Copypasta of popular quotes, lines or transcripts seen in movies, anime, videos or Tiktok videos. Include 19$ Fortnite card and entire Bee movie script.
Konnichiwa everybody. Meow just wanted to make a quick video to apologise to the fandom.*Munches food* Meow did not realise the r word was a slur used against mentally challenged people. Meows heard the word many times in meows life and never knew it was a slur. Arigato for educating meow. Gomenasai friends. Meow promises never to say that word again. Meow hopes the disabled fandom feels better soon <3. *Eating noise* b u r g e r. Arigato!
I've come to make an announcement. Ninomae ina'nis is a bitch-ass motherfucker. She pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, she took her Eldritch horror fucking slimy dick out, and she pissed on my wife, and she said her dick was this big and i said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my - Ninomae Ina'nis, you've got a small dick, its the size of this chickin except way smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. Takes out her sword That's right baby, all spikes, no suction cups, no tentacles, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. She fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the Tentacult. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER PHOENIX PIIIIIISSSSS!
Except I'm not gonna piss on the tentacult, I'm gonna go higher, I'm pissing on COOOVEEER!
How do you like that YAGOO?! I PISSED ON COVER YOU IDIOT!
You have twenty-three hours before the piss drrrroplllllets hit fucking Cover Corp, Now get out of my fucking sight, before i piss on you too!
Benefits of NoFap:
Day 1 - Nothing. You're still in withdrawal and might actually feel worse.
Day 5 - Improved motivation and productivity.
Day 10 - Better energy and sleep.
Day 30 - Greater confidence and self-esteem. Mental clarity.
Day 60 - Increased muscle mass, bone density, and cardiovascular capacity. Testosterone through the roof.
Day 120 - Higher sperm count. Increased erection strength and duration.
Day 365 - Your voice deepens and your skull becomes more chad-like. Increased erection girth and length.
Day 730 - Faster reaction time. 10 additional IQ points.
Day 1500 - Starbucks baristas start writing their numbers on your receipts. Your ex wants to get back together. You feel tempted but ultimately turn her down.
Day 3000 - You can't keep up with all your tinder matches. Strange women begin hitting on you in public. You worry about your female boss. Fortunately she keeps it professional.
Day 6000 - Ex shows up at your door crying and begging you to take her back. You don't even make eye contact—just call the police right away. Your female boss quits. She can't take it anymore and fears what she might do to you if she stays.
Day 12000 - Every swipe on tinder is a match. Even girls you swipe left get matched with you somehow. Romantic messages fill up your inbox every day—all 15gb of it—you upgrade your Gmail account to premium.
Day 30000 - You don't have to work anymore. JK Rowling signs over half of her Harry Potter royalties to you in a grand gesture of love. You tell her you can't be with her because she's too controversial. She weeps quietly. The next morning, Rowling tweets that trans women are women and Dumbledore's sexual orientation is nobody's business.
Day 60000 - Scientists propose that attraction to you be classified as its own sexual orientation, which will account for 97.5 percent of the world's population. Paradoxically, you no longer feel any sexual desire. You have achieved a higher consciousness and now love every human-being equally.
Day 100,000 - Your IQ doubles, triples, and quadruples. You come up with a workable model of quantum gravity in a rainy Sunday afternoon. Elon Musk steps down from SpaceX to work for you. You decide to put space exploration on hold to focus on achieving clean energy through nuclear fusion.
Day 200,000 - You've solved the problem of nuclear fusion. You also solved the problems of climate change, poverty, crime, and racism. You have been elected the very first President of the World.
Day 500,000 - It's been over half a million days since you last fapped. You have achieved everything, understood everything, and solved every problem faced by humanity. All that needs to be done has been done. There's nothing left to do.
You give your fellow humans one last look—they're still fapping, trapped in their primitive way—but you don't judge. The path of NoFap was never meant for the ordinary men. "Try not to fap. But if you must, use lube." Those were your parting words.
Now, released from all shackles of the mundane, and purified of all imperfections, your body ephemeralizes, as your ever-illuminated consciousness ascends into another dimension.
Oh senpai, hey! I didn't know you walked this way. We're right in front of your house? I-I wasn't looking or anything, I just happened to be walking by! It'd be creepy to know where you live, s-stupid! What was I walking by for? OKAY! I had to give you something! L-listen, Don't get the wrong idea, I was just up at 4 am cooking like schoolgirls do and it happened to be your favorite and I thought maybe you'd like some since I had extra! BE GRATEFUL! UGHHIUGH! Uhh, how did I know it was your favorite? Well I... aaaAAAAAAAHHH!
Quandale Dingle revolves around 🔃 a 📸 series of ironic 🤣💯 memes involving a 🚨💰 man named ❤ “ Quandale Dingle.”based on 🔛 a 🎉 viral screenshot of a PC 💻💻 login screen 🖥🖥 for 🍆 a 🅰🏻 man 👍 with 👦 the 👀 name. The 😠 earliest known 👁💫 upload of 💰💦 the screenshot was posted ✉✉ to ⛔ Twitter in 🅰 September 2021 and 🙄😘 went viral through reposts, inspiring 😍 further 🤔 memes referencing the name 😒 and how ridiculous 😤😤 it 😳💕 is. 🙀🙌 In 🚗 late ⏰🕐 2021 throughout early 🥂🥂 2022 people ❤ began using 📤 distorted images of people ♀👯 to ♀ represent ✊ Quandale Dingle in ironic 😂🤣 memes. ✋ The 👦👉 name also inspired 💡 a trend 🚮 where 😠☝ TikTokers create 📲 parody RapTV posts ⤵ about 🏽 Quandale.
Quandale Dingle revolves around a series of ironic memes involving a man named “ Quandale Dingle.”based on a viral screenshot of a PC login screen for a man with the name. The earliest known upload of the screenshot was posted to Twitter in September 2021 and went viral through reposts, inspiring further memes referencing the name and how ridiculous it is. In late 2021 throughout early 2022 people began using distorted images of people to represent Quandale Dingle in ironic memes. The name also inspired a trend where TikTokers create parody RapTV posts about Quandale.