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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Mi novio prefiere masturbarse a estar conmigo

    Hola , me gustaría pedir consejo, desde un tiempo acá , mi pareja me evita, anteriormente me fue infiel y ahora estamos en terapia de pareja, acabamos de empezar, pero yo soy una persona muy sexual y necesito hacerlo a diario o casi, obvio si no se puede o no apetece no sé fuerza, pero mi preferencia es a diario y si puede ser más de una vez mejor. De un tiempo a ahora mi novio me evita en repetidas ocasiones , y pasan días sin contacto físico, pero en cuanto salgo por la puerta aunque sean 5 minutos a tirar la basura el se masturba. Estoy un poco desconcertada con esta situación porque no creo que sea por mi aspecto ya que , sinceramente tengo cola de chicos interesados en mi, tanto por físico como por personalidad, por algo que yo no veo mucho que sea así ya que mi pareja ni se fija casi, pero debo ser bastante atractiva para el resto. Me gustaría algún consejo o algo que hacer. Ya probé ropa interior que le gusta, juegos etc... Soy muy abierta en este aspecto... Gracias por la ayuda.

    English version

    My boyfriend would rather masturbate than be with me
    Hello, I would like to ask for advice. My partner has been avoiding me for some time now, he was unfaithful to me before and now we are in couples therapy, we have just started, but I am a very sexual person and I need to do it daily or almost, obviously yes. You can't or you don't feel like it, I don't know how strong it is, but my preference is daily and if it can be more than once, better. For some time now, my boyfriend avoids me repeatedly, and days go by without physical contact, but as soon as I walk out the door, even for 5 minutes to throw out the trash, he masturbates. I'm a bit confused by this situation because I don't think it's because of my appearance, since, honestly, I have a line of guys interested in me, both because of my physique and my personality, because of something that I don't see very often as my partner doesn't even know almost fixed, but I must be pretty attractive to the rest. I would like some advice or something to do. I already tried underwear that he likes, games etc... I am very open in this aspect... Thanks for the help.

    The symbolism beyond the handjobs in Breaking Bad

      In two separate occasions we saw Walter and Hank, receiving a handjob from their respective wives: Walter in S1 EP1; Hank in S3 EP12.
      There is a clear contrast between these 2 scenes.
      Walter got a handjob before all hell broke loose. He hadn't received his cancer diagnosis yet, and he was living a pretty mundane and "boring life". You can see it by how uninterested he and Skyler were during that scene.
      Hank, on the other hand, had just experienced the most traumatic experience of his life. Marie's handjob had emotion behind it. It wasn't meant to just pleasure Hank, but to rejuvenate him. To give him some vigor and confidence during a hard time.
      But one thing that really seals the deal for me, is their names(stay with me, it will make sense). You see, Walter is a Germanic name that means "Commander Of The Troops". Pretty much foreshadowing what was about to come in later seasons. But there is more. Walter didn't orgasm during that scene, so his "troops"(aka sperm) didn't come out. Implying that Walter wasn't a commander of the troops, at that point...also his last name is white, the color of sperm.
      As for Hank, this will blow your mind.
      Hank kinda sounds like wank, but It also sounds like honk... a car honk. Hello?! He was almost killed in a parking lot , while inside his car. You can hear a car honk throughout his fight scene against the Salamanca cousins. Still don't believe me? Hank's last name, Schrader, is a type of pneumatic tire valve that is used in most cars around the world. "OP but the Schrader valves are also used on bikes"...I guess there wasn't any major event in the show that involved someone riding a bike, right?! Guys, it's all connected!
      The way Vince Gilligan used these two scenes to backshadow and foreshadow is nothing less than godly.

      My wife’s boyfriend is so cool

        My wife started dating Tyrone right after we got married, they like to exercise in the other room, they're always really loud, Tyrone lets me play Fortnite and watch Ninja while they exercise. He also lets me sleep in the other room while he sleeps with my wife, and sometimes lets me stay up past 8pm. Last week he said I've been really good and that he'll buy me Cyberpunk. Tyrone is so cool!!!

        El novio de mi esposa es muy cool!!

          Mi esposa empezó a salir con Diego después de que ella y yo nos casáramos, Diego es muy cool. Les gusta ejercitarse en el cuarto de al lado, a veces son algo ruidosos, Diego me deja jugar Valorant y ver streams de TenZ y Tarik mientras ellos hacen ejercicio. Él me deja dormir en el otro cuarto mientras el duerme con mi esposa y lo mejor de todo es que me deja estar despierto después de la 8 pm, Diego es demasiado cool. La semana pasada me dijo que he sido un buen muchacho y que me iba a comprar una skin de Valorant. Diego es muy cool!!

          English version

          My wife started dating Diego after she and I got married, Diego is very cool. They like to exercise in the next room, sometimes they are a bit noisy, Diego lets me play Valorant and watch TenZ and Tarik streams while they exercise. He lets me sleep in the other room while he sleeps with my wife and best of all, he lets me stay up after 8 pm, Diego is so cool. Last week he told me that I have been a good boy and that he was going to buy me a Valorant skin. Diego is very cool!!

          The e46 328i can go through corners at 60

            Fucking stupid assholes- The e46 328i can go through corners at 60 when other cars are taking them at 45. People forget just how well balanced the e46 328i is, the 50/50 weight distro helps make it the ultimate fagshipping machine. Moreover, you don’t need the power to go fast when you go through corners 50% faster than pretty much any other car. Pretty much, you see an e46 328i in the rear view you should probably get out of its way, its just being nice not passing you because it’s cooing system will explode, so you don’t get scared; It has the full ability to pass at any point if the plastic water pump impeller doesn’t break into a million pieces. A reminder that the e46 328i BTFOs supercars on track all the time, so don’t think that just because its the street it’s any different. The car punishes the driver much like how the Mach 5 taught Speed Racer to become the best roadside mechanic in the world. So, that power handicap is fine, cause if it had more, it would just be unfair to anyone trying to follow. So remember next time you see that “Little” e46 328i, you should probably respect it more, cause it has the full ability to depreciate you and your car’s resale value. Its a fact that some of the worst drivers in the world drive e46 328is, cause they know the hidden bullshit that got through quality control and machined into the vehicle. If anyone wants to refute me good luck, ill answer all arguments and blow you away, finally if anyone wants to go at it on the touge, heh well good luck with that, I’ve blown away many head gaskets, and I have probably made more than 20 cars including a Ferrari, 2 Porches and a gt40 crash by oiling down the track right at corner exit.

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