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Copypasta of absurd and over the top replies in any discussion that became a meme of their own. Such as Navy Seals and UwU what’s this copyapsta.

If youre not basically fingering your asshole when you wipe, you need help

    Obligatory fuck off eurocucks, no one cares about your homoerotic bidets
    Anyway, I used to just wipe the outside. My ass would always be itchy. Then I read this wikihow article that said you shouldnt be afraid to stick your finger in your ass when youre wiping to get it good. So i started doing that. Basically I finger my asshole a bunch when I wipe. You clean on the inside a bunch until theres nothing on the paper. Shit is based, never been itchy since
    If youre not doing this, seek jesus. And again, fuck off eurogays.

    I want MONEY. All I want is MONEY.

      I don't get the way you guys think. I want MONEY. 6 figures right out of college. 200k a year entry level. I'm in this for MONEY. I don't care about whether I'm "fufilled" I want MONEY. Whatever gets me the most MONEY. What technology gets me PAID THE BEST. All I care about in this major is MONEY. That's why I'm in college, I don't wanna laugh and play with y'all. I don't wanna be buddy buddy with y'all. I'm here for MONEY.

      I miss grammar Nazis

        I am not a native English speaker and on other forums, you could get torn apart for not using correct grammar and punctuation. But on Reddit? They are nearly extinct due to people mass downvoting them. I miss them because they were basically free English lessons. I made nearly 800+ comments here on Reddit and no one has bothered correcting my shitty grammar:((. Oh well, I guess I should just go back to improving my grammar through reading books.

        This is fucking hilarious you clown!

          This is fucking hilarious! Obviously you either were molested as a child, dropped several times as a baby, or you’re just braindead. What you gonna do you dildo?! Ya gonna pull out a magic wand out your ass and try to angrily masturbate away the tears?! Though I shouldn’t expect any different from an inbred shitstain who comes from a country that can’t tell the difference between a school and a shooting range! Go and cry about it you infant! And keep away from real children, I’m sure those restraining orders are still valid! I’m not even reading the dogshit you’re putting you clown. I’m here laughing my ass off at the how desperately you keep pulling any excuse out your ass to keep from admitting that you’re too mentally retarded to know the difference between fiction and real life. Now if you’re gonna keep trying to change the subject from your shame at being locked up in a home for victims of anal abuse then I’d suggest you also try and figure out how to correctly tell the difference between a school and a shooting range since none of the other morons from your nation seem to be able to tell them apart.


            I fucking hate 🫵 so damn much. I mean, seriously, what leads a person into making a 🫵 emoji? A hand pointing at the viewer? It's way too aggressive. 🫵 is about as bad as 🗿, if not worse. Why? Just why? You're using it in a message that everybody can read, and yet you only refer to one person. Don't fucking 🫵 at me like that, don't drag me in into your stupid fucking conversation. You're 🫵 at everybody here, not that one person. It's not like we see ☝️ while the person you replied to sees 🫵. And why is it so damn detailed? It has no business being so detailed, having depth. This is not what emojis are meant to be. These are the signs of a collapsing society.

            What is this shit?

              What is this shit? Every single time I see this uninspired bullshit-ass half-cocked nonsense it's absolutely nothing. There is no joke here. There is no subtext. There is no comedy. This is just a series of vignettes showing things that wouldn't be interesting if they happened to me. I wouldn't find this engaging if I witnessed it occurring from across the room, and yet this artist has decided it deserved to be committed to MS Paint so that we could all witness their mundane life in perpetuity.
              I mean, seriously, is this an NFT-type scam or something? Are they using their Patreon to launder money, and driving upvotes here in order to create the illusion that they could realistically be receiving that much? I just cannot fathom that something so "haha relatable" without the "haha" bit could be generating THOUSANDS of positive interactions.