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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

No rollback? What a terrible decision.

    No rollback? What a terrible decision. I guess you don't want your endgame achievements to have any integrity. You just showed your hard core players what you really think of them and their achievements. 10K non afk hour player saying goodbye for the first and final time. ✌🏼

    You will never be breakcore.

      Your music will never be breakcore. You have no gabber, you have no bpm, you have no melody. You are a deranged weeb twisted by anime and vaporwave into a crude mockery of the internet's perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your music taste behind closed doors. Musicians are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of music have allowed people to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even jungle artists who “pass” sound weird and uninspired. Your pads are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he hears your slow, boring song. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your artist name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a jungle artist is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably 150 bpm. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

      Based on the ‘You Will Never Be A Woman‘ copypasta

      For big purchases I pay exclusively with pre-1972 nickles…

        For big purchases I pay exclusively with pre-1972 nickles, delivered by a local, non-union, unlicensed, unbonded, "2 guys and a truck" style moving service, preferably the 2 guys will show signs of amphetamine addiction because they usually work faster, but this is not mandatory.

        Comparing big breasts to small breasts

          Small breasts are like the moon, as both possess a mysterious and delicate beauty that is romantic and captivating. Similar to the nightly sky lit up by the moon, the feminine silhouette of a body adorned with small breasts is captivating and sensual. As the moon draws us closer with its alluring charm, small breasts can exude the same effect, leaving us wanting more. There is something mesmerizing about the beauty of the moon, and the same can be said for small breasts.
          If small breasts are like the moon then big breasts are like the sun, in that they are bold, powerful, and commanding. Both the sun and big breasts have a mesmerizing and seductive glow, and they can be both captivating and mesmerizing to behold. Big breasts may seem bigger and bolder, but they can be just as captivating and romantic as smaller breasts. Just like the warmth and warmth of the sun, the beauty of big breasts can be appreciated in a unique and passionate way.
          Comparing big breasts and small breasts with the moon and the sun can be seen as a perfect metaphor for their differences.
          Just like the moon and the sun, small and big breasts both hold a unique and mesmerizing beauty. While the moon may seem softer and more subtle, it also has a mystical and enchanting presence. Similarly, big breasts may seem more striking and eye-catching, but they still have their own elegance and allure. Overall, both small and big breasts can be equally beautiful and sensual in their own unique ways.
          The sun and the moon can be seen as romantic companions, and their combination of beauty can give way to different types of sensuality and romance

          Since David Baszucki, the CEO of Roblox is seriously thinking about adding nudity to Roblox

            Nudity in Roblox copypasta
            Since David Baszucki, the CEO of Roblox is seriously thinking about adding nudity to Roblox I have a few ideas. We need a penis, boobs, hips, and ass slider on the avatar editor and they will have jiggle physics and the ability to run around games or experiences as naked as we want. There should be an option to where fellow naked players could have hardcore explicit Roblox sex with each other in any game. Since the investors want it to mirror real life they should make our characters have the ability to get pregnant if they didn't wear protection and then we have to carry around a screaming and crying baby through all the games. When they give birth they should make it realistic to where there could be a problem with the baby so they have to cut the person giving birth open in a very realistic fashion or you could get a Robortion™ where they could get rid of the little shit before they are even born. They should also let players make strip clubs and pay people Robux to work at them while they emote on stage and do sexy dances naked while people donate Robux to the Roblox e strippers. The platform should also ban all children, furries, and old people because they are all cringe, we don't need children, furries, and old people ruining our sexy Roblox fun! After all this is done Roblox will finally be a complete platform mirroring society itself. People will go to a Roblox diner instead of going to a real one, people will be dating in Roblox instead of dating irl, people will have sex in Roblox and loose their virginity in Roblox instead of doing it in real life, people will have Roblox babies instead of having one in real life, people will stop going to work and will instead work within Roblox. Sooner than later Roblox will become it's own society without children, furries, and old people as they will all be banned from touching Roblox except children since they can join the rest of us once the morons decide to grow up they'll just have to make their own society elsewhere maybe on Minecraft or TF2 (Both kid, furry and weeb games🤮) and weep that they can't join our utopia in Roblox. This new Roblox society will be a utopia without any degenerates whatsoever and everyone could be whatever they want to be unless we don't approve of them. This could fix society so please almighty lord David Baszucki, please let this become a reality I pray to you every night that this will come into fruition I have faith in you...

            Oh no! You got misgendered?

              Oh no! You got misgendered?
              You poor thing.
              In 2001 on September 11 I witnessed two airplanes fly directly into the World Trade Centre, killing hundreds of people.
              I was 11 years old.
              I then spent the next few months of my life watching the entire planet work together through the collective trauma of an extremely horrifying terrorist event.
              Your trauma is being called the wrong pronouns.
              My trauma is watching an entire country pick itself back up after being targeted by terrorists.
              Shut the fuck up.