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What the slippery slope did you just say to me you little strawman?

    What the slippery slope did you just say to me you little strawman? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in appealing to emotion, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on loaded questions. I am trained in fallacy warfare and I'm the top debater in my entire high school. You are nothing to me but just another bandwagon. I will attack your character instead of engaging with your argument with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this site, mark my anecdotes. You think you can get away with making logically sound arguments over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of trolls across the Internet and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for our fallacies, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call logic. You're no fucking scotsman, kid. I can be ambiguous anywhere, anytime, and I can derail your discussion in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my false cause. Not only am I extensively trained in irrational argumentation, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the r/politics comment section and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable argument of the continent, you little Texas sharpshooter. If only you could have known what unholy middle ground your little "logical" argument was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking burden of proof. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're begging the question, you black or white idiot. I will shit ad hominem all over you and you will appeal to nature in it. Tu quoque, kiddo. 

    Wish there was more hentai of Ranni

      Wish there was more hentai of Ranni. I’ve seen it all. I’ve dedicated more of my love to Ranni than the Tarnished did. Even thinking of Ranni has made me incredibly Hornsenty and have pulled out my Dark Moon Greatsword to start spamming R1 until it all turns to 2 nobodies fighting over nothing at the end of the world, John Darksoul says ‘Hand it over. That thing. Your darksoul.’ And it all fades to green. Please mark this post NSFW to prevent this from happening again to a poor, helpless soul like old Lonesome Gavlan. 

      Literally unplayable. I’m deleting World of tanks blitz and quitting the game forever.

        Literally unplayable. I'm deleting World of tanks blitz and quitting the game forever. I can't believe Wor Gyamung would make such a horrible and embarrassing mistake. Shameful. Absolutely shameful. I don't know how he could ever look at his family in the eyes ever again after this. World of tanks blitz has truly fallen from grace, and there's no saving it. How pathetic. Worst game ever created by mankind. It's an achievement really. I'm just so disappointed that Gar Wayming would ever do this. I remember thinking about how cool they were when I was a small child, but I guess all good things eventually come to an end in this cruel world we live in. In fact, I don't think I want to live in this world anymore. Not in the same world as this game. Goodbye. Those will be my last words. 

        Girl, are you a book…

          Girl, are you a book…
          …Cause i wanna open you on a desk, linger my eyes over you, try flipping a page, get a paper cut, get mad and slam you shut, throw you against the wall, pick you back up, try to read you, skip over some letters because of my dyslexia, get upset that im a iPad baby and cant read, start crying because i cant read, then cry my self to sleep.

          Dagoth Ur Argonian

            Its from an edited video of Dagoth Ur being incredibly racist towards Argonians and reciting infamous TND copypasta but changed to Argonians.

            Come Nerevar, friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the... Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise you were an Argonian -- no no it's not a problem I had just expected a Dark Elf. No it's not because I think they're more capable or anything, it's just because you- ... no dude I don't have an issue with reptiles, some of my best slaves were Argonian. Alright that came out wrong, listen what I'm trying to say is that- what..? ...I'm sure you come from a very fine swamp, very good with a spear. ...Assuming? I'm not assuming anything that's just what you people do - the royal you, as in- look we got off on the wrong foot, together we shall speak for the law and the land and shall drive the mongrel lizards of the empire- dogs. I meant dogs. Look I'm sorry I just really expected a Dunmer. what? why? because you were a Dunmer the last eight fucking times. I don't know what Azura is playing at making you an argonian, but I assume it's a joke. no I dont think Argonians are jokes- can we just fight? this is making me very uncomfortable, is this how you honour the Sixth House and the tribe unmourned?
            “Come nerevar, friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the…
            oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were an argonian.
            No, no, it’s not a problem I just expected a dark elf.
            No, it’s not because I think they’re more capable or anything, it’s just because you…
            no dude I don’t have an issue with reptiles. Some of my best slaves were argonian.
            Alright that came out wrong, listen what I’m trying to say is that- what? I’m sure you come from a very fine swamp. Very good with a spear.
            Assumi- I’m not assuming anything that’s just what you people do, the royal you, as in- look we got off on the wrong foot, together we shall speak for the law and the land and drive the mongrel lizards of the empire- dogs. I meant dogs.
            Look I’m sorry I just really expected a dunmer.
            What? Why? Because you were a dunmer the last eight fucking times, I don’t know what the hell Azura’s playing at making you an argonian, but I assume it’s a joke.
            No, I don’t think argonians are jokes, can we just fight? This is making me very uncomfortable.”

            Dagoth Ur – A Khajiit? Really?

            Dagoth Has Standards towards Khajit

            Continuation of the video of Dagoth Ur being incredibly racist but now towards a Khajit.

            Oh! Oh this must be a mistake. You're... you're who?
            No. No, no, no. I'm sorry but I have to draw the line somewhere. I don't know about Vivec or Caldera or any of those other little shitholes but we have certain standards here on red mountain. I could handle the god damn lizard y'know, but this... This is something else.
            A Khajiit? Really? A fucking mouth breathing cat? Is Azura even trying anymore? Moon and star? More like moon sugar and star. I'm surprised you didn't pawn the thing off to go buy some, you little evolutionary cul-de-sac.
            You know, I bust my ass. I really try to make this place reborn and purged and what do you do? Strip down to your skivvies and down seven bottles of skooma before punching a guard in the back of the head.
            You're looking at me with that glazed over, lobotomized, look in your swiveled eyes. So I'll assume you can understand me. Take those clown feet of yours and lumber on out of here.

            I can’t take it anymore. I’m sick of Herta.

              Herta copypasta

              Its the Xiangling copypasta but changed to The Herta from Honkai Star Rail.

              I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Herta. I try to play JY. My Herta deals more damage. I try to play Acheron. My Herta deals more damage. I try to play Feixiao. My Herta deals more damage. I want to play Argenti. His best team has Herta. I want to play smol Herta, Serval. They both want Herta.
              She grabs me by the throat. I do SU for her. I cook for her. I give her Eternal Calculus. She isn't satisfied. I pull An Instant Before A Gaze. "I don't need this much crit" She tells me. "Give me more DMG." She grabs Lingsha and forces her to throw herself off the enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with my BiS."
              I can't pull for her BiS, I don't have enough jades. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs her keyblade. She says "Endless riddles, nothing but a void." There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure fiction damage. What a cruel world.