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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

I honestly believe this movie deserves ZERO STARS – Leave the World Behind

    However I must say, I honestly believe this movie deserves ZERO STARS. Julia Robert's was the only believable character in this movie. That being said: Horrible movie. If I could leave zero stars I would. I would say the Obama’s should stick to politics but unfortunately I can’t say that either. Regardless, this review sums it up very well: Zero stars needs to be an option. One reviewer posted an excellent review of this movie, so I had to copy and paste. "If you care about using your time wisely, then avoid this film like the plague. But if you like watching terribly written media, then by all means grab a snack and relax. Because this film is the embodiment of utter garbage. The first, and to me, the greatest red flag is seeing the Obamas as executive producers. The movie just changed far too many times, giving you more questions than answers. Family on the beach, a supposed home invasion, planes crashing, a brat obsessed with Friends, hackers start the end of the world, animals migrate for no apparent reason, son is poisoned by radiation yet no one else is and not to mention the blatant racial themes etc. Just a heaping mess of a pile. None of the characters are developed and slowly turn against each other. Situations like these would bring you together, not force you apart. You’d come to hate a few others, such as the daughter who treats Friends like a god and the other daughter, Ruth, who not only has a spoiled attitude but she assumes things on everyone and also believes you should never trust white people. I wish I were joking. And I quote: "I'm asking for you to remember that if the world falls apart, trust should not be doled out easily to anyone, especially white people." This had no relevance to the film at all! If this statement was flipped around, watch how things would go. I guess her name “Ruth” is short for ruthless. Because she did not act nice to anyone, not even her own father at times. If they removed her from the script, it would have made this film somewhat better. But not enough to save it. But the fact this made it through production baffles me. Then again, remind yourself of who the executive producers were. As for the “terrorist” act itself, it just isn’t clear which nation is the main driving force of it all. First some Arabic country to then either Korea or China. No idea because this is never answered. Nor were a lot of things. Where was the military? The actual forces of the nation. Apparently they do not exist, so everyone has to fend for themselves. Granted we do live in a technological world, but planes wouldn’t be crashing nor boats intentionally grounding themselves if everything was hacked. Analog exists. Pilots can still operate a plane without working apparatus etc. I’d go on but other reviews capture the level of frustration this “movie” brings the table. It’s bad. At least the daughter got to watch the last episode of Friends, after running off with neither brains nor brawn. Ate a large supply of food and somehow, found a VHS tape that oh so conveniently had Friends. Leaving her family to die. I wonder what she’ll think after the episode is over. Probably happiness, not a care for her family, as a show takes more priority than the end of the world." If I could give this movie a rating less than one star I would. A bunch of clowns.

    I have a 3.9 in my MBA program, I can probably run circles

      I have a 3.9 in my MBA program, I can probably run circles around you in any conversation, I served 10 years in the Army and I have a job making over $150K a year. Remind me again why the internet provided you such big balls to talk shit to someone you don't know over a product you wanna defend for having less value than a play booster. You big mouth losers need to get the hell out here. More shills for a corporation than I ever met in my life. This sub is a joke. 
      I 🕴️ have a 3.9 in my MBA 💼💰 program, I can probably run 🏃 circles 🔴 around you in any conversation 💬, I served 💁‍♂️ 10 years 🗓️ in the Army 🫡 🔫 and I have a job 👷 making over $150K 💸 a year 📅. Remind me 🧠 again why the internet 🌐 provided you 🤡 such big balls ⚽ 🏀 to talk shit 💩 to someone you don't know 😎 over a product 📦 you wanna defend 🛡️ for having less value 💰💸 than a play 🤾 booster 🃏. You big mouth 😮 losers need to get the hell 👿 🔥 out here. More shills 🧑‍💼 for a corporation 🏦 than I ever met in my life 📅. This sub 🥪 is a joke. 🤡 

      MTG version

      I have a 3.9 in my MTG program, I can probably run circles around you in any format, I served 10 years in Tiny Leaders and my wife's boyfriend has a job making over $150K a year. Remind me again why Maro provided you such Nicol Bolas to talk EDH to someone you don't know over a product you wanna defend for having less value than my binder of Storm Crows. You big mouth (I see your teeth) losers need to get the hell out here. More shills for Daddy Hasbro than I ever met in my life. This sub is a jerk. 

      Mgs3 doesn’t hold up for shit today

        Mgs3 doesn’t hold up for shit today. Master Collection’s “game preservation” my dick. The gameplay is complete fucking garbage on pc, the graphics mid as shit, a fucking PLINKO machine has more environment variety, and the story is the weakest of ANY metal gear game (maybe, only played 1,2,3,GZ,tpp,rr). That shit does NOT hold up today. Literally everything looks the same in that shitass game. And the gameplay.. HOLY SHIT the gameplay. MGS2 is on a whole nother fucking LAYER compared to MGS3, and I wouldn’t complain for shit about the game if it wouldn’t be the worst gameplay experience of my life. First they made MGS1, which was great; then they turned that shit up to 200 with MGS2, AMAZING title, then they cranked that shit down to like a 2 with MGS3. HOW DO YOU FUCK UP BOTH AIMING AND MOVEMENT IN A GAME THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO ENHANCE THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF ITS PREDECESSOR (MGS2). I have some really fucking strong opinions on mgs3, best part about it is the fucking SNAKE EATER theme and probably that it finally fucking ended; and having started MGS5 real soon after MGS3 was a fucking needle in a haystack, I think the game only crashed on me once with ABSOLUTELY NO bugs or glitches, while I could barely get myself to finish that piece of shit that MGS3 is. That game DOES NOT hold up for the shit in my ass TODAY. It fucking needs that remake, and even so, better graphics and controls won’t make up for that fuckass of a character cast, story and game comprehension. Snake is in that game for more than 30 minutes because The Boss fucked up by giving Volgin some american nukes. He’s a literal fucking side character in his own game. 

        This is Ehranshahr

          Based on the original K’Sante copypasta from League of Legends.

          This is Ehranshahr, a nation with 3000 Development, +85% Manpower, and +25% Morale Recovery, has Mountains, Fort Defense, and own territory dice rolls. Has Special Unit, and the maintenance is only 0.1 ducats too. Dev costs 5 Mana. The mil trad is even increased on the free mil gov action. They have 135 Disc on passive. Then, when he stacks Aswaran and Ghilman, they gets Inf Combat too, 10 Combat to his Arty, and his manpower recovery speeds up. Then, he has a Mil Tech Reduction, so his Mil…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

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            Oakland is genuinely a shithole nowadays economically and safety-wise

              Oakland is genuinely a shithole nowadays economically and safety-wise. These are businesses after all and a Vegas move will generate more income. Frankly, catching a baseball game during the day on a Vegas trip would be fun. It'll be a massive success. There are a ton of people who live in Vegas too that they should be able to build a solid fanbase over time.
              The reality is that teams move all the time to follow US hotspots, the old fans protest it for a season or 2 but then it's normalized. At least Oakland fans can still go to Giant's games, I have far more empathy for fans in places like St. Louis who had the Rams abandon them and they don't have another team to go watch. Oakland has failed the As in the past 20-30 years, and new ownership and/or relocating should strengthen the MLB and the team.