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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

honestly I think I could play better than Gen.G right now

    honestly I think I could play better than Gen.G right now, im gold but thats just because of my teammates. My crosshair placement is way better than any of these players, my reaction is top 10 in the world and I never miss a headshot. Its honestly sad they dont give players like my a chance in the pro scene just because im gold.

    Yeah, I have Spotify Premium.

      You talking to me? Sorry, couldn't hear you, I was listening to my tunes with Spotify Premium. What was that? Yeah I have Spotify Premium. Sure, it's a monthly expense, but in my eyes (or ears) it outweighs the frustration of ads. Oh, sure, I could just deal with ads. But, you see, I simply don't have that kind of time. I come from a very prestigious upbringing, nothing the likes of you could understand. No offense, of course, ha ha! I jest. But nonetheless, I am simply swimming in currency and but a few coppers are a small price to pay to consume the media you simpletons refer to as "music". Furthermore, by paying money to Spotify, I support workers rights. I put food on families tables. I am basically the white Martin Luther King. Truly, you should be ashamed that you actually listen to advertisements.

      YandereDev on anime tiddies

        Anyone who spends more than 5 minutes in my presence knows that I never stop talking about how much I love busty, curvy, voluptuous anime ladies. Anyone who starts "digging for dirt" on me quickly learns that a pedophile narrative is never going to hold up, since I can't go longer than 60 seconds without talking about big boobs and thick booties.

        If I offered you $100,000 to jump out of a plane

          If I offered you $100,000 to jump out of a plane without a parachute, would you do it? I bet you said "No." But what if I told you the plane was on the ground? Moral of the story: Know all the facts before you open your mouth

          Trump has a massive cock.

            Yeah not true. Trump has a massive cock. I know this because.... I mean just look at how he’s always leaning forward. My president is packing so much heat he almost loses his balance sometimes. He probably tucks it up his shirt and tapes his massive fucking cum-filled balls back up his anal cavity. He’s so thick. I bet he uses all that grease to slide his ticking-time-bomb balls in and out of him and giving himself several anal orgasms in the process. No wonder every woman in government complains about him. They want his massive fucking member and they know they can’t get it because he only gives it to melania. He probably uses cushions and such to hide the massive bulge as well but sometimes I swear I can see his chest wet from all the pre cum he probably pumps out from all that friction.

            Lord Maximus

              Lord Maximus 22 | 5'10" | Pisces | Has cats [76% match]
              Lord Maximus at your service m’lady, level 82 DM, feminist, gentleman, sandwich lover, burrito lover, woman lover.
              *ahem* Listen Carefully, M'lady, it seems you have stolen something from me,and i am very upset, i will have no choice but to contact the town sheriff to place in the stocks,for thieving, if you do not return my heart to me posthaste, this kind of behaviour will not be tollerated, however, i am willing to overlook this transgression, if tou agree to a date with me, otherwise chareges will be pressed for the stealing of my heart, i await your letter of acceptance *kisses hand and blows* yours truly,lord Maximus