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Copypasta of popular quotes, lines or transcripts seen in movies, anime, videos or Tiktok videos. Include 19$ Fortnite card and entire Bee movie script.


    Taiwan Independence copypasta
    台湾独立万岁 这是一个 MESSAGE FROM TAIWAN(ROC) 光荣归于台湾,台湾人是不受中华人民共和国管辖的独立国家(PRC)中华人民共和国对中华民国(ROC)没有主权,也称为台湾 请不要散布此类针对我国的错误信息!台灣獨立運動(臺灣話:Tâi-oân to̍k-li̍p ūn-tōng),簡稱台獨(Tâi-to̍k)(粵語:Toi4Duk3),是台灣獨派的核心政治理想及國家認同,其主張解除1949年後才遷台的中華民國政府政權、質疑其治台正當性及制定新憲法並將國號「中華民國」更名為「台灣」等之稱呼,建立屬於全體台灣人的主權國家[1],與謀求兩岸統一的「統派」相對。實際上依照理論與目標的不同,還可細分為傳統台獨派及台獨左派等流派;但與「華獨」流派概念不同的是,華獨主張「中華民國是台灣」,認為現時台澎金馬自由地區已經「事實獨立」,是主權獨立國家,而台灣獨立運動推動者不認同此觀點。 目前,台灣獨立運動面臨著種種的政治現實與國際角力,外部除須與美国、日本兩大国家建立互信的「美日台安保條約」,還須克服來自中華人民共和國的武力干涉與經濟施壓,而如何解決台灣內部在國家認同與意識形態上的多元與矛盾(統派、華獨、自然獨、維持現狀派人士)也是另一項難題。台灣獨立運動也透過台灣民族主義、台灣本土化運動、台灣正名運動、去中国化、強調台灣主體性等方式表現。 Glory to Taiwan! Long live Taiwanese independence! 🇹🇼🇹🇼

    Turi ip ip ip lyrics

      Lyrics for Turi ip ip ip
      Turi ip ip ip ip ip ip ip tsha ik ip tura ip ik eugh eugh isha ik turisha
      Turi ip ip ip
      ip ip ip ip tsha ik
      ip tura ip ik
      eugh eugh isha ik turisha

      Amber Heard post-trial statement on Twitter

        Amber Heard Twitter statement after the trial
        The disappointment I feel today is beyond words. I'm heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence, and sway of my ex-husband.
        I'm even more disappointed with what this verdict means for other women. It is a setback. It sets back the block to a time when a woman who spoke up and spoke out could be publicly shamed and humiliated. It sets back the idea that violence against women is to be taken seriously.
        I believe Johnny's attorneys succeeded in getting the jury to overlook the key issue of Freedom of Speech and ignore evidence that was so conclusive that we won in the UK.
        I'm sad I lost this case. But I am sadder still that I seem to have lost a right I thought I had as an American - to speak freely and openly.

        OWOifier version

        The disappointment I feew today woday is beyond wowds. I'm h-heawtbwoken t-that the mountain of e-evidence stiww was nyot enyough to stand up to the dispwopowtionyate powew, infwuence, and sway o-of my ex-husband.
        I'm even mowe disappointed with what this vewdict means fow othew women. It is a setback. It sets back the cwock to a time when a woman w-who spoke up and spoke out couwd be pubwicwy wubwicwy shamed and humiwiated. It sets back the idea that viowence against women is to be taken sewiouswy wewiouswy.
        I b-b-bewieve J-Johnny Wohnny's attownyeys succeeded in getting the juwy to ovewwook the key issue of Fweedom of Speech and ignyowe evidence that was so c-c-concwusive t-t-that we won in the UK.
        I'm sad I-I wost this case. But I-I a-am saddew stiww that I seem to h-h-have wost a wight I thought I had as an Amewican - to speak fweewy weewy and openwy wenwy.


          Wenomechainsama copypasta
          Wenomechainsama Tumajarbisaun Wifenlooof Eselifterbraun
          I met you in the summer
          When you left it was cold
          Said we loved one another
          Guess that we were wrong

          I am the one who knocks

            Who are you talking to right now? Who is it that you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I tell you, you wouldn’t believe it. Do you know what happens if I suddenly decide to stop going into work? A business big enough it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up. Gone. It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skylar. I am the danger. A guy opens his front door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks.

            Quandale Dingle lore

              Overview: Quandale Dingle is an African-American man aged 20-25, most well-known for various unlikely and even seemingly impossible appearances throughout the entire universe, including virtual spaces. Another important piece of controversy regarding him is his imprisonment and eventual escape with the help of his friend Juandale Pringle.
              Unique Facial Features: Quandale has an abnormally shaped nose, having a large size and pointing forward. His face is slanted downwards at an extreme angle, this being accentuated by his large lower lip.
              Crimes and Imprisonment: After his incarceration, for battering on a police officer, grand theft, declaring war on Italy, and public indecency he publicly stated that on March 28th he will be escaping prison and has plans to "take over the world". Shockingly, even after this statement, he was still able to escape on the specified date due to the prison staff's negligence.
              Escape from Prison: On March 28 2018, Quandale Dingle escaped prison and went into hiding at his friend Juandale Pringle's house. While he was running from police, he fell and accidentally scraped some foreskin off from his genitalia. Armed forces were later sent to Juandale's house, who was arrested and later killed. Quandale esecaped and is now staying at Aden Dookie's crib with Quindavious Gooch.
              Family: It is known that Quandale Dingle has an autistic son as well as a "baby mama" named Sheniqua Anderson. His son's name is currently unknown. Quandale has stated that he supposedly gave away his son to "creepy old guys" due to his refusal to pay child support, although it is unknown if this is true. He has also stated that he trapped his son's hand in an air fryer. His relationship with his father is described as abusive by Quandale, who says he was "given a sucker punch full force" and was "smacked in the back of the head with a steering wheel" Quanlingling Dingle is Quandale's asian brother. At one point he placed illegal substances in Quandale's meal as a supposed assassination attempt or a misguided prank, which almost killed Quandale. Quandale's cousin, Henry Bartholomew Dinglenut was also arrested, for planting 2.5 Kilograms of TNT in a daycare center. Also putting a camera in president Joe Biden’s bathroom to watch him take a poo. His relationship with his mother, Quandlisha Dingleberry, is not in a good state, with her being the original founder of the AQTF, an organization with the goal of combating his devious activities.
              Appearances: - Union city, New Jersey - New Batman movie (as "The Dingler") - Los Angeles - The lost city of Atlantis - The White House - Plushtrap Room (Five Nights at Freddy's 4) - "Prison Break" Roblox game - Lil Minion's mansion - Robbery of Goofy Ahh Jersey bank - Fortnite - Tilted Towers - Hitler’s Grave - etc.
              Criminal history: Quandale Dingle has committed many crimes including: - Murder - Theft - Assault - Selling illegal substances - Using chemical weapons - Using nuclear weapons - Killing a president - Arson - Kidnapping - Rape - Tax evasion - Reviving Hitler - Starting a war - Treason - Genocide - Terrorism - War crimes - Hate Crimes - Child labor - Declaring War on Italy - Battery On A Police Officer - Public Indecency
              Quandale was bent over in the prison showers by someone named Garfield Jenson.
              Quandale almost drowned in his bathtub when he was 15 years old.
              Quandale put percs in Vladimir Putin's drink and "he went to bed for a really long time".