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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

All I know what to do anymore is summon, it’s been so long. I don’t know what yugioh is anymore.

    The copypasta was originally for Zoodiac Drident but it has been adapted to suit other cards. The “I don’t know what yugioh is anymore” is the iconic template for the meme.

    All I know what to do anymore is summon drident, it's been so long. I don't know what yugioh is anymore. The other day, I summoned a monster and tried to put cowboy on it. With one material. Everything has become zoodiac to me. There are no other monsters, no spells other than barrage. The only trap i know how to activate is dimensional barrier. Occasionally I send combo to grave, and I cry a little. I attack for game but wish I was being gamed instead. It's become a joke of sorts, or maybe it's just my life. I can't go anywhere without seeing zoo. I went to feed my dog the other night, but instead of eating she summoned a goat from the graveyard with it's effects negated. I had to put her down. I sit in the corner now counting down the days, the days where we shall see sweet release from this torment, the day when xyz summoning was about 2 monsters having a special bond and creating something beautiful. Those days are long gone. I have seen God, and I have seen the devil, but they are one and the same. I stared into the abyss and screamed, and it screamed back: "summon rat effect”. 

    Nutbuster Dragon

      I hate YuGiOh. I summon one little guy, and then my opponent plays a spell with five paragraphs of text plus footnotes and it says because I slept less than 8 hours last night he gets to summon Nutbuster Dragon or whatever and the game is over and I should just fuck off I guess.

      I’ve come to complain about Drytron.

        Based on the original “Eggman announcement” copypasta from Sonic the Hedgehog. It started as a parody video on YT and became an iconic meme ever since.

        I've come to complain about Drytron.
        Drytron is the most overpowered deck ever made. They negated my Fluffal Cat. That's right, they summoned their Herald of Ultimateness out and negated my Fluffal Cat. And they said that their Herald's defense was 3000. And I said, "Why isn't this card a HOPT!?" So I'm making a callout post on my Drytron players you've got an overpowered boss monster, it's gotten Benten and Eva limited/banned. And guess what? Here's what I've got in my deck! Pulls out playset of Forbidden Droplets That's right baby, no responses, no interruptions. Look at that, I can send two Toy Vendors and a Lichie Rich. They negated my Fluffal Cat, so guess what? I'm going to negate their Herald of Ultimateness! That's right this is what you get, MY SECRET RARE FORBIDDEN DROPLETS!! Except I'm not going to just negate Herald of Ultimateness... I'm going to negate more... I'm negating their Drytron Fafnir! How do you like that Drytron players!? I negated your omni-negate you idiot! You have 23 hours before the Forbidden Droplets negate your Herald in our duel, now get out of my site before I OTK you turn two. 

        Melee is not a fighting game

          Melee is not a fighting game. You can't compare it to those other fighting games. Melee is simply a masterpiece. A masterpiece that was not meant to be. Melee was a beautiful accident. It was a rushed game that translated into a very complex, deep execution heavy fighting game full of complex hidden techniques. 20 years after its release, people were still coming up with new techniques.
          Melee is not a fighting game, it's simply the best figthing game ever created by man. No human could have intentionally created that masterpiece. That's why it had to be an accident. A gift from the gods.
          Melee should not he called a fighting game like those other games. Melee should be set apart. Just like Gods set themselves apart from mortals

          Doretta’s head is the ultimate litmus test for whether a dwarf is capable of self-governing

            Based on the original ‘Shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test‘ post on 4chan that became a classic copypasta

            Doretta's head is the ultimate litmus test for whether a dwarf is capable of self-governing. To return Doretta's head is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return Doretta's head is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a dwarf is not able to return the head. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon Doretta's head. Therefore Doretta's head presents itself as the apex example of whether a dwarf will do what is right without being forced to do it. 

            Berna-Chan is so quirky and relatable uwu

              Berna-Chan is so quirky and relatable uwu. She is so cute with her messy hair. As Batta-Sama, I'll make her take private lessons with me in my room. But I won't be teaching her anything owo, we're gonna play some special games together. First, I'll make her sit down on my bed (facing away from me uwu) and blindfold her as I caress her dirty unwashed hair, and sniff the deliciious grease off of her head. I bet her hair has so much lint and dead skin in it since she doesn't wash it, oh I wanna pick it out of her hair like a monkey and keep some of her skin. (Not like she needs it uwu!) I bet Berna-Chan's skin is super soft, if I poke her chubby cheeks my fingers would squish in and it'd feel so good. I bet she's super ticklish, when I go to caress her squishy waist, she would giggle and tell me to stop uwu, but I won't stop. I would wrap my arms around Berna-Chan's tum tum and put my hands in her soft belly, rubbing it while I sniff her greasy hair HNGGGGGG I'm getting excited just thinking about it. I'm gonna make sure to take care of Berna-Chan's beautiful, soft hands, I bet they smell just like the pages in the books she reads, but her hands are nothing campared to the beauty of her chunky unshaven legs. Her little hairs would tickle so much as I rub my face up and down her leg. After that is the true treasure, her feet. Oh her beautiful... sweaty...feet. I bet they put Corrin-Chan's feet to shame with how juicy they are, akways being cramped up in Berna-Chan's unwashed socks. I bet some of her toenails are chipped from jamming them into her table and chair, I wouldn't mind cleaning them up for her with my mouth. Oh I want to rub her feet all over my face, I want her to pin me to the ground with but I know she wouldn't do that. Even though she won't, I still wuv Berna-Chan. I know my sweet Berna-Chan won't tell anyone about our little private study sessions, she's too shy and sweet to. But if I see any of the male students (especially that fucker Lorenz) getting close to MY Berna-Chan, I might accidentally leave them in the middle of the enemy lines without any weapons. The ONLY exception is Ashe since they're hoodie buddies. Oh I can't wait for July 26 so I can wuv all over my waifu Berna-Chan. 

              Bernadetta copypasta

              precious cinnamon roll must protecc oooh so relatable so awkward and nervous and shy and wow look at her hair its so messy and greasy does she shower? i bet she doesn't god her feet must smell amazing, what a perfect package since she's also so awkward and relatable and shy and precious and a shut in, did you know the japanese word for that is hikikomori?
              bernadetta time skip... that precious cinnamon roll aged like a fine wine in a basement. god i cant wait for her to just completely turn into an absolute FREAK when the timeskip happens. maybe she'll grow big bountiful breasts for me, blyeth, the player character, to suckle upon like a true deserving lord and protagonist. god, and her feet can only get bigger and smellier from here. i can already FEEL the WRINKLES
              it happened again. i woke up with a stain on my pants just THINKING of bernadetta's delicious feet. i would give ANYTHING for her to step on me and run her greasy hair all over me. i can't do this. i can't wait until july 26th just to get a glimpse of her delectable toes. it feels like i'm waiting the whole five years and more just to see bernadetta time skip. is this what you wanted nintendo? give us more bernadetta before the game releases, i'm BEGGING you