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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

Total Pedocat annihilation.

    Pocketcat or Rher from Fear & Hunger

    Its a hate copypasta for Pocketcat from the game Fear & Hunger. The pasta is a parody of the TND copypasta that started from 4chan but had since spread to different fandom.

    Total Pedocat annihilation. Kill purple cats. Behead cat masks. Roundhouse kick a Pocketcat into the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger. Slam dunk a groomer cat into the Rher Dimension. Crucify filthy cats. Defecate in a cat's head bag. Launch Pedocat into the sulfur sun. Let the cat be torn apart by Moonless. Toss purple cats into active volcanoes. Urinate into Wankercat's pocket. Judo throw the cat into the Foundations of Decay. Twist Rher's cat mask off. Report purple cats to jaggedjaws. Karate chop Pedocat in half. Curb stomp moonscorched cats. Trap child predators in quicksand. Force purple cats in the trash compactor. Liquefy purple cats in the blood pits. Eat purple cats. Dissect Wankercat. Exterminate Pedocats in the gas chamber. Stomp cat skulls with Leg Guards. Cremate purple cats in the Sulfur Pits. Lobotomize Rher followers. Mandatory castrations for purple cats. Grind cat masked folks in the garbage disposal. Drown Wankercat in a blood pool. Vaporize purple cats with Pyromancy Trick. Kick cat masked person down the stairs. Feed Pedocat to the Human Hydra. Slice Pocketwankercat with the Red Virtue. Force the Pedocat down the shit pit. Destroy Wankercat's stinger with black orb. Poison the purple cat with condensed hemlock. Make wankercats get fisted by poes. Pedocat lost a 1v1 to Nas'Harah. Sacrifice purple cats to Gro-Goroth. Harvest organs from Rher's furries. Give the Pocketgoonercat severe anal bleeding. Invade Wankercat's goon cave. Say racial slurs to purple goonercats. Have Sylvian Troopers whip fapping purple cats. Goonercats have all coin flips fail. Make Pedocat eat rotten meat. O LORD SMITE GOONING CATMAN. Make Rher's furries cast spontaneous combustion. Rat out goon cats to Trotur. Dominate Pedocats for all of eternity. Cut off Wankercat's bellend with meat grinder. Hit the La Danse Macabre on purple cats. Engrave Wankercat with Sylvian sigils. Kida Tanaka solos Goonercat high diff. Alll-Mer rejects Pedocats. Shoot Fappingcat's head off with marksmanship. Moonless is a better girl than Meatbeatingcat. Legalize mass Hurting on Pocketcats. Order the yes no yes pizza for purple cats. Deny Goonercat's climax. Murky vial on purple kitties. Caligura is more redeemable than the Pocketgooner. Suicide is always an option for Pocketcats. Use devour on all cat masks. Quick Jabs is Fappingcat's weakness. Spice Forge scorched earth for Jerkingcat. Throw pipe bombs at purple cats. Use red vials on the eyes of the Pocketfapper. Use dirty toilet paper on Pocketwanker. Enslave all Wankercats. Give Pocketgooner to the Harvestman. Crow Mauler spotted performing police brutality on catboys. Give the Pocketfapper Isaiah's plague. Deliberately fail marriage on Goonercat. Mad Rush purple cats. 
    Total Pedocat annihilation. Kill purple cats. Behead cat masks. Roundhouse kick a Pocketcat into the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger. Slam dunk a groomer cat into the Rher Dimension. Crucify filthy cats. Defecate in a cat's head bag. Launch Pedocat into the sulfur sun. Let the cat be torn apart by Moonless. Toss purple cats into active volcanoes. Urinate into Wankercat's pocket. Judo throw the cat into the Foundations of Decay. Twist Rher's cat mask off. Report purple cats to jaggedjaws. Karate chop Pedocat in half. Curb stomp moonscorched cats. Trap child predators in quicksand. Force purple cats in the trash compactor. Liquefy purple cats in the blood pits. Eat purple cats. Dissect Wankercat. Exterminate Pedocats in the gas chamber. Stomp cat skulls with Leg Guards. Cremate purple cats in the Sulfur Pits. Lobotomize Rher followers. Mandatory castrations for purple cats. Grind cat masked folks in the garbage disposal. Drown Wankercat in a blood pool. Vaporize purple cats with Pyromancy Trick. Kick cat masked person down the stairs. Feed Pedocat to the Human Hydra. Slice Pocketwankercat with the Red Virtue. 

    Pizza is excellent. Your crew you hang with is pretty cool.

