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Fucking god damn…Bigger tits he says…5th tit revision in a row

    "Fucking god damn...Bigger tits he says...5th tit revision in a row, not thicc enough he says make them biGGER. As if giving her two planets for an ass wasn't enough....Bigger tits I caNT BELIE-" 
    Fucking god damn...bigger tits he says...5th tit revision in a row, not thicc enough he says make them biGGER. As if giving her two planets for an ass wasn't enough....bigger tits I caNT BELIE-

    Chewbacca defense

      South Park Chewbaca defense script

      It came from an episode of South Park S02 “Chef Aid” where the criminal defense lawyer tries to confuse the jury rather than refute the case of the prosecutor.

      I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

      >ask the gym receptionist if their gym is based or cringe

        Anon ask if the gym is based or cringe

        Its from a 4chan post where Anon asks the gym receptionist if their gym is based or cringe. This is a classic greentext copypasta that has produced many different variations.

        Based or cringe

        >looking for a new gym
        >ask the gym receptionist if their gym is based or cringe
        >she doesn't understand
        >pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is based and what is cringe
        >she laughs and says "it's a good gym sir"
        >buy a membership
        >it's cringe

        Creepy or wet

        Anon ask if the gym is creepy or wet

        The “creepy or wet” version came when someone (allegedly) had an AI generate some greentexts. The AI spit out the exact same text as the original, except instead of “based or cringe” it said “creepy or wet.” So, it hadn’t actually generated something original, just replaced two words on an old greentext that it had been trained on. But that version of the meme somehow became more popular than the original.

        >looking for a new gym
        >ask the gym receptionist if their gym is creepy or wet
        >she doesn't understand
        >pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is creepy and what is wet
        >she laughs and says "it's a good gym sir"
        >buy a membership
        >it's wet

        Trump’s Executive Order

          🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨This Executive Order does the following:
          ❧ All federal agencies, including independent regulatory commissions, are now subject to direct White House control.
          ❧ Regulations cannot be issued without presidential approval.
          ❧ The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) can now withhold funding from independent agencies if they don’t align with White House priorities.
          ❧ All federal employees must follow the President’s and Attorney General’s interpretation of the law, eliminating legal independence.
          ❧ A White House Liaison is to be installed in every independent regulatory agency to enforce direct presidential control.
          ⚠️ This is the biggest executive power grab in U.S. history. ⚠️
          This formally ends the concept of an “independent” regulatory agency, dismantling one of the last barriers to absolute executive power.
          📍 This order effectively erases the last major restraints on executive power. 📍 The federal government no longer operates with checks and balances. 📍 Regulations and laws are now dictated solely by the President. 📍 If left unchecked, this is the moment the U.S. ceases to function as a democratic republic.
          1️⃣ The President Now Controls All Regulatory Agencies
          ✅ The SEC, FTC, FCC, and FEC are no longer independent.
          The Stock Market is now subject to White House control, enabling insider trading, favoritism, and targeting of political opponents. Antitrust laws can be selectively enforced, allowing administration-friendly monopolies to expand unchecked. Political opponents in the tech sector, media, or finance can be targeted with regulatory action while allies are protected. Elections are now influenced by direct White House oversight of the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
          ✅ The FDA, EPA, and consumer protection agencies are fully politicized.
          Drug approvals, food safety regulations, and environmental policies can be rewritten for political or corporate interests. Climate change regulations can be erased overnight. Scientific research is now subject to White House approval before public release.
          🚨 Implication: There is no longer any neutral enforcement of economic, environmental, or election laws. Everything is now dictated by political loyalty.
          2️⃣ The White House Can Block Agency Budgets or Direct Funds Elsewhere
          ✅ The OMB can now adjust funding allocations for independent agencies.
          This gives the President the power to defund agencies without needing Congress. Regulatory agencies that challenge presidential policies will be quietly strangled of resources. Agencies loyal to the President will receive full funding—even illegally. 🚨 Implication: Congress no longer controls federal spending on regulatory enforcement. The executive branch can choke out opposition agencies and reward allies.
          3️⃣ The President & Attorney General Have Final Say on All Legal Interpretations ✅ All federal employees must follow White House interpretations of the law.
          The Attorney General’s opinions override agency lawyers, inspectors general, and independent counsel. Agencies cannot adopt their own interpretations of legal statutes—everything must align with the President’s views. The President can rewrite federal legal interpretations overnight. 🚨 Implication: Legal consistency is gone. Agencies cannot push back against corrupt, illegal, or unconstitutional directives because the President’s interpretation is the only interpretation allowed.
          4️⃣ Installing White House Liaisons in All Regulatory Agencies ✅ A “White House Liaison” will be placed in every independent agency.
          This ensures constant presidential oversight of daily operations. These liaisons will report agency actions back to the White House and enforce political compliance. Agency directors will no longer have the ability to act without White House approval.
          🚨 Implication: There is now a direct enforcement arm inside every regulatory body. Even agencies that resist presidential control will be internally monitored and controlled.
          📍 Every regulatory body—from financial markets to environmental protections—is now politicized. 📍 Congress no longer controls federal funding—agencies must obey the White House or risk defunding. 📍 The President’s legal interpretations override all agency autonomy, eliminating independent enforcement of federal laws. 📍 The federal bureaucracy, once designed to be resistant to corruption, is now completely subject to presidential loyalty.

