Copypasta of popular quotes, lines or transcripts seen in movies, anime, videos or Tiktok videos. Include 19$ Fortnite card and entire Bee movie script.
In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by members of this group.
NOTICE TO CHATTER: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violations of U.S. law. VIOLATION: Solicitation of a minor. IMPORTANT WARNING: If you think this chat session was logged in error, please state your reasons to the F.B.I. agent currently monitoring this chat and quote the reference number #2334531343. Failure to do so within the next 2 minutes will result in your IP and address being entered into our criminal data base and legal action.
*Your IP address has been logged by the Child Internet Service Protection Agency. Please wait while memory ref code "502695151" is entered into the database.
In the event that the above message or any others found within this discord are used as evidence by the FBI or any other legal investigating body in the court of law as evidence of any crimes, past, present or yet uncommited, I would like to officially state my non-participation in any of the aforementioned activities. At the time of the creation and my joining of this group there was no intention on my part to partake in what has/ may yet transpire/d. Each member of this discord server acts of their own accord and without reflection on the other members and we in know way condone the actions of <<insert person>>.
This chat room has been reported to the FBI for possession and distribution of child pornography. All participants will have 24 hours to leave the chat room before it is locked and investigated. Accounts remaining will be traced through their corresponding IP address. Warning: You can and will be charged for possession of child pornography if your account remains in this chat room after the 24 hour period. -Henry Gordon (FBI general supervisor) Contact me personally if you have any questions: [email protected] For more information visit: Or call the bank FBI at: (443) 479-2384 Fax: (443) 479-2470 Thank you for your cooperation. Federal Bureau of Investigation
This chat room has been reported to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force for suspected terrorism.
All participants will have 24 hours to leave the chat room before it is locked and investigated.
Accounts remaining will be traced through their corresponding IP address.
Warning: You can and will be charged for participating in a terror group
if your account remains in this chat room after the 24 hour period. -ADIC Michael S. Rodgers (FBI Assistant Director)
Contact me personally if you have any questions: [email protected] For more information visit: Or call the FBI at +1 313-965-2323. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
This account is now under the control of the Federal Cyber Crime Unit (FCCU) in accordance with a seizure warrant obtained by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of California issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C 981 and 982. Every user in this DM has been formally logged and will receive personal notice(s) in their mailbox. You are all to be investigated and it is of no use to block the receptian/contact. Please have patience as we will inform you of any further actions along with your case number. You are not to release this information online or further measures will be taken with harsher consequences.
Attention: If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in they Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk. Please don't wait, call 1-800-99 LAW USA today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Mesothelioma patients call now! 1-800-99 LAW USA
Combo do que o Luiz Otavio (o monarquista do twitter) é contra:
Novamente perdi seguidores por um posicionamento. Então lá vai um combo para facilitar para vocês: sou contra feminismo, aborto em TODOS os casos, controle de natalidade, casamento gay (incluindo o civil), poligamia, liberdade religiosa, colocar arroz sobre o feijão, república, sedentarismo, liberalismo, missa nova, judaísmo, Concílio Vaticano II, funk, comunismo, coloquialismo gramatical, roupas vulgares, "Renovação Carismática Católica", métodos contraceptivos (incluindo a tabelinha), palavrões, ovo que se cozinhou muito, mulher usar calça, café fraco, democracia liberal, materialismo histórico e dialético, mistérios luminosos do Rosário, venda de empresas nacionais a estrangeiros, sedevacantismo, e-boys, e-girls, emos, punks, nova teologia, veganismo, modernismo, treinar exercícios em jejum, ecumenismo, buffet por quilo, cabelos de cores estranhas, piercings, preconceito gastronômico, tatuagens, bebida alcoólica em jejum, as placas de carro do Mercosul, chá com açúcar, terno sem gravata, desperdício de comida, mulheres servindo ao altar, sapato sem meia, pílula contra dor de cabeça, padres sem batina, MGTOWS, coachings, católicos continuístas, pais e mães de pet, alimentação desbalanceada, roupa esportiva no dia-a-dia, fornicação (sexo antes do casamento), freiras sem hábito, espírito burguês, perenialismo, anarco-capitalismo, arte moderna, União Européia, nacional-socialismo, sionismo, pronunciar o R como uma aproximante alveolar sonora, chamar os pais da namorada de "sogros", o Estado de Israel, russofobia, o último acordo ortográfico, carros de câmbio automático, concubinato, sentimentalismo, eutanásia, anel de compromisso no namoro, maconha, ficar sem camisa em público, "batismo no Espírito Santo", TikTok, crianças terem acesso à internet e redes sociais, ministros de Eucaristia, esteróides anabolizantes, girias de adolescente, roer as unhas…