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I got publically beaten up by a 12 year old kid when I was 18.

    I was in year 12 (senior year) at high school and I have a younger brother who was in year 7 so 13 years old at the time. There was this kid who was around the same age (12) that was bullying my brother daily. I saw what was going on and it made me so damn angry but I couldn't do anything because he was 12, this went on for a few months and at the time I tried to give my bro advice on how to handle the situation. Anyway one day I'm with my only female friend Alice and we can both see my brother in the playground being bullied by this kid. Alice tells me I should really do something to cool the situation, I agreed. So I go over and plan on just having a word with this kid, u know telling him to back off or else type of thing. I walk up to him and before I could get a word out he kicked me straight in my balls really hard, like so hard I screamed. I fell to the ground and he then jumped on me and started punching my head while I'm reeling in pain. I couldn't get him off, I had very little strength and he was pretty fat for a 12 year old. The teachers eventually got him off me and by this time I was severely beaten and humiliated. I could barely walk and my balls required an ice pack, I swear I could hear the female teachers laughing in the next room when I was sitting in the nurses office.

    Pronoun Jokes

      1. What is a male Jewish New Zealander's pronoun? He/Brew 
      2. What are a donkey's pronouns? He/haw 
      3. I am a cowboy, but my pronouns are Ye/Haw. 
      4. What are Dolores Umbridge's pronouns? Hem/hem 
      5. I now identify as boring; my preferred pronouns are ho/hum. 
      6. What are a male vampire's pronouns in the sunlight? He/hiss 
      7. I identify as an ambulance; my pronouns are wee/woo. 
      8. My preferred pronoun is letter. I was born female, but I identify as mail. 
      9. What pronouns does Rosemary like to go by? She/herb 
      10. I identify as sarcastic; my pronouns are har/har. 
      11. What pronouns do comedians use? He/he/he/he 
      12. What are a sheep farmer's pronouns? She/ar 
      13. What pronouns do serial killers go by? Man/slaughter READ ALSO Edson Jeune: Facts about the ex-husband of the NBC producer Benita Alexander 
      14. What pronouns did Julius Cesar use? Ze/Zir 
      15. What are Perry The Platypus' pronouns? Do Be Do/Be Do Bah 
      16. What are Snoop Dogg's pronouns? Hizzle/shizzle 
      17. I gender identify as Michael Jackson; my pronouns are hee/hee. 
      18. I identify as a chocolate bar; my pronouns are her/she. 
      19. I am Jewish and nonbinary; my pronouns are oy/they. 
      20. Eeyore recently changed genders; the preferred pronouns are he/haw. 
      21. I identify as Giantkin, and my pronouns are phe/phi/pho/phum. 
      22. My pronouns are; why/God/why. 
      23. If you are under 5'5", your pronouns are ima/little/tea/pot; If you are over 5'11", your pronouns are fee/fi/fo/fum. READ ALSO Jeffrey Brezovar's bio: meet the father of the fast-rising star Milo Manheim 
      24. Are pronouns just really good at being nouns? 
      25. My pronouns are Oompa/Loompa; please do not assume. 
      26. I am changing my pronouns to Almond Joy/Mounds because sometimes I feel like a nut, and sometimes I do not. 27. My pronouns are rare/medium rare; if you do not use these, my feelings and mental health are at steak. 
      28. Are there a lot of first-person singular objective pronouns, or is it just me? 
      29. What are a chocolate kiss's preferred pronouns? Her/she 


        If Fraudbappe thinks, I disagree. If Fraudbappe speaks, I ignore. If Fraudbappe fails, I'm happy. If the world is against Fraudbappe, I am the world. If Fraudbappe has 7 billion fans, I am none of them. If Fraudbappe has no haters, it's because I no longer exist.
        Mbappé is tactical genius. He is most know of his signature tactic "wanting to leave the club but then staying". He also has second little known tactic of "wanting to leave the club but then taking Neymar's penalties". What a absolute legend. Top 3 sporting director 4 sure

        Diablo IV – There were signs. Warnings even.

          There were signs. Warnings even. The events surrounding Diablo Immortal should’ve alerted us, but we were too easily ensnared by pretty graphics and false promises. Now, it’s too late. The man in the red shirt will never again walk the halls of Blizzcon. Sanctuary has fallen and its memory will be forever cheapened by micro transactions and collaboration events. What little hope we have left hinges on forum complaints, a loss of player base, and a decrease in share value. Light help us.

          Hentai is better than porn

            Hentai is better than porn, and I can point out multiple reasons on why my statement is a solid fact. Firstly, hentai allows for people to escape the boundaries of normal porn, as they are not bound by any physical, psychological, or plain impossible limitations that normal porn has due to being filmed in the real world. Hentai, on the other hand, is not bound by anything, as it is either drawn or animated. This allows for the absolute creativity for hentai artists to be able to have when crafting their works in order to pleasure another person. Secondly, hentai is able to have better stories. In normal porn, you have all the same types of stories, such as incest. And, most porn actors are just plain shitty. Hentai (more notably doujinshi) is able to surpass this through the fact that there is no need for acting from anybody for them, meaning that the scenes in them are perfect and immersive. Thirdly, hentai requires mental gymnastics. In porn, you’re imagining in the third dimension, which is too weak as we are already living in the third dimension. In hentai, you are thinking in the second, making it harder to put yourself in one of the characters shoes, and thereby requiring more mental strength in order to get off to. And, finally, hentai is art. All porn is is just a bunch of fake ass acting with some random guy holding a camera to film them. Hentai artists, on the other hand, require years and years to get good at art, and each single frame (or panel, depending on whether it is animated or not) is hand drawn, which involves way more effort to do than simply filming people in the act. Due to all of these points, with hentai not being bound by real life limitations, having better, more creative stories, requiring mental gymnastics to get off to, and requiring more effort and literally being art, I can now conclude that hentai is better than porn.