          Chair Wikipedia copypasta (Dr. Coomer)

            Dr Coomer chair wikipedia script

            Its from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (HLVRAI) where Dr. Coomer will sometimes read the the wikipedia of a chair when he comes across it. There is a clip of streamer Wayneradiotv coming across it when he played the game.

            A chair is a piece of furniture with a raised surface supported by legs, commonly used to seat a single person. Chairs are supported most often by four legs and have a back; however, a chair can have three legs or can have a different shape. Chairs are made of a wide variety of materials, ranging from wood to metal to synthetic material (e.g. plastic), and they may be padded or upholstered in various colors and fabrics, either just on the seat (as with some dining room chairs) or on the entire chair. Chairs are used in a number of rooms in homes (e.g. in living rooms, dining rooms, and dens), in schools and offices (with desks), and in various other workplaces, such as the Black Mesa facility.
            A chair without a back or arm rests is a stool, or when raised up, a bar stool. A chair with arms is an armchair; one with upholstery, reclining action, and a fold-out footrest is a recliner. A permanently fixed chair in a train or theater is a seat or, in an airplane, airline seat; when riding, it is a saddle or bicycle saddle; and for an automobile, a car seat or infant car seat. With wheels it is a wheelchair; or when hung from above, a swing. An upholstered, padded chair for two people is a 'loveseat', while if it is for more than two person it is a couch, sofa, or settee; or if is not upholstered, a bench. A separate footrest for a chair, usually upholstered, is known as an ottoman, hassock, or pouffe. 
            Hello, Gordon! 
            The free online encyclopedia that anyone from Black Mesa can edit 
            HELLO GORDON


              Frogge copypasta

              It started from a wiki site for Middle English describing frog that had since been taken down. Middle English was basically old English from from c. 1150 to c. 1470.

              A frogge biþ a smal beaste wiþ foure leggys, whyche liueþ booþ in watyre and on londe. It is broune or grene or yelowe, or be it tropyckal, he may haue dyuers coloures. It haþ longys and guilles booþe. It haccheþ from an ey and it þan ys a tadpolle. It groweþ to ben a frogge, if it þan ne be noght eten. 
              A frog is a small beast with four legs, which lives both in water and on land. It is brown, green, yellow, or, be it tropical, it may have diverse colours. It has both lungs and gills. It hatches from an egg, and it then is a tadpole. It grows to be a frog, if it is not eaten.

              Longer version

              A frogge biþ a smol beaste wiþ foure leggys, whyche liueþ booþ in le watyre and on londe. It is broune or grene or yelowe; or be it tropyckal, he may eben haue dyuers coloures, and liue in treys. It haþ longys and guilles booþe. Frogge need þe watyre to reeprudus. Eet haccheþ from an ey and it þan ete ys a tadpolle. It groweþ to þon a frogge, if it þan ne be nought eten.
              It ets smal bogs like cricets, fliys, ir evn wurms. þey haþ tung þat ben long and stikey. þere are pisoinis frogges out þre. Yuv migt se a frogge of yu eentr þe forets, or þe laeks. A frogge biþ founde in al contynens ecsept Antartika.
              A frogge biþ broþers wiþ a toade. Toades aren froggen wiþ drye þicke sken. 
              A frog is a small creature with four legs, which lives both in water and on land. It is brown or green or yellow; or, if it is tropical, it may be different colors, and live in trees. It has both lungs and gills. Frogs need water to reproduce. It hatches from an egg and it then it is a tadpole. It then grows into a frog, if it is not eaten.
              It eats small bugs like crickets, flies, or even worms. They have a tongue that is long and sticky. There are poisonous frogs out there. You might see a frog if you enter the forests, or the lakes. The frog is found on all continents except Antarctica.
              A frog is brothers with a toad. Toads are frogs with a dry, thick skin.