beloved Misato Katsuragi! 🌈