      Pizza is excellent. Your crew you hang with is pretty cool. Sorry I didn't spread the pizza love. Olivia was nice and funny and well. My opinion. She's fuckable. You should tap that. She is a keeper. Check if her patents are rich and she is an only child. I fish where the fish are. And I forget stuff a lot. I suffer from short term memory loss from childhood weed exposure. I had hippy parents. Can't remember shit. You should nail her. Just my recommendation. I'm old so ignore it. I'll be back to do my comedy which I would rate as more longer form approach but very funny I am told. I have been the closer once but did mushrooms and well it didn't go well. My 12 year veteran comic producer lasted 3 minutes. He bombed like a Gazan rock thrower against The Israel army. Did 12 minute set like a champ. It was sureal. I Had Soul Asylum open for me and been kicked off for beastiality
      Did a dog joke in DC where my chocolate lab blows me. The first time I did standup and I get kicked off. I have never seen another comic get pulled off in more than two years. I am a somewhat dirty comic with some pussy and dick jokes abound. I have a transgender son. Meaning a girl who now is a dude. That is a gold mine of transgender jokes. I have a ton. I'm pretty sure my son is pregnant. A fucking gold mine comedy. I was part of the nipple selection for the double mastectomy. I went Brad Pitt with a Angellina wild dark thick course pube hair. Classic. Any way. That's for setting me up. I am just a simple Amish boy who covers the bar tab. Which Is nice.

      You are a dog. Your language is hitlerism.

        Twitter tweet, The name of his religion? Anti-Authoritarianism.
        You are a dog. Your language is hitlerism. Every breath you exhale releases dozens of particles of Heinrich Himmler into the air. The third reich courses through your veins and fires through your nerves. Hitler is your god. The name of his religion? Anti-Authoritarianism.

        Why the fuck do those copypastas talk about “compatibility?”

          Its a curse response to the Vaporeon or Pokemon compatibility copypasta that often circulates within the community.

          Why the fuck do those copypastas talk about "compatibility?" like bruh, i ain't sticking my dick in a fantastical wild animal because i want to be compatible with it. i want our parts to be different enough that can feel the species barrier on my shaft. if it feels like it was built for humans then it's clearly not an imaginative enough choice. i want the puffy spade of a mightyena in heat at least. i want to fuck the flower of a venusaur like a horny beedrill on a pollinating spree. i want a collaborative blowjob from the same mega mawile. i want to watch a mienshao to literally bend over backwards like a broken lawnchair to give herself a rimjob while i'm hitting that from behind. what i don't want is to be bored to death by the bog standard gardevoirs and other shit that 'seems so fit for humans.' i'm not gonna halfass my crimes against nature, when i fuck a wild fantastical beast, i want it to feel like i'm fucking a wild fantastical beast.

          It’s sad that women can’t and don’t know how to be good friends anymore.

            Boomer women copypasta typically found on FB.

            It’s sad that women can't and don't know how to be good friends anymore. You’re suppose to be empowered by your sistas... not intimidated or by no means jealous! Well let's see. Calling all my girlfriends & women in my life. I don't have many, but the ones I do have are pretty EPIC. I’m calling for solidarity to show there is support between us. So I need 5 women to post this to prove they will ALWAYS be available if anyone needs to talk. 😘 I have no idea who will say "done".
            ***actually I'm pretty sure I do!
            REMEMBER…. dimming someone else’s light does not make yours shine brighter.

            Bondocks on the N-word

              Bondocks on the N-word

              From an episode of The Bondocks where a teacher is explaining his confusion of the N-word usage and why black kids keep using them.

              The scene is actually a parody of real life where a teacher used the N-word on his students and explain the difference between “nigger” and “nigga” on news.

              What I don't understand is that if it's so offensive to them, then why do they say it over and over again? So Riley said the N-word before you did that morning? He says it every morning. He calls me "nigga." He calls the other kids "nigga." He calls himself "nigga' all the time. "Nigga this, nigga that." "Nigga, please." "Bitch-nigga." "Nigga, have you lost your mind?" "Nigga, check that ho." "Nigga, you bullshitting.' "Break yourself, nigga.' He says it so much, I don't even notice it anymore. Last week in lunch, Riley says to a classmate: "Can a nigga borrow a French fry?" And my first thought wasn't, "Oh, my God, he said the word." Uh, "The N-word." It was, "Now, how is a nigga gonna borrow a fry? "Nigga, is you gonna give it back?" "I'm telling you, my inside voice didn't talk like that before he got in my class.

              Dark Souls

              What I don’t understand is that if it’s so offensive to them, then why do they say it over and over again? He says it every morning, he calls me omen, he calls the other kids omen, he calls himself omen. All the time, “omen this” “omen that” “omen please”. “Bitch omen, omen have you lost your mind, omen check that hoe, omen you bullshittin, break yourself omen.” He says it so much I don’t even notice it anymore- last week in lunch, Hornsent says to a classmate ‘Can a omen borrow a French Fry?’ and my first thought wasn’t “Marika’s tits he said the word, the O word”, it was “Now how is a omen gonna borrow a fry- OMEN IS YOU GONNA GIVE IT BACK?!” I’m telling you, my inside voice didn’t talk like that before he got in my class.